

それぞれの素晴らしさを過去の偉人の言から取っているため訳は無し。水道システムの部分だけはGoogle翻訳を付けました。 1. アヤソフィア 2. 聖使徒と霊廟 3. ユスティニアヌス帝の柱 4. ヴァレンスの水道橋/コンスタンティノープルの水道システム 続きを読む
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

Memorializing Eastern Roman civilization and the city of Constantinople. Follow & turn on notifications for academically sourced “Byzantine” history! 🇺🇸/🇬🇷


ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

7 Wonders of the Byzantine/Medieval Roman World (a thread) 1. Hagia Sophia 2. Holy Apostles & the mausoleums 3. Column of Justinian 4. Aqueduct of Valens/water system of Constantinople 5. The Pharos palace Church and it’s holy relics. 6. The Hippodrome 7. Walls of Constantinople pic.twitter.com/dDCwhIUXHi

2023-07-31 00:20:39
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

1. Hagia Sophia: “No one ever became weary of this spectacle, those who are in the church delight in what they see & when they leave, magnify it in their talk. Moreover it is impossible accurately to describe the gold, silver, & gems, presented by the Emperor Justinian”-Prokopios pic.twitter.com/7uTXApdZQh

2023-07-31 00:20:41
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

Paul the Silentiary said that it was “so exceedingly great, as it towers upwards like the mountains & leaves below all those things which art sets its hands to create, & so exceedingly beautiful as it shines forth, for all its age, as though it had been raised above time itself” pic.twitter.com/QxTPQlb5TQ

2023-07-31 00:20:42
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

2. Holy Apostles: “This Church…is in its great size the greatest & in its beauty the most beautiful…adorned by its great artistry & brilliancy, is an indescribable loveliness, an unimaginable creation, a work of art of human hands surpassing human thought” -Nikolaos Mesarites pic.twitter.com/YSD3CXhIdC

2023-07-31 00:20:43
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

Robert De Clari described the church: “Elsewhere in the city there another church which was called the church of the Seven Apostles. And it was said to be even richer and nobler than the Church of Saint Sophia…no one could recount to you the richness and nobility of this church” pic.twitter.com/UKjJDuvTAq

2023-07-31 00:20:45
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

The mausoleums at the Holy Apostles are a major fascination for me. There would have been most Emperors, from Constantine to the 11th century. The greats like Constantine, Theodosius, and Justinian/Theodora could all be seen there. I can only imagine what visiting that felt like! pic.twitter.com/Q9ve8ZGQKz

2023-07-31 00:20:47
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

3. Column of Justinian: “plain for all to see a horseman on high, that great man Justinian, wearing a golden crown and a marvellous crest…The column held first rank among the wonders which had been set fast in place on the heights of the city”-Constantine of Rhodes(10th century) pic.twitter.com/OVk6qcZ3Gr

2023-07-31 00:20:48
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“For travelers arriving by sea, it was one of the first features of the city to become visible on the misty horizon. Justinian’s column defined the city’s skyline for 900 years. It was the Eiffel tower of its epoch” -Elena Boeck, The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople pic.twitter.com/ZgwgNfCwSA

2023-07-31 00:20:49
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

4. Water system of Constantinople:“At over 250km it is the longest water supply line known from the ancient world & it remains one of the greatest achievements of hydraulic engineering. It has however been largely ignored in all standard accounts of Roman hydraulic engineering” pic.twitter.com/Sdhg2XR01V

2023-07-31 00:20:51
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“More than 30 stone bridges/many kilometers of underground tunnels carried the water over mountain/plain. The known system is at least 2.5x the length of the longest recorded Roman aqueducts…one of the most outstanding surveying achievements of any pre-industrial society” pic.twitter.com/HiiPmwKe9L

2023-07-31 00:20:52
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“More than 30 stone bridges/many kilometers of underground tunnels carried the water over mountain/plain. The known system is at least 2.5x the length of the longest recorded Roman aqueducts…one of the most outstanding surveying achievements of any pre-industrial society” pic.twitter.com/HiiPmwKe9L

2023-07-31 00:20:52
  1. コンスタンティノープルの水道システム:全長 250 km 以上で、古代世界から知られている最長の給水ラインであり、今でも水力工学の最大の成果の 1 つです。しかし、ローマの水力工学に関するすべての標準的な説明では、このことはほとんど無視されてきました。Google翻訳

30 以上の石橋と何キロにもわたる地下トンネルが山や平野を越えて水を運びました。この既知のシステムは、記録されている最長のローマの水道橋の長さの少なくとも 2.5 倍であり、産業化以前の社会における最も傑出した測量成果の 1 つです。

ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

5. The Pharos Church: Robert De Clari, documenting the Fourth Crusade, which stole all the Pharos relics wrote: "there were full 30 chapels there(the Great Palace), both large and small; and there was one of these which was called the Holy Chapel, that was so rich and so noble” pic.twitter.com/MAGETA20tk

2023-07-31 00:20:54
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

All the metals for the hinges and doors were silver “nor was there a pillar there that was not of jasper or porphyry or such like rich and precious stone. And the pavement of the chapel was of white marble, so smooth and so clear that it seemed that it was of crystal.”

2023-07-31 00:20:54
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“And this chapel was so rich that one could not describe to you the great beauty and the great magnificence thereof. Within this chapel were found many precious relics; for therein were found two pieces of the True Cross, as thick as a man’s leg and a fathom in length.”

2023-07-31 00:20:55
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

The relics held impressed Robert: “And there was found the lance wherewith Our Lord had His side pierced, and the two nails that were driven through the midst of His hands and through the midst of His feet. And there was also found, in a crystal phial, a great part of His blood”

2023-07-31 00:20:55
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“there was found the tunic that he wore, which was stripped from Him when He had been led to the Mount of Calvary. And there too, was found the blessed crown wherewith He was crowned, which was wrought of sea rushes, sharp as dagger blades.” The crown of thorns is still in France pic.twitter.com/j4xXTIpIFN

2023-07-31 00:20:56
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“There also was found the raiment of Our Lady, and the head of my Lord Saint John Baptist, and so many other precious relics that I could never describe them to you or tell you the truth concerning them"

2023-07-31 00:20:57
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

Annemarie Weyl Carr, referring to the Mercati Anonymous text: "It lists forty-eight relics, a quarter of its total number and double those in Hagia Sophia. Twenty were relics of Christ, including the Mandylion, Kerameion, and Christ’s letter to Abgar.” pic.twitter.com/GQgNAy3rpR

2023-07-31 00:20:58
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“The Pharos’ relics represented three centuries of calculated imperial acquisition. Gained especially during the tenth-century wars of expansion, they were intended to consolidate and consecrate realm and rulers alike as a city and people of God.” This was a wondrous collection!

2023-07-31 00:20:59
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

6. Hippodrome: The fact such a place existed in medieval times at all is truly amazing and wondrous. In antiquity, there were places to rival the Hippodrome of Constantinople. But all the way until the Fourth Crusade this massive venue survived and still hosted horse races! pic.twitter.com/hfFHBmGytA

2023-07-31 00:21:00
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

“Close to the walls of the palace is also a place of amusement…which is called the Hippodrome, and every year on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus the king gives a great entertainment there…No entertainment like this is to be found in any other land” -Benjamin of Tudela pic.twitter.com/rgbDzKjPZe

2023-07-31 00:21:02
ShadowsOfConstantinople @RomeInTheEast

The structure itself is only part of the wonder, the art within was a huge factor as well. It was a museum of monuments from antiquity, a view into the artistic majesty of the ancient world. This kind of place no longer existed anywhere else. pic.twitter.com/j2VEE2Plub

2023-07-31 00:21:03