

Historic Vids @historyinmemes

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Historic Vids @historyinmemes

Benjamin Lay was a 4-foot-7-inch hunchbacked Quaker who was an abolitionist. After witnessing the horror of slavery firsthand while working in Barbados, Lay decided to dedicate his life to abolishing it. In 1731, Lay was kicked out of the Caribbean island by slaveowners who became increasingly hostile towards his anti-slavery activities. Lay settled in Philadelphia and continued his activism by handing out pamphlets and giving speeches. In 1737, Benjamin Franklin published Lay's book, "All Slave-Keepers That Keep the Innocent in Bondage, Apostates," which outlined the hypocrisy and evils of prominent Quakers who enslaved people. In 1738, Lay gave a speech detailing the evils of slavery. He ended it by declaring, "Thus shall God shed the blood of those persons who enslave their fellow creatures." He then proceeded to take his sword and pierce the Bible. Unbeknownst to the audience, Lay had concealed a bag of pokeberry juice inside the Bible, which began to squirt all over as the sword went through. Lay was immediately thrown out of the church but decided to lie down on the doorsteps, forcing everyone to step over his "bloodied" body as they left. His efforts eventually convinced the Philadelphia Society of Friends to expel all members who were enslavers. Lay also boycotted any products that were made by enslaved people. This included any clothing made out of cotton or wool. He made his own clothes using flax. In one instance, when he discovered that his hosts had enslaved people in the house, he abruptly got up and headed for the door, shouting, "I will not share with thee the fruits of thy unrighteousness." In perhaps his most extreme stunt, Lay convinced his neighbor's 6-year-old son to come over to his house. By evening time, Lay observed the boy's parents desperately searching for their son. At this point, Lay told them the following: "Your child is safe in my house, and you may now conceive of the sorrow you inflict upon the parents of the negroe girl you hold in slavery, for she was torn from them by avarice."

2023-08-27 03:24:37

G訳:ベンジャミン・レイは身長4フィート7インチのせむしのクエーカー教徒で奴隷制度廃止論者でした。バルバドスで働いていたときに奴隷制度の恐ろしさを直接目の当たりにしたレイは、奴隷制度を廃止することに人生を捧げることを決意しました。 1731年、レイは彼の反奴隷制活動に対してますます敵対心を強めた奴隷所有者によってカリブ海の島から追い出されました。レイはフィラデルフィアに定住し、パンフレットを配ったり、講演したりして活動を続けた。

1737年、ベンジャミン・フランクリンは、人々を奴隷にした著名なクエーカー教徒の偽善と悪を概説したレイの著書「罪のない者を束縛するすべての奴隷管理者、背教者」を出版した。 1738年、レイは奴隷制の悪について詳しく演説した。彼は「同胞を奴隷にする者たちの血を神はこうして流すであろう」と宣言してこの話を終えた。それから彼は剣を取り、聖書を突き刺しました。聴衆には知られていないが、レイは聖書の中にポークベリージュースの入った袋を隠しており、剣が突き刺さるとジュースが飛び散り始めた。レイさんはすぐに教会から追い出されたが、玄関先に横たわることを決意し、立ち去る際に全員が彼の「血まみれ」の体をまたぐことを強いられた。彼の努力により、最終的にフィラデルフィア友の会は奴隷化されたすべての会員を追放することを確信しました。


おそらく最も極端な行為として、レイは隣人の 6 歳の息子に家に来るよう説得しました。夕方までに、レイさんは少年の両親が必死に息子を探しているのを観察した。この時点で、レイは彼らに次のように言った。「あなたの子供は私の家に安全にいます。そして、あなたが奴隷として保持している黒人の少女の両親に与えた悲しみを想像してみてください。彼女は強欲によって両親から引き離されたからです。」 」

XRP Myth Buster @XRPMythBuster

@historyinmemes He lived a very unconventional life, even for his time. He and his wife lived in a cave in Abington, Pennsylvania, and he practiced a strict vegetarian diet, refusing to consume any animal products or anything produced by slave labor. pic.twitter.com/2Aak5hPlRc

2023-08-27 03:30:01
Tech.Is.Beautiful @Itspash209497

Benjamin Lay's unorthodox and daring methods of activism earned him a reputation as one of history's earliest and most passionate abolitionists. Despite his physical limitations, Lay fearlessly used his voice, writings, and symbolic acts to challenge the institution of slavery and raise awareness about its moral injustices. 👌🏼✅

2023-08-27 03:36:17