Historic Vids氏による、1890年台から流行ったBathing Machineの紹介諸々。

ManChurch @ManChurch_

@historyinmemes When did the practice begin? Also the 1890s?

2023-10-25 10:18:02
Tarun @heytarunn

@historyinmemes This looks like some futuristic machine that tony stark could invent

2023-10-25 09:32:27
Mr.Bi Bô @courseofhistory

Among all of the strange contraptions that the Victorians invented, bathing machines are amongst the most bizarre. Invented in the early to mid-18th century, at a time when men and women had to legally use separate parts of the beach and sea, bathing machines were designed to preserve a woman’s modesty at the seaside by acting as a changing room on wheels that could be dragged into the water. At the height of their popularity, bathing machines were dotted across beaches in Britain, France, Germany, the United States and Mexico, and were used by everyone from ordinary beach-goers to Queen Victoria herself.

2023-10-25 09:38:29
Universe 🌌🌍 @Amr10062

@historyinmemes a fascinating relic of the past 🏖️🩱🌊

2023-10-25 09:48:32
Don @Idan_wale

@historyinmemes Kindly help post something About Nigeria... please 🥺

2023-10-25 09:33:39
Reality Scope @Reality_Scope

Among all of the strange contraptions that the Victorians invented, bathing machines are amongst the most bizarre. Invented in the early to mid-18th century, at a time when men and women had to legally use separate parts of the beach and sea, bathing machines were designed to preserve a woman’s modesty at the seaside by acting as a changing room on wheels that could be dragged into the water. At the height of their popularity, bathing machines were dotted across beaches in Britain, France, Germany, the United States and Mexico, and were used by everyone from ordinary beach-goers to Queen Victoria herself.

2023-10-25 09:33:16
StackinSats🔮 @base4267

@historyinmemes Absolutely wild how that worked out wild lol

2023-10-25 09:37:07
Artvisionᴺᶠᵀ @ArtvisionNFT

nce ready, the bathing machine would be wheeled into the water, allowing the women to step directly into the sea while still preserving their modesty. This practice reflected the prevailing societal norms of the time, which emphasized modesty, discretion, and the separation of the sexes. It was a reflection of the strict moral standards and gender roles of the Victorian era, which influenced various aspects of daily life, including leisure activities such as swimming

2023-10-25 09:32:19
Adult Human Female @evangie

@historyinmemes Now we call them cabanas and they rent for $400 a day at the finest resorts.

2023-10-25 10:07:10
Boo Boo Biscuits @It_sBooBooBaby

@historyinmemes Somebody wheeled them? Those things look huge, wood, thousands of pounds. On sand???

2023-10-25 09:45:16