
脱成長−国内外 2023年

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集英社新書編集部 @Shueishashinsho

『人新世の「資本論」』斎藤幸平さんが出演したNHKラジオが話題を呼んでいます。聞き逃し配信はこちら↓ nhk.or.jp/radio/player/o… テーマは政治・経済の民主化と「ミュニシパリズム(地域自治主義)」。 さらに詳しくは、杉並区長の岸本聡子さん『水道、再び公営化』と『人新世~』でどうぞ。 pic.twitter.com/BlsFfybLSg

2022-08-09 12:07:30
斎藤幸平 @koheisaito0131

江守さんが脱成長の必要性を説くようになってきている〜! twitter.com/taiwa_kankyo/s…

2022-08-05 17:35:05
国立環境研 対話オフィス @taiwa_kankyo

#脱炭素 実現に必要な視点は?江守さんへのインタビュー記事を紹介します🎙️↓ bit.ly/3BK1Puu 脱炭素化の鍵となるのは #再エネ の主力電源化と指摘しつつ、技術だけではない、社会の変容に向けた取り組みを紹介。”気候市民会議”や、過剰消費、食についての個人的な関心も述べています🐰ぐら

2022-08-05 17:30:00
斎藤幸平 @koheisaito0131

今朝の朝日新聞はなんとフォーラム面とSunday Wideの二カ所で取り上げていただいています!!まずは、こちら。気候危機対策と経済成長の両立という路線ではもはや間に合わないという脱成長のインタビュー。吉川洋さんのほうが「ロマン主義」という話。 asahi.com/articles/DA3S1…

2022-06-19 08:52:17
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

「グリーン成長」の次のパラダイムは何か?(江守正多) #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/emorise… 経済学の専門家ではないのに、江守正多さんがまとめていただいてて感謝。

2022-03-18 09:46:54


wu @wuwaraba

@koheisaito0131 経済成長しながらの温暖化対策では2℃目標を達成できない。EU議会はその欺瞞に気づいたのだろう。

2023-05-17 12:22:27
斎藤幸平 @koheisaito0131

EU議会では Beyond Growthというテーマでカンファレンスが開催。ヒッケル、ラワース、カリスと勢揃い! twitter.com/g_kallis/statu…

2023-05-17 09:59:39
Giorgos Kallis @g_kallis

My talk yesterday at the #BeyondGrowth conference at the European Parliament, making the case for a Mediterranean model of prosperity - youtu.be/GS_aaRsBTN8?t=… @ICTA_UAB

2023-05-16 22:40:33
Giorgos Kallis @g_kallis

My talk yesterday at the #BeyondGrowth conference at the European Parliament, making the case for a Mediterranean model of prosperity - youtu.be/GS_aaRsBTN8?t=… @ICTA_UAB

2023-05-16 22:40:33
Kate Raworth @KateRaworth

!! Calling secondary school educators worldwide - if you wish your students could study Regenerative Economics, then pls do sign & share this open letter, supporting the creation of a free, open-access curriculum & textbook. It's time. doughnuteconomics.org/stories/259 @_TeachtheFuture pic.twitter.com/iwZRQAHi0H

2023-05-26 16:53:08
Julia Steinberger @JKSteinberger

The Economist ⬅️ left, the IPCC ➡️ right. The Economist is just openly misleading its readers at this point. Honestly shocking. Lying about the science, and mocking young people. Awesome stuff. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ pic.twitter.com/qjp9QwIZ1q twitter.com/TheEconomist/s…

2023-05-19 16:48:09
The Economist @TheEconomist

Driven by ecological concerns and riled by so­cial injustice, they believe some form of “de­growth” is necessary today to avoid societal collapse econ.st/3BCBux9

2023-05-19 15:20:23
Julia Steinberger @JKSteinberger

Standing ovation for Yamina, who ended her talk with this slide from the IPCC SYR, the story of her family, her mother who still lived mostly in a stable climate, herself experiencing the turn, her son facing all the dangers. 💔💔💔 This is my story too. ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/ pic.twitter.com/UJUQ40XzdB

2023-05-16 16:38:43
Julia Steinberger @JKSteinberger

Dr Yamina Saheb alongside the IPCC's definition of sufficiency, the culmination years of her work, in the EU Parliament hemicycle. #BeyondGrowth2023 pic.twitter.com/dKNEB9r6nX

2023-05-16 16:21:29
Julia Steinberger @JKSteinberger

Morning plenary on sufficiency & consumption at #BeyondGrowth2023 with superstars @ysaheb & @timparrique 🤩🤩🤩 pic.twitter.com/kzZULVKf6u

2023-05-16 16:08:16
XRGrandparentsAndElders🍃💚🍃 @xr_GPsAndElders

This Naomi Klein quote needs to take centre stage whenever an economist mentions growth pic.twitter.com/MXjn7i6QUd twitter.com/zoeatshine/sta…

2023-05-15 16:36:55
Zoe Cohen @ZoeatShine

Great to be in person at #BeyondGrowth2023 But not so great to hear opening from president of European parliament talking about economic growth!! A ripple of wtf went around the auditorium, especially from the hundreds of young people...

2023-05-15 16:19:06
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

The Unsustainable Green Transition | Simon Michaux youtu.be/pwmygkdoGgc @YouTubeより 鉱物資源の限界(ピークXX)の観点から、脱成長の必要性を語る、かな?

2023-05-05 04:36:41
Degrowth London @degrowthlondon

We will seek to advance these objectives in London through political education around degrowth, engagement with community campaigns and lobbying local government Stay tuned for more info over the coming days! 4/4

2023-04-27 05:21:19
Degrowth London @degrowthlondon

We believe that bringing about such a transformation at the global scale requires grounded action in local communities, to build support for degrowth, and to strengthen networks of grassroots action which align with degrowth’s aims 3/4

2023-04-27 05:21:19
Degrowth London @degrowthlondon

We are an activist group brought together by a shared belief that achieving just and sustainable futures requires a fundamental transformation of society beyond capitalism, and that #degrowth forms an essential and desirable part of this transformation 2/4

2023-04-27 05:21:18
Degrowth London @degrowthlondon

Hello! We are excited to announce the arrival and imminent launch of 'Degrowth London'🧵1/4 pic.twitter.com/vJDPKER8dy

2023-04-27 05:21:18
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

On top of all the other obvious reasons to want universal services, they will be critically important to ensure a stable and just allocation of resources when climate breakdown starts to drive shortages and inflation. We need to start building them now. jasonhickel.org/blog/2023/3/18…

2023-04-14 22:51:19
Research & Degrowth @R_Degrowth

NEW SPECIAL ISSUE on Urbanizing degrowth A spatial #degrowth agenda is urgent! This special issue argues that coupling of degrowth & critical urban studies agendas is a politically urgent & long overdue scholarly endeavor that will benefit both fields. journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11… pic.twitter.com/StxJj4HaNi

2023-03-28 20:19:50
Research & Degrowth @R_Degrowth

Join us at the #BeyondGrowth Conference: 📍Opening plenary "Limits to Growth" w/@jasonhickel 📍Plenary 2 "Changing the Goal" w/@g_kallis 📍Focus panel 4 "Universal Basic Services" w/Giacomo D'Alisa 📍Focus panel 20 "Just Transitions" w/@Brototi Roy ➡️beyond-growth-2023.eu pic.twitter.com/zu7YKThtVi

2023-02-27 21:51:49
Progressive Britain @progbrit

Ecological economist @KateRaworth discussing limits on growth- a vital debate for Labour ⬇️ Join Kate and @JeevunSandher on Tuesday for our next event “Why The Next Labour Government Must Go Green To Make Us Prosperous”. Register here! eventbrite.co.uk/e/why-the-next… pic.twitter.com/EUFVkjWzK4

2023-02-27 02:13:07
Kate Raworth @KateRaworth

If you like to start the week with a bit of democracy vs capitalism vs the living world, join @BernieSanders, @martinwolf_ and me for what promises to be a busy conversation - live on #StartTheWeek this Monday morning @BBCRadio4, or later on @BBCSounds. bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00… pic.twitter.com/25xgD0Ajfe

2023-02-27 00:37:07
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