XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その93 23年9月後半

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ワイド師匠 @feedback330

というかイーロン・マスクがtwitterを買収した理由は 「twitterを潰すため」 だったのでは。潰すためにわざわざ買収するとは、さすがお大尽でっせ🙄 twitter.com/baronpiyo/stat…

2023-09-19 20:44:51
気候変動の向こう側 #FreeAlaa #SaveAlaa 💉😷🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

イーロン・マスクが本気かどうかは別として、会談動画の音声を聞いて、ボットと課金、クレカのくだりの文脈を考慮すれば、「全ユーザー課金はデマ」という結論に至る方が無理筋で、「ボット対策として現在のプレミアムよりも低い料金設定で全ユーザーに課金する方向で検討中」と解釈するのが自然。 twitter.com/itmedia_news/s…

2023-09-19 15:14:25
ITmedia NEWS @itmedia_news

X有料化発言はデマではないか、という声がありますが、編集部では音声を直接聞いて記事を執筆しています。該当発言の一部原文を記事に追加しました。 イーロン・マスク氏、X(旧Twitter)を有料化する「方向に移行中」と語る itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/…

2023-09-19 13:56:39
mitsuo @tetsuro_320

twitter不具合がトレンド入りして誰も𝕏と呼んでないの皮肉だな 四面楚歌

2023-09-18 22:53:01
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

Facebookは最近おかしい?昔の投稿が削除されました。 サイバーセキュリティに関するコミュニティ規定に違反しているそうな。 pic.twitter.com/GTEWtP0ws4

2023-09-16 03:43:10

XRの人びと People of XR

Dr. Aaron Thierry @ThierryAaron

I'm outside @DefraGovUK with @ChrisGPackham & representatives of 30+ conservation NGOs & groups to express our alarm & dismay at the rapidly worsening #StateOfNature in the UK We urgently need to #RestoreNatureNow pic.twitter.com/l4cy6gg181

2023-09-28 16:33:30
Imogen Wilde @ImogenWilde

Please join me, ⁦@ChrisGPackham, wildlife organisations & ecologists ⁩at Defra on THURS 28th SEPT 8am-2pm to show Govt that it is vital to restore and enhance wildlife now. #RestoreNatureNow #UniteForNature #NoNatureNoFuture@karlmccartney⁩ ⁦@theresecoffeypic.twitter.com/K4bG0Rg5fA

2023-09-25 04:43:06
Leon Simons @LeonSimons8

This shouldn't be a controversial take anywhere, right? twitter.com/LeonSimons8/st… pic.twitter.com/9VyN7H3hRd

2023-09-24 02:51:57
Leon Simons @LeonSimons8

🪸☠️ We are making corals go extinct. After most of the world's magafauna, corals will be amongst the first to go because of humans, but not the last. Rebellion against extinction makes sense. twitter.com/livwilliamson/… pic.twitter.com/cwOjiiaZ59

2023-09-23 13:38:29
Helen Burnett she/her @BurnettHelen

It was beautiful to join Silent Rebellion in Cambridge today as I dedicated an hour of prayer to #MakePollutersPay @ChristianAidSE @CClimateAction #ClimateJustice pic.twitter.com/FsI330kS1Q

2023-09-24 01:09:19
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

I’m looking forward immensely to you honouring me with a stop-off at my house: and to walking the final leg alongside you!… twitter.com/walkinginwater…

2023-09-22 19:25:25
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

1/ Sea level rise will transform the east of England within our lifetimes, destroying homes and places we love... yet nobody is talking about it So I'm walking from Cambridge to Norwich, 180 miles in mask and snorkel, almost entirely on land that will soon be lost to the seas 🧵 pic.twitter.com/sGDHmJcG93

2023-09-22 00:40:30
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Pushing climate up the political agenda has been achieved by movements like XR, @JustStop_Oil & @AufstandLastGen whether our tactics are widely popular or not. twitter.com/xr_GPsAndElder…

2023-09-22 08:50:58
Nick Acheson @themarshtit

I’m honoured to be joining @CharlieJGardner and others as they walk along my stretch of the north Norfolk coast - where habitats, species, homes, villages, roads, livelihoods and traditional ways of life are all threatened by climate change and concomitant sea level rise. twitter.com/walkinginwater…

2023-09-22 05:15:21
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner

This week - creaking old bones permitting - I'm going to walk from Cambridge to Norwich on lands we'll soon lose to the seas Lots of lovely folk are joining, give us a follow to see some of the wonderful places under threat and hear what we can all do to avoid the worst of it twitter.com/Walkinginwater…

2023-09-22 00:49:41
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

6/ We need to change everything, and each of us has a vital part to play So we're not asking for your money. That would be too easy Instead, we're asking you to get involved & treat this seriously throughout your own life. Here are some suggestions: walkinginwater.com/next-steps

2023-09-22 00:40:34
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

5/ Some further sea level rise is inevitable now, but the worst can still be avoided – and places we love can still be saved! – if we start treating climate change as the emergency it is That means ending the fossil fuel era, and stopping destroying nature

2023-09-22 00:40:33
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

4/ I’m @CharlieJGardner and I'll be joined by a wonderful group of local residents, campaigners, conservationists and local councillors along the way, so check out the website and get in touch if you’d like to join us for a stretch walkinginwater.com pic.twitter.com/ZdPnr7s5zR

2023-09-22 00:40:32
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

3/ Somehow – horrifically – the fact that tens of thousands of people across the region will lose their homes doesn't seem to be grabbing much attention But some bloke walking along in a 🤿just might have better luck, so off we go🚶‍♂️ theguardian.com/environment/20…

2023-09-22 00:40:32
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

2/ ‘Sea level rise threatens coasts’ is a decades-old story, but flood risk maps show vast inland areas will be under the annual flood level by 2050 - stretching right into the heart of Cambridge and Norwich coastal.climatecentral.org/map/12/1.3764/… pic.twitter.com/iBccbQb0y7

2023-09-22 00:40:31
Walking in Water @Walkinginwater1

1/ Sea level rise will transform the east of England within our lifetimes, destroying homes and places we love... yet nobody is talking about it So I'm walking from Cambridge to Norwich, 180 miles in mask and snorkel, almost entirely on land that will soon be lost to the seas 🧵 pic.twitter.com/sGDHmJcG93

2023-09-22 00:40:30
Emma Smart @smartyfish

💦 BREAKING: Scientist @CharlieJGardner walks 180miles 'in water' to highlight the #ClimateCrisis “Our homes & many of the places we love are threatened by climate change, yet the govt is ignoring the urgent warnings of the global scientific community" lynnnews.co.uk/news/scientist…

2023-09-21 19:06:28
New York Communities for Change @nychange

WATCH: Today, we made history. 110 people arrested for shutting down the NY Federal Reserve— the institution that can make the banks stop funding fossil fuels. One of the largest acts of mass civil disobedience in the past decade in the US. 🔥🔥 #ClimateShutDown pic.twitter.com/B1Gqe5cmBU

2023-09-19 12:17:09
Rainforest Action Network (RAN) @RAN

News coverage of today's action👇 Why target the Fed? They've done NOTHING to regulate #WallStreet's rampant financing of fossil fuels, deforestation, & human rights abuses. There will be no livable future if we continue down this path. #DefundClimateChaos foxnews.com/politics/hundr…

2023-09-19 08:48:00
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

📰 Cut The Ties to Fossil Fuel ⛽️ 🛢️Activists pour fake oil and scale the Labour Party headquarters to demand a future Labour Government takes urgent action to cancel new fossil fuel licenses, fund the transition to renewables & end Drax extinctionrebellion.uk/2023/09/18/ext… pic.twitter.com/2XK4KxXM9C

2023-09-19 05:06:51
Extinction Rebellion Families @XRFamilies

MOTHERS DEMAND CLIMATE ACTION FOR THE WORLD'S CHILDREN This weekend 400 mothers & allies gathered across 12 cities in the UK during the Global Week of Action for a Fossil Free Future. Press release here: linktr.ee/extinction.reb… #MothersRebellion #ClimateJustice #EndFossilFuels pic.twitter.com/ZD4jLup3sy

2023-09-18 23:51:33
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