この夏の気候災害への反応が未来を変えるか 23年版

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Debt for Climate @DebtforClimate

Join our Global Action on a historic date for debt cancellation! ⏰27.2: 70th anniversary of Germany's debt cancellation after WWII! Debt relief possible for the country responsible for atrocities of WWII⁉️ ➡️Debt cancellation for the Global South to enable a #JustTransition! pic.twitter.com/chcvw8NA7a

2023-01-18 23:45:00
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

With predictable "killer El Nino heatwaves coming" headlines we should talk a lot more about adaptation and especially about paying for it by appropriating fossil fuel company assets. All the assets

2023-01-17 07:04:21
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

A fun tool to play around with if you like this kind of thing ec.europa.eu/eurostat/datab…

2023-01-17 06:58:29
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Astonishing excess death throughout the EU in 2022. Stand out monthly numbers include Iceland with nearly 55% (!) excess death in March, Bulgaria with 46% in February, Spain in July with 36%, Finland in September with 18%, and Germany in October with 24%. Nov & Dec tbc pic.twitter.com/EcRzqWat12

2023-01-17 06:58:29
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

It's dystopian that as our planet overheats, there is already policy discussion about moving heavy outdoor labor schedules from the heat of the day to night, while both parties still support subsidizing the industry that is causing the planetary overheating in the first place.

2023-01-17 01:50:12
Dr. Robert Rohde @RARohde

If it is not literally the warmest year ever, someone will complain that global warming has stopped. Year-to-year fluctuations are a normal part of the ongoing global warming trend. Don't be distracted by the noise. pic.twitter.com/80hpCYo8j9

2023-01-16 23:23:10
António Guterres @antonioguterres

The global financial system is broken. It favours wealthy nations & penalizes low- and middle-income countries. I urge leaders & international financial institutions to develop creative ways to ensure that developing countries can access financial help when they need it most.

2023-01-15 20:58:30
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

生活費の危機、当面の脅威に 世界経済フォーラムが報告書:中日新聞Web chunichi.co.jp/article/615959

2023-01-13 05:54:22
Neville Ash @nevilleash

Here we go again... The top 4 - and 6 of the top 10 - most severe risks in the coming decade identified by governments and business leaders in the @wef 2023 Global Risk Report relate to #climate and #nature. www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Globa… pic.twitter.com/ePuT0ARCvg

2023-01-12 20:31:00
Assaad Razzouk @AssaadRazzouk

To be helpful, I simplified the just published @wef "Top 10 global risks over the next 10 years": 1 Climate change 2 Climate change 3 Climate change 4 Climate change 5 Climate change 6 Climate change 7 Other 8 Other 9 Other 10 Climate change www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Globa… pic.twitter.com/MzX23QaIPz

2023-01-12 09:56:59
💙💛あっちゃん @nanachin2

環境悪化や気候変動が世界の重大リスク、世界経済フォーラム調査 reut.rs/3GWmwWh

2023-01-11 23:57:19
気候変動の向こう側 #FreeAlaa #SaveAlaa 💉😷🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

気候変動が進む社会で必要になる技術なんでしょうね。もし大規模に導入される日がくるとして、本当に必要な人たちに届けられるかどうかが問題。⇒ 海水をただの水にできたら水不足を解消できるのでは?環境負荷が低い、新しい方法が提案される gizmodo.jp/2022/12/resear… #環境正義 #気候変動

2023-01-02 17:30:02
Saleemul Huq @SaleemulHuq2

What awaits Bangladesh’s climate change adaptation in 2023? asianews.network/what-awaits-ba…

2022-12-30 20:26:07

 「ディープ」適応論争 Deep Adaptation

Prof. Eliot Jacobson @EliotJacobson

The climate "doom loop" is already happening: "Experts fear that regular hot weather episodes will keep policymakers returning to tried-and-tested fossil fuels for power generation, instead of ramping up clean energy infrastructure." eco-business.com/news/as-asian-…

2023-05-31 22:35:57
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

”フランスはパリ協定の目標を下回る気温を維持するための目標を各国が達成できないため、今世紀末までに4℃の地球温暖化に備えるとしています。 クリストフ・ベシュー環境相は、フランスの新聞JDDに、政府はもはや気温を1.5℃に抑えること少なくとも2℃を大きく下回ることに賭けてはいないと述べた。”

2023-05-29 22:24:36
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRホルシャム ”現実から逃れられない」: フランスは2100年までに4℃の温暖化に備え始めた。 欧州の一政府が、温暖化が4℃に達するシナリオを検討中。 1. これは、彼らが問題の規模を理解していることを示す 2. しかし、このシナリオを実現させるわけにはいきません。” twitter.com/XRHorsham/stat…

2023-05-29 22:23:30
Extinction Rebellion Horsham @XRHorsham

‘We can’t escape the reality’: France is preparing for 4°C of warming by 2100. A European government is now looking at a scenario where warming hits 4C. 1. This shows they understand the scale of the problem 2. But it is a scenario we cannot let happen euronews.com/green/2023/05/…

2023-05-26 16:23:45
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

@LogFileRobot It probably won't. But it might; preciely because it involves an (otherwise-absent) admission of failure. And that can be game changing.

2023-03-24 21:44:39
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

Once we admit that it’s #FivePastMidnight, then we can finally begin to get serious about the desperately needed work of adaptation, preparedness and resilience-building: greenhousethinktank.org/deep-adaptatio…

2023-03-24 16:47:21
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

Until this story-change occurs, nothing significant will occur. (For detail, see bigissue.com/opinion/for-th… ).

2023-03-24 16:39:47
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

She’s not wrong here! And yet: the story is tedious from a media p.o.v. Warnings that “It’s 5 to midnight: We must act now” have been two a penny for several years now. If we want coverage, we must change the story. To “It’s 5 PAST midnight: We’ve been chronically let down”. twitter.com/rachelmusson79…

2023-03-24 16:34:13
Rachel Musson @rachelmusson79

The silence is deafening. On Monday the #IPCCReport - the most significant news in human history - is released, sharing how we must do everything, everywhere, all at once if we are to survive the century. It's now Thursday & I'm struggling to find anything in mainstream news... pic.twitter.com/s9CJzDzMCP

2023-03-23 15:55:47
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