XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その93 23年9月後半

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Insulate Britain


hamano_takashi @hamano_takashi

本日! twitter.com/session_1530/s…

2023-09-25 10:12:48
荻上チキ・Session @Session_1530

【告知】2023年9月25日(月) 特集「ゴッホの『ひまわり』にトマトスープ、道路を封鎖、試合に乱入…過激化する環境保護団体の活動、エコ・テロリズムとは何なのか」 ゲスト:環境保護団体の抗議活動について詳しい明星大学准教授の浜野喬士さん radiko.jp/share/?sid=TBS… #ss954 #radiko pic.twitter.com/nwsIsgS8t9

2023-09-25 09:31:29
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

約束に沿った気候変動対策を進めれば抗議は止まります。⇒ ベルリン・マラソンのスタート直前、環境活動家がコースに塗料まく mainichi.jp/articles/20230… #環境正義 #気候変動

2023-09-25 01:06:17
Extinction Rebellion NYC 🌎 @XR_NYC

"In Germany, farmers used the exact same tactic, blocking roads with their tractors to protest a renewable energy policy...Not a single farmer was punched in the face or dragged off the road by their hair" The Shadowy Network Vilifying Climate Protestors sgq.io/8w244Pf

2023-09-23 05:20:36
hamano_takashi @hamano_takashi

ベルリンのブランデンブルク門に塗料 環境団体吹きかけ、14人拘束:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASR9L… #

2023-09-18 18:07:23
シン(・∀・)デレラ @noche_y_calima

「一部の過激な環境活動家たちが道路を占拠封鎖して経済活動の妨げぐぁーっ!」と仰る方々は、日々、「主に化石燃料仕様の自動車の一部の過激なドライバーが事故って道路を封鎖する経済活動の妨げグァーッ!! 」とは言わないので、『イデオロギーですなあ。』ですですですますですコレッ!!!?? ( ´_ゝ`)

2023-09-18 13:04:58
時事ドットコム(時事通信ニュース) @jijicom

ドイツの首都ベルリン中心部のブランデンブルク門で17日、化石燃料の使用中止を要求する環境保護団体「最後の世代」が消火器を使い門柱にオレンジ色と黄色の塗料を散布しました。地元警察が活動家14人を現行犯逮捕し、門の損傷について調べています。(ロイター時事) jiji.com/jc/article?k=2…

2023-09-18 09:30:02
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

交通量の多い交差点や高速道路での座り込みなどの「過激な行動」が増えたらしいけど、今夏のような激化した気象災害が頻発している中でも化石燃料を掘っている企業と、それを可能にしている政治の方がよっぽど過激です。⇒ ベルリンで1万2000人、独各地で気候変動に抗議 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/fdf2e…

2023-09-18 02:18:38
アライ=ヒロユキ ARAI Hiroyuki @arai_hiroyuki

[Climate protestors call for removal of MoMA’s board chair over ties to fossil fuel industry] MoMAの評議員のMarie-Josée Kravisと夫が石油産業と密接な関係にあることに対し環境活動家が抗議。 単に気候危機だけでなく、美術館の倫理性が問われる問題でもある。 theartnewspaper.com/2023/09/15/mus…

2023-09-17 18:22:59
NYT Climate @nytclimate

The protesters who interrupted the U.S. Open last week are the latest activists in the U.S. and abroad to engage in “guerilla protests” to call attention to the climate crisis. nyti.ms/45XNs1V

2023-09-16 00:25:16

Just Stop Oil

Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

cus oil really matters to you... you're out of touch we're out of time need to keep that oil in the ground you're out of touch we're out of time you'll let us burn and watch us drown. #JustStopSunak 👉 https://t.co/2lYgxYhAhn

2023-09-22 02:22:56
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Civil resistance is no longer an option, it's a necessity — sign up to our emergency meeting on Sunday where we present our plan to stop the madness at juststopoil.org/zoom pic.twitter.com/mZfLsaHD47

2023-09-21 00:31:19
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

The world as we know it will cease to exist because of new oil and gas licences, so we decided to debunk common questions thrown at Just Stop Oil. We can't be perfect in an imperfect world — the focus on hyper individualism takes our focus away from the main problem: oil and gas companies funded by our government.

2023-09-21 00:31:12
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

#COP28 is poised to shape the course of international #ClimateAction.” COP is the 2020s version of the Soviet show trials - anyone who engages with it is a  "useful idiot". juststopoil.org counterpunch.org/2023/09/15/glo…

2023-09-19 04:36:12
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

🚨 BREAKING: Just Stop Oil Students Urge UK University Vice-Chancellors to Denounce Government's Genocidal Plans for New Oil and Gas “Paper after academic paper spells out the annihilation that we now face: hundreds of millions starving to death, billions of people being forced to leave their homes. Students and young people face a future of global economic collapse, war and social breakdown. You knew this moment was coming. We will not be complicit. Will you?” 🎓 Student at a UK university? Concerned about climate collapse? Sign up to a Just Stop Oil Students weekly Zoom — every Wednesday at 6pm: https://t.co/gQoZJ7aoDV

2023-09-19 03:16:07
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

🦺 Sam Griffiths, 48, was arrested on 19 July for slow marching against new oil and gas. 🧡 Sam takes action because he cannot stand by and watch our criminal government destroy his son's future. 🖋️ Join us and slow march in London from 29 October — juststopoil.org pic.twitter.com/jbLrAPovN2

2023-09-18 17:50:59
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

🚨 25,000 People Block Amsterdam A12 Motorway 🦺 For the last 3 days, thousands of people from @NLRebellion, @SR_Netherlands and other groups have blocked the motorway to demand no new fossil fuel subsidies. 🚔 Over 3,000 people have been arrested. The police have already asked politicians to negotiate. 🖋️ Take action against new fossil fuels in the UK — sign up at https://t.co/bLY1usEHyr

2023-09-11 23:25:00


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