

Cafe_Forex(テムズ川の流れ) @UponTheThames

病院の被害;ロケット弾が発射直後に軌道を大きく変えて地上に落下する様子にみえる。モサドのSNSだが。 twitter.com/TheMossadIL/st…

2023-10-18 06:53:48
The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome @TheMossadIL

Gaza hospital bombed. IDF was not operating in the area. It appears to have come from a failed Hamas rocket. pic.twitter.com/gt2fc8LRtH

2023-10-18 03:44:09
依田高典 @takanoriida

拝復。経済学と心理学の融合である行動経済学の強みは、行動経済学の検証ツールとして、実験経済学と極めて相性が良く、実験計画は因果推論と連なり、RCTデータは機械学習と融合して個別効果の識別能を持ちます(今ココ)。その先、自然知能と人工知能との融合も始まるでしょう。 twitter.com/akrgt0713/stat…

2023-10-18 06:53:42
ごとうあきら @akrgt0713

@takanoriida ありがとうございます!実験研究をするために必要な知識やスキルは多いとは思うのですが,どこまで必要なのか,何が武器になり得るのかを議論できればと思っています!

2023-10-17 22:04:58
白ふくろう @sunafukin99


2023-10-18 06:52:48
楽天FX @rakuten_fx

ポンドオーダー=1.2200ドル OP19日NYカット大きめ #fx

2023-10-18 06:52:36
ロイター @ReutersJapan

スターボードCEO、米ニューズ・コープの一部事業の分離主張 jp.reuters.com/markets/japan/…

2023-10-18 06:51:13
Josh Marshall @joshtpm

This really takes the cake. Scalise didn’t try hard enough to break bones for Jordan. twitter.com/olivia_beavers…

2023-10-18 06:43:12
Olivia Beavers @Olivia_Beavers

Jordan allies telling me if Scalise really tried to compel his House GOP supporters to rally around the Ohio R, then he’d have the votes But at least 6 centrists blocking him too

2023-10-18 05:31:43
ポストマン #開示請求クラスタ @postmankaiji

#日本保守党 を結成し有頂天の #百田尚樹 ですが、かつては森友学園(塚本幼稚園)で講演会を行っていました。 櫻井よしこや竹田恒泰等ネトウヨ文化人はこぞって森友学園で小銭を稼いでました。 事件発覚後は手のひら返して、籠池氏を批判してましたね。 カッコ悪かったです。 tukamotoyouchien.com/lecture/ twitter.com/HANADA_asuka/s… pic.twitter.com/uyKgjWKf3R

2023-10-17 23:08:08
月刊『Hanada』編集部 @HANADA_asuka

【速報】河村たかし名古屋市長が日本保守党共同代表に就任! #日本保守党 pic.twitter.com/CJeRbhV6lM

2023-10-17 16:47:54
シラカワスキー @shirakawa_love

だから最近の物価高については「アベノミクスの成果がちゃんと出てますね」と言ってそれを熱狂的に支持してきた国民にキチッと分からせてやるべきだと思う。 twitter.com/shirakawa_love…

2023-10-17 19:26:09
シラカワスキー @shirakawa_love

「アベノミクスのせいですね」ってハッキリ言ってやれよ岸田 fnn.jp/articles/-/601…

2023-10-16 19:56:47
antilock2020 @antilock2020

ジャニーズ関連でもとりわけ「イメージが良い」鉄腕ダッシュもこのザマで、もうおしまい感がある。 twitter.com/takedasatetsu/…

2023-10-18 04:22:31
武田砂鉄 @takedasatetsu

『ザ!鉄腕!DASH!!』が都立明治公園の整備を手伝うそう。ウェブサイトでは「50年間コンクリートだったこの場所」「自然豊かな杜を作る!」と紹介。ここは、五輪に合わせて、強制退去させた霞ヶ丘アパートがあった場所。 青山真也監督『東京オリンピック2017』予告編より。 youtube.com/watch?v=gqHnMl… pic.twitter.com/Xuz9mW3T5e

2023-10-17 08:22:26
Matt Glassman @MattGlassman312

They smell blood in the water, almost certainly means they have a whip count of dissenters significantly bigger than 20 now. twitter.com/craigcaplan/st…

2023-10-18 05:25:03
Craig Caplan @CraigCaplan

Appropriations Chair Granger and Senior Appropriatior Womack support Diaz Balart, another Senior Appropriatator who voted for Scalise over Jordan, in his letter to McHenry requesting an immediate second Speaker vote. twitter.com/rep_stevewomac… twitter.com/RepKayGranger/…

2023-10-18 05:07:17
Dan Froomkin (PressWatchers.org) @froomkin

Notable contrast between @just_security ("here is the law of armed conflict as it applied to Israel/Gaza") and @lawfare ("fugget about the law it's a question of strategy") justsecurity.org/89489/expert-g… lawfaremedia.org/article/on-str… pic.twitter.com/5LDP0SGlOh

2023-10-18 06:44:54
第四の外野手 @dai4nogaiya

立憲県連、共産県委員会、社民党の推薦を受けておいてこの言い草はおかしいんじゃないか? 共闘のための無所属であることは、情勢的にも明らかだし、有権者の多くも「野党共闘の政策協定」に賛同しての投票だっただろう。 政策協定に批判的なら、政党の推薦は受けずに完全無所属で立候補すべきだろう。 pic.twitter.com/7xiu6eyiUh

2023-10-17 14:01:47
Naomi Klein @NaomiAKlein

Being outraged alone does nothing. Being outraged together builds possibilities. If you possibly can, come to DC tomorrow to call for a #CeasefireNOW. Everyone is welcome. twitter.com/jvplive/status…

2023-10-18 03:38:45
Jewish Voice for Peace @jvplive

@NaomiAKlein says: ALL OUT FOR DC! Naomi and all of us are all in to do everything we can to prevent genocide in Gaza. RSVP for actions in D.C. starting Monday and throughout the week or to be alerted to upcoming actions in your area. jvp.org/stop pic.twitter.com/gLg142O2Qb

2023-10-17 10:57:26
Philip Rosedale @philiprosedale

Sports leagues manage inequality by charging a % tax on salaries and distributing it equally back to all teams. This keeps winning teams from cheating by hiring away all the best players. Makes sense, doesn't it? @scottsantens en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxury_ta…

2023-10-18 06:26:15
勉三 @kidasangyo

うぉ!開業医の報酬に手をつける前に、薬局来ましたね。医師会などに対して、団結して声を上げ立ち上がらなかった薬剤師さんの負けでしょうね。 時給2500→1500円コース確定です。 twitter.com/nikkei/status/…

2023-10-17 14:08:57
日本経済新聞 電子版(日経電子版) @nikkei

門前薬局の高額報酬減額 財務・厚労両省 医療適正化へ nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…

2023-10-17 05:58:38
北丸雄二💙💛❤️🖤🤍💚 @quitamarco

おお、よかった。ポーランド総選挙で反LGBTQ+施策を続けてきた右翼与党「法と正義」党が予想に反して過半数を取れず、中道の野党連合「市民連立」が連立政権を作る方向へ。18~29歳の若者が右翼にノーを突きつけた。 twitter.com/PinkNews/statu…

2023-10-17 10:03:27
PinkNews @PinkNews

Poland’s LGBTQ+ community celebrates as right-wing loses election: ‘We will fight for the future’ thepinknews.com/2023/10/16/pol…

2023-10-16 23:55:40
Kayla Tausche @kaylatausche

JUST NOW: @POTUS boards AF1 en route Tel Aviv and does not answer reporters' questions about whether he will still go to Jordan, with Abbas backing out of the meeting.

2023-10-18 06:43:28
Leigh Ann Caldwell @LACaldwellDC

Stefanik's speech mentioned Jordan's skill "on the wrestling mat," which caused Democrats to burst out in "whoaaaaa." Some Democrats covered their mouths in shock. Jordan has been accused of ignoring sexual abuse on the wrestling team when he was assistant coach at Ohio State.

2023-10-18 01:49:22
Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn

Israeli air strikes have hit Al Ahli hospital in Gaza. More than 500 people - patients, doctors & those sheltering - have been killed. What unspeakable horror. We will mourn their loss forever. Our leaders could have spoken up for peace. They chose to cheer on war instead. When will they demand an end to these atrocious war crimes? How many Palestinian lives will it take to call for these indiscriminate killings to stop? Please, for the sake of humanity, raise your voice for an immediate ceasefire. The existence of the Palestinian people is at stake.

2023-10-18 03:17:56
Scott Santens @scottsantens

For everyone replying to this about how it's "her money" because she "earned it", that has nothing to do with her original point. She said basic income was a bad idea because it will not "lift people up." Look at what Social Security did. Did giving money to seniors lift them up? Yes. Did they only not "sink" because of needing to prove they earned it by paying payroll taxes for years? No. The justification for the money doesn't matter to the impact it has on poverty and insecurity. The debate here is about whether providing people with money every month so they have a floor of economic security will hurt them or not. Every senior with a pension should know that it's a good thing they get a pension, and they should be thankful that they didn't live prior to the existence of senior pensions, when they would have been told that their poverty is their own problem and to suck it. You know, like many of you yourselves are doing right now, looking at people in poverty and telling them to suck it. Oh they deserve their poverty, right? But seniors don't deserve poverty, right? Why? Because they worked for it? But look at all the people in poverty with jobs right now. And understand how many seniors were in poverty prior to social insurance systems despite being hard workers. We decided that it was wrong for seniors to be in poverty, so we started providing them with monthly income. It's the income that prevents so much senior poverty, not the justification for the income.

2023-10-18 06:42:10
makiko nakano @demozo_GDTS

アルアハリー病院が爆撃されたようです。500人以上が死亡って、信じがたい twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/s…

2023-10-18 04:32:30
Seito Hayasaki (早﨑成都) @shayasak08301

つまり現役時の所得に比例して年金給付が増えていくような仕組みにすることで、社会の幅広い階層がこの仕組みに参加するインセンティブを持つ。そうではなく、年金は民間でということになれば、国がやる年金は小規模にならざるをえないし、公的年金と私的年金のトレードオフが生まれてしまう。 twitter.com/shayasak08301/…

2023-10-16 01:35:18
Seito Hayasaki (早﨑成都) @shayasak08301

医療については詳しく勉強しないといけないけれど、年金について言えば厚生年金の支払いが社会保障支出に占める割合はかなりのものだと思うが、ここを維持する理由は再分配のパラドックスで有名なKorpi と Palmeなどに明らかだと思う。

2023-10-16 01:32:04
Seito Hayasaki (早﨑成都) @shayasak08301

医療については詳しく勉強しないといけないけれど、年金について言えば厚生年金の支払いが社会保障支出に占める割合はかなりのものだと思うが、ここを維持する理由は再分配のパラドックスで有名なKorpi と Palmeなどに明らかだと思う。

2023-10-16 01:32:04
Alan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod

BREAKING: The first images of Israel's bombing of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza emerge. Between 200 and 300 patients and staff are estimated to have been killed. pic.twitter.com/bgCfM28p6Y

2023-10-18 02:26:06
Hector Pollitt @HectorPollitt

We used to say that climate policy was about getting the prices right. For solar power at least, soon the prices will be right. So what happens? New paper in @NatureComms @FemkeNijsse @JFMercure @nadameli @FrancescaLaros1 @PVercoulen rdcu.be/doMjW

2023-10-18 04:40:52
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