【質問】 ターリバーン・ISKP紛争(仮称)について教えてください.(2017~

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IWP いわぴ @HopeTalk2You

中国系ホテルへの攻撃でカブール警察報道官がジャバールたち攻撃者を逮捕したを発表していたが、AFPのジャーナリストによると、襲撃した犯人の内1人が逃亡したとの噂が流れた後、他の当局が逮捕を否定したという。 twitter.com/HopeTalk2You/s… pic.twitter.com/47a4CtbpcF

2023-01-07 16:21:56
IWP いわぴ @HopeTalk2You

12月12日の昼、カブール市Shar-e-naw地区にある「カブール・ロンガン・ホテル(Kabul Longan Hotel /喀布尔桂园酒店)で数回の爆発と銃撃戦があり、タリバン治安部隊が交戦した。犯人の3名は死亡し、他にも死傷者が出ているもよう。イスラム国が犯行声明を発表した。 pic.twitter.com/AbScUL0wJL

2022-12-13 16:41:34
IWP いわぴ @HopeTalk2You

ISISのニュースレターには、ジャバールは中国系ホテルの襲撃の後に脱出して、その後に軍用空港の攻撃に参加したと報じているもよう。 pic.twitter.com/uU3evh17ye

2023-01-07 16:28:38

◆諜報機関GDI,ISKP上級司令官トゥラビ・バジャウリ Turabi Bajauri を殺害したと主張 (2023.6.1)

Ibn Sufyan @IbnSufyan313

BREAKING | Governor of ISKP for Laghman province ‘Turabi Bajauri ’ has been killed with his associate Gul Bari in a GDI raid in Khewa district of Nangarhar province last night. He was a key commander of ISKP in eastern zone. pic.twitter.com/XKBGlnRMMc

2023-06-01 17:28:15
The Pakistan Telegraph @TelegraphPak

#Terrorism_News:- In a latest move, the Afghan intelligence confirmed the death of a senior #ISKP commander, Turabi Bajauri. pic.twitter.com/MWVmvM02KW

2023-06-02 22:47:51
Pak Afghan Affairs @Pak_AfgAffairs

Afgan intelligence #GDI has claimed to have killed a senior #ISKP commander & shadow governor of Laghman province, #Afghanistan, identified as Turabi Bajauri, who is a close friend of Gul Bari. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/4JSlDMHPoC

2023-06-02 22:08:15
Pak Afghan Affairs @Pak_AfgAffairs

As per sources, Turabi Bajauri, who hailed from the #Bajaur district of #Pakistan. He was affiliated with the #TTP Bajaur chapter & later defected to #ISKP in 2015. He was a close aide of the ISKP third emir Abu Saeed al-Muhajir (Bajauri). 2/2

2023-06-02 22:08:16
apnades @apnadesbwp786

Afgan intelligence GDI has claimed to have killed a senior ISKP commander & shadow governor of Laghman province, Afghanistan, identified as Turabi Bajauri, who is a close friend of Gul Bari. #Afghanistan #TrainAccident #BangBangCon2023 #SpiderVerse #BTSFESTA #DiabloIV pic.twitter.com/mWWr6h6Omj

2023-06-03 20:26:02

◆「IS系組織は作戦上の自主性の向上により,IS 指導者の喪失率が高くなる中でも作戦を継続できる可能性が高くなっている」――CT分析 (2023.8.11)

Critical Threats @criticalthreats

An @AEI project focused on understanding threats and tracking global challenges | Contact us: criticalthreats@aei.org | Media requests: mediaservices@aei.org


Critical Threats @criticalthreats

NEW | @kathryn__tyson: Islamic State (IS) affiliates' greater operational autonomy will likely allow them to continue operations amid a higher rate of IS leadership losses. Read the Salafi-Jihadi Movement Weekly Update update from CTP and @TheStudyofWar: criticalthreats.org/analysis/salaf… pic.twitter.com/nxF0ZxF6iu

2023-08-11 04:44:32
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

IS delegated decision-making to a system of administrative offices between 2017 and 2019.

2023-08-11 04:44:32
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

IS affiliates in #Afghanistan, #Syria, and West #Africa are strengthening to varying degrees.

2023-08-11 04:44:32
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

US Central Command assessed in March 2023 that IS-Khorasan Province (#ISKP) could attack the United States or its allies as early as September 2023. pic.twitter.com/y9n6kymgKY

2023-08-11 04:44:32
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

Conditions in #Africa favor Salafi-jihadi expansion, and IS’s affiliates in the #Sahel and West Africa have expanded their influence in their respective theaters. pic.twitter.com/YyGvlTyjGx

2023-08-11 04:44:33
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

@brian_cartr: Continued leadership losses are unlikely to successfully defeat #ISIS in #Iraq and #Syria. Read our update on Iraq and Syria: criticalthreats.org/analysis/salaf… pic.twitter.com/IpY3nEmJHV

2023-08-11 04:44:33
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

The operational-level leadership’s ability to freely operate in some areas of #Syria will likely enable #ISIS to rebuild its strength in populated areas. pic.twitter.com/vPWhEetSSb

2023-08-11 04:44:33
Critical Threats @criticalthreats

IS propaganda may offset the loss in morale caused by consistent leadership losses by providing religious legitimacy and projecting strength and cohesion to IS fighters and supporters.

2023-08-11 04:44:34

◆ISKP,イランのガセム・スレイマニ追悼式典に対し爆破テロ? (2024.1.3)

Charles Lister @Charles_Lister

73+ killed in a double bombing outside Qassem Soleimani's tomb in #Iran today. FWIW, #Afghanistan-centered #ISKP is a key suspect -- and the #ISKP terror plots in #Europe I was told about in September involved ferrying operatives through #Iran. See: foreignpolicy.com/2023/09/27/isi…

2024-01-03 22:23:09
Charles Lister @Charles_Lister

Death toll now up to 103 killed & 175+ injured. Another possible suspect is veteran #Iran-based Baloch insurgent group Jaish al-Adl, who frequently associate their attacks with wider geopolitical developments — #Syria in the past, but #Soleimani would too twitter.com/charles_lister…

2024-01-04 00:00:03
Charles Lister @Charles_Lister

NEW -- #ISIS claims responsibility for yesterday's bomb attack in #Iran, identifying x2 suicide bombers as Omar al-Muwahid & Sayfullah al-Mujahid. pic.twitter.com/upmdqjmru7

2024-01-05 00:57:46
roberto neccia @neccia1

“A leader of the Afghan opposition, Ahmad Massoud, had already sent a message of condolence to #Iran that made clear he believed #ISKP was involved”. #KermanExplosions Iran tightens border as suspicion for Kerman attack shifts to Islamic State uk.news.yahoo.com/iran-tightens-…

2024-01-05 00:15:47
SAMRIReports2 @SReports2

#Iran's ex-ambassador Reza Bahrami @Bahrami1962: #Taliban not using the word "terrorist" in condemning #Kerman attack has its own meaning. #Taliban official @zakirjalaly: Mr. Ambassador, Taliban never the most brutal crimes of the #ISKP rebel group in Afghanistan as "terrorist". pic.twitter.com/rgNxFL6Rcx

2024-01-06 15:37:07
Pak Afghan Affairs @Pak_AfgAffairs

ANALYSIS: Afghan Taliban blame-gaming on Kerman terror attacks After the #Kerman suicide bombing took place a few days back in #Iran, & CIA confirmed that #ISKP's #Afghanistan branch was behind the attacks. Afghan #Taliban-affiliated media wing Al-Mirsad started propaganda campaigns on three different narrative lines while trying to minimise blame on #Afghan govt. First Narrative: Blaming the attacks on #Tajikistan by stating that the suicide bombers were #Tajik nationals. Moreover, they also proliferated a narrative that other neighbours in the region are using #Daesh against Iran. Second Narrative: Claiming the Kerman suicide attacks as an international conspiracy against Iran, as Iran's foreign policy is supportive of the #Palestinian narrative against #Israeli occupation. Third Narrative: Blaming Iran by claiming that the Afghan govt has fulfilled its responsibility in countering terror groups in the region by sharing intel on ISKP activities. And that if Iran took action on their given intelligence, this terrorist attack could've been prevented. #KermanExplosions

2024-01-06 17:38:34
Pak Afghan Affairs @Pak_AfgAffairs

United States confirmed that Islamic State’s (ISIS) #Afghanistan-based branch carried out twin bombings in #Iran that killed nearly 100 people. pic.twitter.com/DWaCKVIAvP

2024-01-06 05:41:45
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