ミュンヘン一揆(München Putsch)100周年(1923-2023)

Und ihr habt doch gesiegt!
椙@東5な24a @NemuiNemuikara


2023-11-09 12:56:23
梯子のぼり🪜冬コミ申込み済 @hasigo555


2023-11-09 13:02:19
花巻屋@I02b @Ame_o_yobu_tori

百年前新聞が、歴史的事件のひとつミュンヘン一揆の顛末を時系列順に報じているのですが……字面だけを見るとヒトラーがビアホールで時間をつぶしているのが速報になっているみたいでちょっと面白いな(笑) twitter.com/100nen_/status…

2023-11-09 13:06:56
百年前新聞 @100nen_

速報◆8日午後8時、アドルフ・ヒトラーが、ミュンヘン最大のビアホール「ビュルガーブロイケラー」に到着。ビールを飲みながら時間をつぶす。 =百年前新聞社 (1923/11/08)

2023-11-08 20:01:57
だっち @zidaiokure_21th

「ミュンヘン一揆」という表現がいつ頃から言われているのか不明だが、今でもこの言い方で良いのか。一連の事件の流れを見ていると、ほとんどクーデターに近い暴動なのだが、今でも「一揆」という表現で正しいのか。 「ミュンヘン暴動」「ミュンヘン事件」…。どれが相応しいだろうか。

2023-11-09 13:30:18
フォン@事務所 @kiguphone


2023-11-09 13:30:40
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched with General Erich Ludendorff to the Feldherrnhalle in Munich #TDIH in 1923 to seize control of the Bavarian Defense Ministry during the Beer Hall Putsch. The failed coup d'état ultimately intended to overthrow the Weimar Republic. #history #OTD pic.twitter.com/mFbEHAAeyD

2023-11-09 13:34:52
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Political Cartoon. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched to the Feldherrnhalle in Munich #TDIH in 1923 during the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler viewed an economic crisis and political instability as opportunity to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Chicago Tribune, September 8, 1923. #history pic.twitter.com/ghOiI59qfR

2023-11-09 13:40:37
Deutsches Brot ~ German Bred @BrotBred

@ultrasnotreds18 @WLMCalifornia And today is also the 100th anniversary of the Munich Beer Hall Putsch.

2023-11-09 13:41:15
Brito Vagner Dantas @VortexBrito

O "Putsch da Cervejaria" que projetou Hitler na política p.dw.com/p/4YXHq?maca=p…

2023-11-09 13:41:28
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Political Cartoon. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched to the Feldherrnhalle in Munich #OTD in 1923 during the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler viewed an economic crisis and political instability as opportunity to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Springfield Leader, October 25, 1923. #history pic.twitter.com/eOV0ZK90gi

2023-11-09 13:43:28
Brady Knox @Brady_k6

100 years exactly since the Beer Hall Putsch— I visited the critical spot a few months ago To the left of the Tilly statue is where police opened fire on the Nazis, with Hitler only surviving when bodyguards jumped in front of him There’s an interesting memorial nearby— after the Nazis took power, they’d make everyone who walked through this street give the Nazi salute in honor of those killed. As such, silent dissenters would cut through a side street to avoid having to do this The memorial is the streak that looks like something spilled— it commemorates the silent resisters who would take that route rather than go down the Putsch street

2023-11-09 13:49:20
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Political Cartoon. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched to the Bavarian Defense Ministry #TDIH in 1923 during the Munich Putsch. Hitler had stormed into the Bürgerbräukeller beer hall and announced a national revolution previous evening. Evansville Courier, November 8, 1923. #history pic.twitter.com/19ih9NGKmp

2023-11-09 13:50:26
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Political Cartoon. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched to the Bavarian Defense Ministry #TDIH in 1923 during the Munich Putsch. Hitler stormed into the Bürgerbräukeller beer hall and proclaimed a national revolution previous evening. Tacoma Daily Ledger, November 10, 1923. #history pic.twitter.com/t2mU9YtaqI

2023-11-09 13:53:09
ケンジィ(雑多垢) @kenji_1942usj

@yuuka1sh1 世界恐慌もあったからね🙄ものすごいインフレでパン1斤何万マルクにもなったとか…失業者もかなり多く、それを救う(表向きは)ためにヒ〇ラーという独裁者が…逆に世間が彼を誕生させたんやろね(ミュンヘン一揆でやらかしたけど)🤔

2023-11-09 13:56:49
Julian Siuksta @JulianSiuksta

@theheraldsun The sort of idiot who would have been eliminated during The Rohm Putsch / Night of the Long Knives.

2023-11-09 13:56:59
山中狂人 @kyoujin2016

#11月9日#アドルフ・ヒトラー が逮捕された日(1923年 #ミュンヘン一揆) 今日は世界の不幸が始まった日であり、不幸が終わった日でもある。 事件とその後の裁判で、ヒトラーは有名になった。 解説へのリンクを張っておく。 ナチス・ヒトラー②ヒトラー登場から逮捕まで youtu.be/TQVGeCk5o1A

2023-11-09 13:57:47
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Political Cartoon. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched to the Bavarian Defense Ministry #TDIH in 1923 during the Munich Putsch. The Bavarian police mobilized to suppress the revolt, with 14 Nazis and four police officers killed. St. Louis Star and Times, November 10, 1923. #history pic.twitter.com/PFiO0GVppE

2023-11-09 13:59:39
Irish Times World @IrishTimesWorld

Centenary of Hitler putsch casts uncomfortable shadow on pogrom anniversary irishtimes.com/world/europe/2… via @IrishTimesWorld

2023-11-09 14:02:04
David Klein @DavidKleinKS

Political Cartoon. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler marched General Erich Ludendorff to the Bavarian Defense Ministry #TDIH in 1923 during the Munich Putsch. Reluctant conspirators mobilized Bavarian police to successfully suppress the revolt. Austin American, November 16, 1923. #history pic.twitter.com/eokLYX1p1v

2023-11-09 14:03:58
Adamou Nassirou Economie @AdamouEconomie

@almouslime Vous pouvez aller faire un putsch à Ibrahim si ça vous faites mal

2023-11-09 14:04:41
ストレンジまるむし博士あるいはいかにして労働する事をやめコタツにもぐりこんだか @fjt

英語だと「ビアホールのなんたら」っていうらしいね。 Beer Hall Putsch か。 putsch はあまり聞かない語彙だがおよそ謀反、クーデターという意味のようだ。

2023-11-09 14:04:52
みん。・*・:≡( ε:) @min_seto


2023-11-09 14:05:15
Primitivo Turd @ObamaHologram_

@100YearsAgoLive It is interesting that the Reichswehr more or less stood with their thumbs up their asses and let the Kapp Putsch happen, but didn't do the same thing only like 3 years later when Hitler, clearly inspired by Kapp (He took a plane to visit Kapp just before he fled!) did it again

2023-11-09 14:08:20