The Cultural Tutor氏による、史料的に間違っている歴史記述の数々(本ポストは訳しましたが、コメントは訳してません)

CatScratchFever @GLFNE1

@culturaltutor 2100 historians will depict Pres. Biden as a great orator, infallible in his speeches despite his age & "word salad."

2023-10-04 02:25:31
Juan Fernández |❀|⚡🌍🪐 @jufelo23

@culturaltutor At least they paint him with a historically accurate gay pose

2023-10-04 02:20:54
macky pamintuan 🍉 @mackyp4

@thekarlkaufman @culturaltutor Exactly. It was 15 commandments until Moses dropped the third tablet.

2023-10-04 05:28:58
Angelle Vinet @VinetAngel475

@culturaltutor Right and it’s so vanilla so it must be Veronese.

2023-10-04 08:58:04
Samir Sadikhov @samirsadikhov

@culturaltutor @jeandpardaillan sizin bazi tarihi filmlerinizi yorumlamanizi hatirlatti ama farkli bir achidan.

2023-10-04 02:47:21

@culturaltutor I have the same reaction to people criticizing Braveheart. It's not historically accurate but is thematically accurate and an excellent story. Meanwhile Free state of jones was made by historians basically and failed anything because it is a poor film at its core and a boring one

2023-10-04 03:22:57
ik ben weg @constructiveHR

@culturaltutor What most people believe they know about Julius Caesar and Anthony and Cleopatra is actually based on the works of Shakespeare. There are reliable historical sources but “et tu Brute” is much more dramatic. And Latin, not Greek (Caesar spoke the latter)

2023-10-04 04:00:17

@culturaltutor No you see people in the past didnt know history because they were in history. Fish & water ya see

2023-10-04 06:51:25