
Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.


Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

What is the most beautiful building ever constructed? pic.twitter.com/XHZU4F3k5r

2023-07-11 06:16:22
Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

The 4 most common suggestions from the first 600 replies:

2023-07-11 08:38:13
Jeremy Wayne Tate @JeremyTate41

@Culture_Crit Duomo di Milano. And it only took 600 years to build. pic.twitter.com/VNGxXcg8wt

2023-07-11 06:29:21
Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

@JeremyTate41 If that's the end result, I can't complain about the delays.

2023-07-11 06:31:46
Humza Elahi @HumzaElahi_

@Culture_Crit It's not the bricks and mortar that make it beautiful but the power to inspire millions. pic.twitter.com/lJGNXzsPMw

2023-07-11 06:54:36
☦️OrthoDoge @realjosephb

@HumzaElahi_ @Culture_Crit Is that how you justify the Saudis tearing down the historic buildings and basically building a mosque in the style of a mall or parking garage around the Kaaba

2023-07-11 07:17:19
Anthony Varrell @V_arrell

@Culture_Crit The most beautiful building every constructed is Mar a Lago. And I can assure you it's great. I know buildings. Its the best ever. The best. pic.twitter.com/Bb8IJYpWIU

2023-07-11 07:53:01
Humza Elahi @HumzaElahi_

@realjosephb @Culture_Crit Not justifying the Saudi's at all. I'm making the point that although Renaissance architecture is incredible and lovely to look at, it will never have the same impact as the Kaaba. I understand that the goal of the account is to look at these times with rose-tinted glasses and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

2023-07-11 07:24:37
Dejan Matic @DejanMatic88

@HumzaElahi_ @realjosephb @Culture_Crit It's all subjective. For me Kaba is just another pagen building taken over by muslims and turned into a place of their worship. But for you it's something beautiful.

2023-07-11 09:11:57
Aaygou @ayegouAISSAM

@DejanMatic88 @HumzaElahi_ @realjosephb @Culture_Crit For me beautiful is what reflects human authentic human endeavour to find the divine without taking money out of the poor the to show off empty bricks and walls.. also roots of Paganism is only found in christianity among the abrahamic religions.

2023-07-11 09:50:33
Flying.Dutchman @1flyindutchman

@Culture_Crit La Sagrada Familia. I ve been all over Europe and this hits different. The whole Gaudí architecture inspired by ocean life fascinates me. pic.twitter.com/WLWyzC2qIQ

2023-07-11 08:08:37
G.R. Mead @GRMead3

@Culture_Crit Detail on the inset pietra dura ornament on the carved spirals and ribbon panels: pic.twitter.com/Jz4mdT9jOL

2023-07-11 06:33:36
AmirMušić @AmirMushich

@Culture_Crit The most original one is for sure La Pedrera, Barcelona One of the most imaginative houses in architecture, designed by Antonio Gaudi this is more sculpture than building. The façade with mass of undulating stone and iron balconies explores the irregularities of the natural… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/c6AwcB9tGK

2023-07-11 06:20:57