① 草津町虚偽告発事件 🆕黒岩町長に対する名誉毀損で元町議らに賠償命令

✅ 記事・ツイートを使用させていただいた皆様に感謝いたします。勝手にまとめてすみません。
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諸葛 均 @policedog1971

「圧倒的に草津町も被害者。」 「草津町も」じゃなくて、『草津町が』な。 pic.twitter.com/JCwfnz2rfH

2024-05-04 14:32:34
ブラックタコ @octtakoqb

@po_jama_people お前が言うな定期。 で、異様な闇って何だったの? pic.twitter.com/jIAOR08Z6l

2024-05-06 13:11:37

🔵 トレバー・バウアー『冤罪』

Trevor Bauer (トレバー・バウアー) @BauerOutage

My cousin Michael was a Harvard law grad. About 10 years ago, he was falsely accused of rape. He was disbarred due to the allegations. He was never arrested. He was never charged with a crime. He was never convicted of a crime. For the past ten years, he has fought his way through the legal system and won at every turn, incurring tremendous amounts of legal bills along the way. This past summer, he won a civil case against the woman who falsely accused him. She was ordered to pay him ~6 million dollars, but she had no money, and he knew he would never see a cent of what the court determined he was owed. Even after this, the NY bar refused to reinstate him. He was not allowed to go back to work. Earlier this month, after ten years of fighting, winning, and still not being able to get back on his feet, he took his own life. I just found out. People who make false allegations, especially of a sexual nature, should have no place in society and should face consequences for the damages they cause. It’s not funny. It’s not cute. It’s not a story to laugh about with your friends. It’s not something to brag about on social media. It’s not a way to gain a following on social media or launch a podcast or write a book. It shouldn’t be a way to make a quick buck. It’s not acceptable. It’s a crime, and for the falsely accused, a crime that can have deadly consequences. There is no justice here. Rest in peace, Michael.

2024-01-01 07:35:21
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