XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その93 23年9月後半

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Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

HAPPENING NOW💥 6 climate protectors are in court facing a 10-year prison sentence for protesting the Treasury's funding of global #fossilfuel projects. Stand against a state trying to silence us. Stand with those on trial. Share, Comment, Like. #ActNow xrb.link/D7rJR9q pic.twitter.com/8wU4p4n3zd

2023-09-18 19:52:54


ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

Our scientists will be joining @WildlifeTrusts, @ChrisGPackham and hundreds of Nature lovers "I can't sit still and let the government keep reneging on promises they have made to protect the environment" @ImogenWilde ❓Will you join us❓ Nature does not have a voice but WE do twitter.com/ImogenWilde/st… pic.twitter.com/ghqOgusCpZ

2023-09-26 00:17:18
Imogen Wilde @ImogenWilde

Please join me, ⁦@ChrisGPackham, wildlife organisations & ecologists ⁩at Defra on THURS 28th SEPT 8am-2pm to show Govt that it is vital to restore and enhance wildlife now. #RestoreNatureNow #UniteForNature #NoNatureNoFuture@karlmccartney⁩ ⁦@theresecoffeypic.twitter.com/K4bG0Rg5fA

2023-09-25 04:43:06
Scientist Rebellion Netherlands @SR_Netherlands

Hundreds of protesters, including scientists, are taking to the #A12 again today to #StopFossieleSubsidies & protect the Wadden Sea. Meanwhile they also have to protect their kidneys, with police pelting them with water cannons set at bruising strength. twitter.com/KellivdWaals/s…

2023-09-23 20:30:27
Kelli van der Waals @KellivdWaals

Waterwerpers staan extreem hard op de #a12 vandaag, demonstranten wordt geadviseerd hun tas achter hun rug te doen om hun nieren te beschermen #extinctionrebellion @NLRebellion pic.twitter.com/WfEl2LHjIP

2023-09-23 19:31:43
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

40 scientists have already signed up to be there! twitter.com/chrisgpackham/… pic.twitter.com/VbN37xwi5E

2023-09-22 06:22:40
Chris Packham @ChrisGPackham

Next Thursday 28th Sept , a collection of UK wildlife NGOs will join us outside DEFRA HQ sharing a simple message with Govt: We must Restore Nature Now Thank you @WildlifeTrusts @GreenpeaceUK @IFAWUK @OceanaUK @_BCT_ @savebutterflies @friends_earth @ARC_Bytes . Any more ?

2023-09-22 05:01:02
Dr. Aaron Thierry @ThierryAaron

“I now consider it the ethically responsible thing to do” I stand with @ChrisGPackham it is now ethically justified to break the law in peaceful protest in the face of the betrayal of our governments inaction on the climate & ecological crises! #ChrisPackhamC4 pic.twitter.com/qKeURkeiZG

2023-09-21 06:42:08
Dr Emily Grossman @DrEmilyGrossman

“I’ve reached a point where I now consider breaking the law the only ethically moral thing to do.” Yes, Chris!!!! Thank you @ChrisGPackham for your courage and your leadership. I hear you and I’m with you. And thanks @Channel4 for making this groundbreaking doc. #ChrisPackhamC4 pic.twitter.com/Q7XmIQR4rs

2023-09-21 06:14:04
Simon Oldridge @SiOldridge

Incredibly powerful words from @DrEmilyGrossman on why scientists are being forced to take direct action to be heard. For anyone who still needs persuading that the media and our Government still haven't grasped the gravity of the climate & nature crisis COP26.tv pic.twitter.com/kHXtjQJLVf

2021-11-15 18:41:43
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

A call to action from @ClimateHuman in New York City. Now is the time for everyone to take a stand against the climate inaction of the global elites. #ClimateActionNow Video Credit: Maya Media pic.twitter.com/WF6vdpnnzY

2023-09-20 15:30:28
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

When scientific advice is ignored. When climate scientists expect catastrophic events to happen in their lifetime. What choice have we got? Another publication or try to shake the status quo? twitter.com/chrisgpackham/…

2023-09-18 05:18:08
Chris Packham @ChrisGPackham

CHRIS PACKHAM: IS IT TIME TO BREAK THE LAW? @Channel4 9pm Wednesday . I try to decide what is justified in protesting government policy on climate change . Please watch . . . climate breakdown is happening - should we be shooting the canaries in the coal mine ? pic.twitter.com/3wEayXa3LX

2023-09-18 02:15:36
Bill McKibben @billmckibben

So @ClimateHuman is doing what—unfortunately—this era requires of scientists. I’m very much looking forward to hearing what he has to say twitter.com/climatehuman/s…

2023-09-16 00:53:43
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

Monday in NYC: A short film about my first climate arrest, protesting fossil fuel financing, followed by a discussion and Q&A with @billmckibben and myself. It will be fun - I hope to meet you there! Tickets: arrestingsciencenyc.eventbrite.com pic.twitter.com/dtRzlLtrNW

2023-09-15 11:38:29
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

CLIMATE BREAKDOWN comes in many forms, and nature's warning signs in 2023 are loud and clear! 🌍 Climate chaos is on the rise with devastating floods, fierce hurricanes, and relentless heatwaves. Yet, we're sticking to old profiteering habits, but at what cost?🌪️🔥 #ActOnClimate pic.twitter.com/ftQrdH4Tpf

2023-09-15 23:12:26


ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

When defendants are prevented to mention the words climate & fuel poverty to explain their action, the gagging backfires. “I am deeply afraid of a world where truth, science and morality are not important, or where we are not free to fight for them" Scientists join 250 in action twitter.com/PlanB_earth/st… pic.twitter.com/sLJAuzt016

2023-09-25 23:49:26
Plan B Earth @PlanB_earth

4. WE ARE ALL TRUDI WARNER! Eminent Professor of Criminal Law, Richard Vogler, publishes an article in The Barrister, “We are All Trudi Warner! Promoting the Rights of Jurors in the Twenty First Century” bit.ly/3LwaaGj @theBarrister @thebarcouncil @BarristerSecret

2023-09-25 15:24:14
佐々木 寛 @Hiroshi_1966

これはひどい。愛知大学が反戦デモに参加した学生を退学処分。愛知大学には教員の友人がたくさんいますが、あえて言います。これはもう、多様な知を司る「大学(ウニベルシタス)」とは言えないですね。この時代、大学はデモの仕方を教えるぐらいじゃないと。連帯しましょう。 chunichi.co.jp/article/774499

2023-09-25 17:09:14
中日新聞 @chunichi_denhen

昨夜に公開したこちらの記事ですが、SNSで大きな議論になっていることを踏まえまして、記事全文を公開しました 反戦デモに参加し退学処分、元愛知大生3人が再審査請求 不当な処分と主張 chunichi.co.jp/article/774499

2023-09-23 12:54:36
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

世も末。⇒《反戦デモに許可なく参加したなどとして、愛知大は学生自治会役員の学生3人に退学の懲戒処分を通知した。》 反戦デモに参加し退学処分、元愛知大生3人が再審査請求 不当な処分と主張 chunichi.co.jp/article/774499

2023-09-23 10:13:28
🇵🇸🇯🇵Thoton Akimoto @AkimotoThn

なんですかね、これ。デモに参加するのに誰かの許可が必要なのでしょうか。1億歩くらい譲って必要だとしても、退学処分、というのは重すぎ。全体主義国家でもここまでやらないと思います。日本、どうしちゃったのかな。 chunichi.co.jp/article/774499

2023-09-22 22:45:54
Extinction Rebellion Wimborne @XRWimborne

“I thought this only happened in authoritarian regimes” Trudi Warner Our MP @Michael4MDNP to apply for her imprisonment for holding a sign He’s undermining the principle that jurors are entitled to acquit a defendant as a matter of conscience irrespective of judge’s directions pic.twitter.com/6isZQeJlEA

2023-09-19 19:13:00
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Peaceful protest is not a crime Students in #Uganda who protested peacefully alongside millions of people across the world to #EndFossilFuels were arrested and are still in prison. Reports tell of police brutality and injuries needing urgent medical attention #DefendDefenders twitter.com/stopeacopug/st…

2023-09-19 17:30:00
Stop EACOP Uganda @StopEACOPug

It's so unfortunate that our four students have been remanded again to luzira prisons till Wednesday 20th/Sept/2023. One the students needs urgent medical attention. #Freestudents #EndFossilFuels #DefendDefenders pic.twitter.com/rt8Dytfs9Y

2023-09-19 00:27:46
Rainforest Action Network (RAN) 🌴 @RAN

BREAKING: Arrests happening RIGHT NOW in NYC outside the @federalreserve building. Banks & asset managers: WE’RE WATCHING YOU. You’re just as complicit in climate destruction as your fossil fuel clients. In the last 7 years, banks from dumped $5.5 TRILLION into fossil fuels. pic.twitter.com/lvwAQ8WFff

2023-09-19 04:02:07
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

Ugandan students at a #EndFossilFuels action were arrested & charged with unlawful assembly. A student said the arrest was "brutal" & their condition “critical", medical care hasn't been granted. Officials must do everything in their power to rapidly release them from prison.

2023-09-19 02:02:56
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