

Physics In History @PhysInHistory

Photos from the history of physics | © with mentioned Archives. Shared for educational purposes. Einstein portrait © Ullsteinbild. Subscribe for curated papers.


Physics In History @PhysInHistory

Physicists as gifted musicians 🎶 A Thread 👇 pic.twitter.com/myB6YPPfSw

2023-07-07 01:35:58
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

1. Albert Einstein and violin 🎶 Albert Einstein had a profound love for the violin that went hand in hand with his scientific pursuits. Einstein's passion for playing the violin was an integral part of his life, providing him with solace, and creative expression. pic.twitter.com/YMjaFYVuxW

2023-07-07 01:36:00
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

2. Richard Feynman and bongos 🎶 Feynman's love for the bongos demonstrated his multifaceted nature and showcased the harmonious blend of scientific curiosity and artistic expression that resided within him. pic.twitter.com/zgTmwo6AVq

2023-07-07 01:36:01
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

3. Max Planck and piano 🎶 Max Planck, the renowned physicist who laid the foundation for quantum theory, had a deep passion for music and was an accomplished pianist. pic.twitter.com/HMGIpvNgID

2023-07-07 01:36:03
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

4. Satyendra Nath Bose and esraj 🎶 Satyendra Nath Bose, the eminent Indian physicist known for his contributions to quantum mechanics, had a fondness for playing the esraj, a traditional Indian musical instrument. pic.twitter.com/alMSG2KKz0

2023-07-07 01:36:04
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

5. Werner Heisenberg and piano 🎶 Werner Heisenberg, the influential physicist and pioneer of quantum mechanics, had a notable appreciation for the piano. He was an avid pianist and enjoyed playing the instrument in his spare time. pic.twitter.com/1mzVGcJ6HT

2023-07-07 01:36:05
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

That's a wrap on this Physics and music thread! If you liked the thread, don't forget to check out our other threads on Physics and Mathematics: twitter.com/physinhistory/…

2023-07-07 01:36:05
Physics In History @PhysInHistory

The greatest Unsolved problems in Modern Physics. A Visual Thread 👇 pic.twitter.com/Wuro1qbCCa

2023-06-22 01:06:48