
Ashraff Hathibelagal @Hathibel

@Culture_Crit I think Saint Basil's Cathedral, which was built by Ivan the Terrible, is the right answer pic.twitter.com/LZRkWC7LdX

2023-07-11 07:47:09
RushBabe49 🇺🇸🐈‍⬛ @RushBabe49

@TheDalesReport @Culture_Crit Funny story. I was a counselor at a home for teenage girls called Stuart Hall. Mail would arrive for Mr Stuart Hall, so we had a contest with a prize for the girl who came up with the best name for Stuart’s wife. The winning name? Tajma.

2023-07-11 07:30:28
Ashraff Hathibelagal @Hathibel

@DonaldM38768041 @Culture_Crit What the... Главный храм Вооружённых сил России is the prettiest building built in our times pic.twitter.com/1Mp7LCTaBl

2023-07-11 08:06:34
G.R. Mead @GRMead3

@Culture_Crit Even deeper detail. It is a wonder how it just entices the eyes, at every scale: pic.twitter.com/79Is1FYLom

2023-07-11 06:39:17
Auga 𝕏 @AugaRa369

@andst7 @Culture_Crit Especially in that lighting, it has such a fragility in its majestic look. Afterall, it was built as the house of Peter, the fishermen of souls. We used to have such good taste. Have a modern upsidedown carrot for size: pic.twitter.com/Hzr0sx8vzx

2023-07-11 06:44:52
Mary ✨ Architecture Atlas @_archatlas

@Culture_Crit Including 3 of the ones you listed Greek: Erechtheion Roman: Pantheon Byzantine: Hagia Sophia Moorish: Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba Romanesque/Gothic: Mont Saint-Michel French High Gothic: Chartres or Rouen Cathedral French Late Gothic: Sainte-Chapelle Italian Gothic: Siena… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

2023-07-11 06:38:23
One White Frijole @Onewhitefrijole

@Culture_Crit If I’m on my knees in prayer, all beautiful! A brief list: Florence Cathedral, from an exterior standpoint St. Peter's Basillica, from an interior standpoint. Duomo di Milano and Cologne Cathedral—WOW! pic.twitter.com/PePEqRxQ7p

2023-07-11 06:55:33
Gurkirth Johal @GurkirthJohal

@YungDipper6969 @cj_ohio @Culture_Crit Unfortunately you are correct, however the Taj Mahal is beautiful no doubt, and the story behind the construction is also very beautiful. pic.twitter.com/ZNDfM7R6JW

2023-07-11 06:23:00
Danilo parerga e paralipomena @danreis__

@Culture_Crit I am not Muslim, but I love some of theirs mosque architectures: 1. White Mosque; 2. Blue Mosque; 3. Cordoba mosque (inside is stunning); 4. Crystal Mosque pic.twitter.com/xfFcH42DjW

2023-07-11 07:49:16
Courtney @crystalandqueue

@Culture_Crit Is the bottom right the cathedral in Mexico City?

2023-07-11 06:26:17
Nishant Nihar @nishant_nihar

@Culture_Crit Right up there with the Taj, potentially even reminding you of a Wes Anderson film location, called the Hawa Mahal (Palace of Wind) in Jaipur, India. 953 tiny windows in all. pic.twitter.com/Mp0S33kXbn

2023-07-11 06:29:14
Courtney @crystalandqueue

@jp_castillas @Culture_Crit Thank you! Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María a los cielos was the one I was thinking of initially. It’s absolutely stunning as well! pic.twitter.com/P8fxoTEinE

2023-07-11 06:36:57
John 3:16 @MagaStorm17

@Culture_Crit My favorite building in the world is the Hungarian Parliament pic.twitter.com/qVnlyUolm2

2023-07-11 07:12:24