カラスの知能の高さがすごいと話題→イソップ物語のあの寓話が現実に ときには道具も作り出す驚くべき生物

DiZ @DiZtheJedi

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Tools are one thing, but understanding the principal of displacement? Holy shit!

2023-10-26 11:10:41
pagesmurphy @pagesmurphy

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Reminds me of The Crow and the Water Pitcher from Aesop

2023-10-26 08:47:43
Jonathan H. Liu @jonathanhliu

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Probably learned it from reading Aesop's fables. :D

2023-10-26 08:36:09
リンク natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp カラスの高い知能、イソップ話は実話? ニューカレドニアカラスは、野生生活において道具を使うことで知られる。オーストラリアから東に約1200キロ、太平洋南西のニューカレドニア諸島に生息する彼らの認知能力を明らかにしようと、あるチームが研究に取り組んでいる。 3 users 11
GT𝕏Media @GTX_Media

Crows are highly intelligent birds known for their complex problem-solving abilities. They exhibit skills like tool use, which is a rare trait among non-human animals. For instance, they've been observed fashioning sticks and other objects into tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places. These birds are remarkably adaptable and can thrive in diverse environments, from urban centers to remote wilderness areas. They have a wide-ranging diet, which includes fruits, insects, small mammals, and even carrion. Crows are highly social and form tight-knit family groups. They communicate using a range of vocalizations, with each call carrying distinct meanings. Some studies suggest that crows are capable of recognizing individual human faces, which is a testament to their remarkable cognitive abilities. They're known for their mischievous behavior, occasionally stealing shiny objects like coins or jewelry. This behavior has led to cultural myths and superstitions about crows being attracted to shiny things. Crows are also known to exhibit mourning behavior. They've been observed gathering around deceased members of their group, a behavior that suggests a level of emotional complexity. In many cultures, crows hold symbolic significance. They can represent various traits like wisdom, adaptability, and transformation. These birds have a rich history in folklore, mythology, and literature, often being portrayed as clever and enigmatic creatures. Overall, crows are a fascinating and multifaceted species that continue to intrigue and captivate researchers and enthusiasts alike.

2023-10-26 08:23:14
Castles @Cleighton4444

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Crows are intelligent they can recognize human faces and selectively attack those who gave them a hard time, an experiment was done regarding this

2023-10-26 08:33:48
リンク ナゾロジー カラスは「危険人物」の顔を覚えて、仲間に拡散できるという研究 - ナゾロジー 目次 カラスは「危険人物」の顔を記憶できるカラスは危険人物の情報を仲間に拡散する Credit: jp.depositphotos新型コロナウイルスの影響で繁華街のゴミが減り、人間の居住区にも野生動物が出没し始めています。国によっては、キツネやヤギが都会をうろついている地域もあるようです。 日本でも、ひと気のなくなった市街地にカラスが押し寄せつつあります。知能が高いカラスは、他の動物と違って厄介です。 コロナの終息後、人が街に戻り始めたら、多くの動物たちは大人しく元の場所に帰ってくれるでしょうが、カラスは 2 users 1191
Namer @cybertrove

Crows are among the relatively few animals known to use tools. They have been observed using sticks, leaves, and even their own feathers to extract insects from crevices or to manipulate objects. Crows excel at solving complex problems. They can figure out how to access food that is hidden, use tools to obtain hard-to-reach items, and even work together to achieve a common goal.

2023-10-26 08:23:49
The Raccfather 🦝🦝🦝 @lucasj8

@gunsnrosesgirl3 They know how to use tools like sticks to get what they need too.

2023-10-26 08:29:14
The Raccfather 🦝🦝🦝 @lucasj8

@WadeN26sdsr7p4 @gunsnrosesgirl3 Start to build their trust by throwing them kibble, nuts, or popcorn. Kibble is great because it's easy to toss close to them. It took a month to gain some of their trust while some older ones are still afraid. They're creatures of habit so repeat at the same time each day.

2023-10-26 10:35:45

※raven( ワタリガラス)

jpgqueen.eth 👑🎒 @jpeg_girl

@gunsnrosesgirl3 One of the smartest birds, if they were a little bit bigger they would be terrifying

2023-10-26 08:44:34
Vegan Hippo @Veganhippo21

@gunsnrosesgirl3 I see them all the time doing crazy things, they love gold and shiny stuff

2023-10-26 08:21:50

※raven( ワタリガラス)

Sookie @einefrau_happy

@gunsnrosesgirl3 I’m often amazed by the intelligence of crows.

2023-10-26 10:41:27