【2023GOTY論争】 ティアキン vs バルダーズゲート3 vs ダークライ

現在metacriticにおいて96点代で並ぶ『ゼルダtotk』と『Baldur's Gate 3』。 先日ゼルダが逆転しましたが、1位争いはなお熾烈を極めています。 今回は海外に目を向けつつ、goty筆頭候補2作品にしぼってまとめてみました。


Hunter 🎮 @NextGenPlayer

GOTY looks to be Baldur’s Gate 3 vs. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Still a few wildcards to come though, like Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2 and Assassin’s Creed Mirage! 🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/CLWLFG7PZR

2023-09-01 06:06:33

Which video game will win GOTY 2023? pic.twitter.com/84JSibhpUh

2023-09-13 00:45:00
まとめ 【2023年発売ゲーム】 メタスコア まとめ + みんなの感想 gotyはティアキンとBG3の一騎打ち? メタスコアまとめ対象 ・2023年現段階での発売ゲーム(DLC・リマスター含む、移植版等他機種で前年以前に発売済みの場合省く) ・レビュー数10以上のみ ・メタスコア85点以上のみ ・複数機種で発売している場合はレビュー数が多い方を優先 17919 pv 7
まとめ 【2023年発売ゲーム】 メタスコア ランキングTOP10 メタスコアランキング対象 ・2023年現時点で発売中のゲーム(リマスター・リメイク含む、DLC・移植版除く) ・いずれの機種でもレビュー数が10に満たないタイトルは除く ・ランキングの並べ方はmetacritic準拠 30507 pv 2


What’s your GOTY 2023 より

Zelda Tears of the kingdom, Baldurs gate 3, Statfield, RE4, FF 16, Pikmin 4 の6作品。




Baldur's Gate 3 - Official Announcement Trailer
2,698,646 回視聴 2019/06/07(4年前)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcP0WdH7rTs より
Baldur's Gate 3 - Release Date Reveal Trailer
971,898 回視聴 2023/02/24(6か月前)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-KF9iueE0 より

Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - First Look Trailer - Nintendo E3 2019
16,022,750 回視聴 2019/06/12(4年前)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fr1Z07AV00 より
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Official Trailer #3
12,866,802 回視聴 2023/04/13(5か月前)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHGShqcAHlQ より

Baldur's Gate 3 is tied with Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as the highest rated game of 2023

リンク Den of Geek Baldur's Gate 3 vs. Tears of The Kingdom Is An Impossible Game of the Year Debate Baldur's Gate 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are locked into a Game of the Year debate that is doing more harm than good. 1
リンク Nintendo Life Zelda: TOTK Isn't A Shoo-In For GOTY 2023, And That's A Good Thing Whoever wins, we all win 3231
リンク forbesjapan.com ゼルダ新作に刺客 今年最高のゲームは『Baldur’s Gate 3』か | Forbes JAPAN 公式サイト(フォーブス ジャパン) 筆者は以前、Nintendo Switch用ゲームソフト『ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム』が、2023年のゲーム・オブ・ザ・イヤー(GOTY)を総なめにすることはほぼ間違いないと書いた。今年は新作ゲームの当たり年となっている... 2 users 10


slip-ons @7dW7cuJRmMOiFKb

If this year's goty is not totk, it will be the worst choice. Those who promote Baldur's Gate say the game raised the standard for RPGs. That's wonderful. However, totk raises the standard for the overall quality of the game. #goty #zelda #BG3 #Starfield pic.twitter.com/fEr7ScTQ4r

2023-09-09 21:27:44
Stuck_In_A_Moment_You_ Can’t_Get_Out_Of @AG2VG

@VideoArtGame If you take Zelda out I think it could go to any of those other 3 because they are all great but I think TOTK wins hands down. pic.twitter.com/3wSD75GGTh

2023-09-13 02:46:17

@JuankandaJuan Nintendo. People have already made up their minds about Zelda: TOTK being GOTY 2023. This year’s big match up will most likely be BG3 vs TOTK. Just like 2022’s was Elden Ring vs God of War Ragnarök & 2018 was RDR2 vs God of War. Plus, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will get review bombed.

2023-09-01 13:24:13
ValyriaN @ValyrianFPS

@STsougkranis It's wild man. Usually you have 1 or 2 goty contenders a year. Or no competition at all.. To 2023 a year where atleast 6 games could win Goty and no one knows which one it'll be. Though i feel like Zelda already has a big chance because of it's name. (Not mine) but just a feeling

2023-08-29 20:36:07
Myth_Charts @Myth_Charts

Nintendo has cemented themselves as game company of the year for 2023. So many amazing moves this year. And most likely a GOTY incoming for Zelda: TotK. With today's direct, 2024 is set for more of the same. I love my job... OMOTENASHI.

2023-09-15 13:43:45
c0r1nth14n @c0r1nth14n

@PaulVergouwe @IwriteOK that's a fair opinion, but for me, Zelda keeps winning because they keep making the best games. GOTY is about the best game of the year, not the non-Zelda best game of the year. BG3 can have best PC game easily, but it's minor leagues compared to TotK.

2023-09-12 03:28:33


dreadead @dr3ad3ad

Probably a cold take but I think #GOTY2023 will end up being a close race between #BG3 vs. Zelda #TOTK with some shortlist selections like FF16, AC6, RE4 remake, and even Starfield. Speaking personally I hope BG3 will win it, I think what @larianstudios have done is phenomenal.

2023-09-15 03:22:07
Baby Ian @ianilanoTV

@VideoArtGame Realistically, BG3 will take it. The underdog that shook the industry, beat out one of the biggest devs for GOTY, all while being backed by public praise and support would be an amazing story. But that's my opinion. I'm going back to scanning plants and animals now.

2023-09-13 06:28:56
Cadreinth @Cadreinth

@fattbud1 @steuermannsmaat @VampyreGTX @thegameawards Zelda is fine. Not 96 Metacritic fine, but still a very good game and a GOTY contender. Baldur's Gate 3 is incredible and one of the best RPGs in the last 20 years. It will definitely win GOTY 2023. Starfield isn't even in the Top 30 of the best games of 2023.

2023-09-11 05:10:51