
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

アーシオンの反響が凄まじく、それに驚いていると同時に、皆さんの期待も強く感じております。なぜ今メガドラなのか、Switchなどの現行機でも遊べるのかといった疑問が多くあると思いますが、詳細については、23日の #東京ゲームショウ 、ハピネット様のブースのステージで追加発表を行います。 twitter.com/yuzokoshiro/st…

2023-09-21 14:49:27
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

TGSが近づいてきたので、アーシオンに関するこれまでのまとめをお届けします。 ・メガドライブで楽しめる、全く新しいシューティング ・MD全盛期を彷彿とさせるゲームの世界観を徹底的に再現 ・FM音源を用いた古代祐三新作BGM ・9月23日のTGSハピネット様ブースで追加情報。 pic.twitter.com/DzH4x29c3O

2023-09-19 22:24:56
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

TGSが近づいてきたので、アーシオンに関するこれまでのまとめをお届けします。 ・メガドライブで楽しめる、全く新しいシューティング ・MD全盛期を彷彿とさせるゲームの世界観を徹底的に再現 ・FM音源を用いた古代祐三新作BGM ・9月23日のTGSハピネット様ブースで追加情報。 pic.twitter.com/DzH4x29c3O

2023-09-19 22:24:56
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

The sound of Earthion is made entirely using the YM2608 FM sound chip. This is the first time since creating the menu music for the MD/Gen mini, but the first time I've used it for a whole game's soundtrack since working on Beyond Oasis. Stay tuned! トア以来の本格MDサウンド!

2023-09-14 17:44:49
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

アーシオン、TGSのハピネット様ステージで正式に発表です! Earthion, a shmup for MD/Gen that we're currently developing will make its first appearance on the Happinet stage at TGS. We plan to talk about the game and more. Happy to share one of the bosses here. happinet-tgs.com pic.twitter.com/cC0MDKifnl

2023-09-14 17:16:13
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

Some might remember this logo, 'YKGGG' is a brand name for retro-style games designed especially for retro consoles that Ancient-corp develops, including our current project, Earthion. We will reveal what this acronym stands for in the near future, possibly this month. pic.twitter.com/qwv5ws8xq7

2023-09-05 00:36:51
whynow Gaming: powered by Wireframe @whynowgaming

Industry legend Yuzo Koshiro has been working on a new Mega Drive game for several months now. And it has a title: Earthion… buff.ly/3qPA1Bs pic.twitter.com/ZnRtG7lYRn

2023-06-20 07:00:30
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

I think it might be a bit premature to bring this up, but one of my aspirations is to create both the "Super Arrange Version" soundtrack of Earthion performed by a band, as well as the original soundtrack in the future!😁

2023-06-19 23:16:39
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

Just watched one of the earliest Earthion reviews on YouTube, and it's outstanding! Mike does an excellent job explaining what Earthion is. Impressed by his talent in recreating the shiny logo and pronouncing Earthion - a true honor! youtu.be/R_oFu8e89Ao

2023-06-19 21:57:54
Retro Gamer Boy @Mike_Rouse

There is an awesome new game in development for the #Sega Mega Drive and #Segagenesis. It's called #Earthion check it out here👉 youtu.be/R_oFu8e89Ao #sor2 #retrorefresh #retrogaming #Games #GamingNews pic.twitter.com/voZhjaM9Ks

2023-06-19 20:00:02
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

ちなみにアーシオンの名付けの由来は私の大好きな過去の名作シューティングのタイトルが四(または五)音節であることが多く、それにちなんでいます。グラディウス、ダライアス、ファルシオン、とかですね! 英語だとEarthionであるように、地球が舞台であることもその由来の一つです。

2023-06-18 01:11:44
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

SOR2 days vs. Earthion creation: Same CRT behind, different game, cool, right? pic.twitter.com/VkFRGIc7Og

2023-06-17 22:16:00
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

新しく公開しました大気圏突入ステージ、ラスタースクロールする雲と空を眺めていると、私の場合ついついサンダークロス4面のBGMを脳内再生してしまいます笑 BGMはそういう王道で行くかどうかはまだ決めかねています。

2023-06-17 14:24:20
4Gamer @4GamerNews

古代祐三氏のメガドラ向け新作シューティングのタイトルが「アーシオン」(Earthion)に決定。新たなプレイシーンを公開 4gamer.net/games/999/G999… 古代祐三氏が開発を進めるメガドライブ向け新作シューティングのタイトルが,「アーシオン」(Earthion)に決定した。 pic.twitter.com/wvl3uh8X1d

2023-06-17 11:52:36
Karu_gamo★★☆☆☆ @Karu_gamo

タイトル画面のブラウン管映像がほんとキレイでビビる。地平線の中央付近がぼわっと光ってるのはブラウン管の特性かな? メガドラはそんな色数ないのであんなにグラデーションでない。ブラウン管詐欺って言われそう…😅

2023-06-17 11:22:08
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

開発中のメガドラシューティング、タイトルが決まりましたのでタイトル画面とともに公開します。「アーシオン」と名付けました。よろしくお願いいたします。 twitter.com/yuzokoshiro/st…

2023-06-17 02:05:50
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

Happy to unveil the official title ‘Earthion(アーシオン)’ for our MD/Gen shmup currently in development. As the Earth gracefully rotates beneath our iconic logo on the title screen that pays homage to that era, immerse yourself in an unmatched level of coolness like never before. pic.twitter.com/vzisF6pOrw

2023-06-17 00:37:16
Time Extension @timeextension64

Title Of Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro's Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup Is Revealed (Image: @yuzokoshiro) timeextension.com/news/2023/06/t… #YuzoKoshiro #Sega #MegaDrive pic.twitter.com/bTpODf1Qqb

2023-06-17 01:25:02
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

Happy to unveil the official title ‘Earthion(アーシオン)’ for our MD/Gen shmup currently in development. As the Earth gracefully rotates beneath our iconic logo on the title screen that pays homage to that era, immerse yourself in an unmatched level of coolness like never before. pic.twitter.com/vzisF6pOrw

2023-06-17 00:37:16
株式会社エインシャント【ハム式】 @AncientGames_JP

ベア・ナックルⅡの開発で使われた68Kモニタで、30年後の令和の時代に新たなMDゲームを作る日がくるとは! MDはドットが縦長なので、X68000でドットを打つ時は画面比率を調整してドット絵を描いてました。リモコンがないので『ビデオ』が出っぱなしなのは突っ込まないであげてください。 twitter.com/yuzokoshiro/st…

2023-04-25 18:59:12
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

I’m testing an updated ROM of our new shmup with the new song “yzs002” installed, using a real MD. I think I'll reject this song and put it on the unused list later as I could make a better one. pic.twitter.com/iJe3pnBYGk

2023-04-25 16:35:19
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

I'll keep sharing my thoughts and ideas for the game here because I tend to forget them easily. This forgetfulness has sometimes caused me difficulties in many interviews. I'd really appreciate it if you could keep my words in mind. Thanks!

2023-04-26 03:37:54
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

I want to add more complexity to the song because the root sound tends to get buried under the sound effects when it remains consistent throughout. By adding more complexity to the chord progression, I hope to create a better balance between the sound effects and the melody.

2023-04-26 02:51:05
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

Just tested this song to evaluate the multiple PCM drums on the DAC and experiment with emulating a synth's filter cutoff. While it was interesting, I'm now considering composing another song with a more complex chord progression and exciting melody for further testing. pic.twitter.com/xYh9vSYfsp

2023-04-26 02:26:07
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

Some tracks composed at the beginning of a project are often rejected and left unused. Typically, I create a few songs and ask clients for feedback, but now I'm experimenting with creating MD music that we've never heard before through trial and error💪

2023-04-26 01:04:39
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

I need to learn the new MD music development app MAmidiMEmo ASAP. It's awesome and combines the best of MML and MIDI, changing my approach to MD music despite years of experience. Thanks @SNDR_SNDL !

2023-04-25 21:34:00
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

The CRT was actually used with an X68K to draw graphics with the tools Ancient made at the time when developing SOR2 Although it can still work, the built-in speakers are no longer functioning, so I've been using DAISO speakers that cost 300 yen instead.

2023-04-25 17:01:50