【質問】 ターリバーン・ISKP紛争(仮称)について教えてください.(2017~

Q&A簡易作成のための試験運用中.  客観性を担保するためのノウハウを,この試験運用を通じて集積していきます.  なお,客観性確保のため,重複や罵詈雑言の類を除いてbot的に収集していますので,真偽不明情報を含みます.
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No other Peter Smiths @misterEpete

Iran attack signals growing Central Asian role in ISKP’s external ops ISKP has proven adept at appealing to radicalized people from Central Asia & mobilizing them into action, both inside Afghanistan & abroad. New from @LucasADWebber and I eurasianet.org/iran-attack-si… #ISKP

2024-01-10 23:55:37
Umar @ShayanK02621690

Pro #ISKP Media #Al_Hadid released a video in which he claimed twin blast in Iran .ISKP reply to @AlmirsadEnglish Propaganda that Tajik national involved in #Iran blast and Tajikistan requested #ISIS to conceal the nationality of the suicide bomber.#الیکشن_سے_بھاگے_بھگوڑے pic.twitter.com/5PJzOfddiR

2024-01-06 18:22:33
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