コロナパンデミックで進んだ空気感染(=airborne transmission)の概念|空気感染が否定されてきた歴史(2022.8.25作成) #エアロゾル #新型コロナウイルス #水疱瘡 #麻疹

T-T @tcy79

空気感染が否定されてきた歴史。スレッドが長い! threadreaderapp.com/thread/1562112…

2022-08-25 07:18:23
リンク threadreaderapp.com Thread by @jljcolorado on Thread Reader App @jljcolorado: 1/ What were the historical reasons for the resistance to recognizing airborne transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic? Our peer-reviewed open-access paper is now published: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/d...… 62
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

コロナパンデミックで進んだ空気感染(=airborne transmission)の概念 悪い空気が原因とされた古代、逆に飛沫固執の近代、SARS-CoV2で広く認識さたエアロゾルの現在に至るまで 科学的発見、発見への抵抗、続く発見でパラダイムシフトし次の時代へ 呼吸器感染の経路の認識,発見の歴史まとめた論文出た pic.twitter.com/KdghSyCZRV

2022-08-27 19:52:07
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

以下要点 •古代から19世紀まで瘴気(しょうき、miasma)、つまり「悪い空気」がある種の病気を引き起こすと考えられた。 •19世紀半ばから後半にかけて、コレラ、産褥熱、マラリアなどの病気が実際には別の経路で伝染することが判明し、この瘴気のパラダイムへの挑戦が起きた onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/in…

2022-08-27 19:52:07
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

•1910年、著名な公衆衛生学者チャールズ・チェーピンは、接触感染や飛沫感染の重要性を説き、瘴気説の影響が残存していた時代を突破し、空気感染はありえないというパラダイムシフトの成功に貢献した •しかし、エアロゾルについての理解が不足していたため、誤りが残った

2022-08-27 19:52:08
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji


2022-08-27 19:52:08
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

•実際、結核や麻疹,水痘を空気感染と認めるに足る証拠が発表されているにも拘らず、WHOや米CDC等他の公衆衛生機関はSARS-CoV-2の空気感染の重要性にほぼ1年間抵抗し続けた •それら機関は空気感染は換気の悪い密集する場所だけに限られると主張したり、空気感染の影響をできるだけ小さくする主張した

2022-08-27 19:52:09
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

コロナの大流行がきっかけで、流体力学など学際的研究が加速された結果、空気感染がこの病気の主要な感染経路である事が明らかとなり、他の多くの呼吸器感染症でも同経路が重要である可能性が高くなった 以上 参考論文208というとてつもない情報をまとめ 医学の歴史を目の当たりにしてる感満載の論文

2022-08-27 20:02:03
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

WHOや 米CDCが、最新の流体力学や医学専門家がコロナのかなり早い段階から空気感染の事実に気付き発表していたにもかかわらず、今に至る迄そのリスクを低く見積り続けた結果、距離や消毒に固執し続け、換気等エアロゾル対策を軽視した結果、甚大な被害に繋がったと指摘 日本もアップデート必至な内容

2022-08-27 20:20:40
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

論文では2021年12月WHOがエアロゾル感染と空気感染(=airborne transmission)を同義とし、主要な感染経路の一つと発表する迄至りましたが、まだ十分でないと指摘 先進国はエビデンスの蓄積から、エアロゾル感染や元々あった空気環境改善目的で換気、紫外線照射装置(UVGI )導入してますが日本も検討を

2022-08-27 20:34:39
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

1/ What were the historical reasons for the resistance to recognizing airborne transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic? Our peer-reviewed open-access paper is now published: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/in… pic.twitter.com/ainqOsT2cA

2022-08-24 01:20:06
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

2/ Soon after COVID-19 pandemic started, it was clear to many scientists (inc. those who understand aerosols) that AIRBORNE trans. was an important contributor E.g. as soon as we talked to the Skagit choir, it was obvious that was airborne-dominated: doi.org/10.1111/ina.12…

2022-08-24 01:23:32
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

3/ However, major public health organizations such as @WHO and @CDCgov were in complete denial, saying that airborne transmission was MISINFORMATION! (Disgracefully, @WHO has not deleted this tweet or clearly stated that it was an ENORMOUS error) twitter.com/WHO/status/124… pic.twitter.com/DKenC8Pr5l

2022-08-24 01:28:11
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne. The #coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. To protect yourself: -keep 1m distance from others -disinfect surfaces frequently -wash/rub your 👐 -avoid touching your 👀👃👄 pic.twitter.com/fpkcpHAJx7

2020-03-29 03:44:17
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

4/ How was that possible? - Many scientists are concluding that airborne transmission is important - Major public health organizations such as @WHO say that it is misinformation! Historical trends and errors (this thread) are important to explain this, but NOT the only reason

2022-08-24 01:30:47
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

5/ This major error (IMHO one of most important errors in the entire history of Public Health) has had major consequences: - In early pandemic we focused on surfaces, which are minor or negligible - we ignored air, which was the dominant mode => lack of controlling transmission

2022-08-24 01:34:10
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

6/ Since then, research has clearly shown that airborne transmission is the DOMINANT mode of transmission of COVID-19: thelancet.com/article/S0140-…

2022-08-24 01:35:07
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

7/ To this day, 0 proven cases of surface transmission And droplet transmission has NEVER been demonstrated, not just for COVID-19... but for ANY disease in the history of medicine! [Paper from Prof. Yuguo Li, member of @WHO IPC Committee] sciencedirect.com/science/articl… pic.twitter.com/rBSATpaz8j

2022-08-24 01:38:58
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

8/ So how did we get into this mess? PH organizations tell us that unproven transmission mechanisms are dominant, and that the dominant trans. mechanism is misinformation We'll soon delve into the history in our paper. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/in…

2022-08-24 01:41:09
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

9/ But before we go into the history, there are other reasons to review. Most importantly, surface-droplet transmission is very CONVENIENT to those in power. And AIRBORNE trans. is an inconvenient truth (just like climate change, dealt with similarly) telegraph.co.uk/global-health/… pic.twitter.com/eidRt898Cp

2022-08-24 01:44:06
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

10/ There is at least one more reason for the resistance: those who made this enormous error at @WHO, its IPC committee, @CDCgov, & health ministries around the world DO NOT WANT to admit their error Govt advisor privately: "we need to find a way to allow us to save face"

2022-08-24 01:47:00
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

11/ And those Public Health officials that continue to resist and obfuscate about airborne transmission are in control of the PH institutions. Aerosol scientists are almost complete outsiders, and have been almost systematically excluded to this day. wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/6-126 pic.twitter.com/SYJUYXw49q

2022-08-24 01:48:47
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

12/ So what about the contribution of history to the denial of and resistance to airborne transmission by Public Health authorities worldwide? It is summarized in this diagram, which I'll explain in this thread: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/in… pic.twitter.com/KEbAxnAPzK

2022-08-24 02:00:16
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

13/ Sorry, I need to take a break for some meetings (we are starting classes this week at @CUBoulder). I'll continue with the thread in 1 hr. If you can't wait to read it, it is all in the paper: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/in…

2022-08-24 02:03:41
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

14/ So to understand the errors that led to the denial and resistance of #COVIDisAirborne, we need to go back to Hippocrates! (~400 BCE) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocrat… pic.twitter.com/LzPAbzUWMs

2022-08-24 03:01:28
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

15/ Hippocratic writings in ancient Greece first proposed that diseases were caused by imbalance of humors in the body, which could be triggered by a “miasma” transmitted through the air loebclassics.com/view/hippocrat… pic.twitter.com/8jZ6pdb16W

2022-08-24 03:03:46
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