

バンコクで赤シャツ抗議デモ隊が解散した5月19日、デモ隊の拠点のすぐ近くだったパトゥムワナラーム寺Wat Pathum [Patumwanaram] で銃撃があり、少なくとも7人が死亡しました。銃撃は寺の外からだったとの目撃情報です。このお寺には多くの非武装の人たちが避難していました。(銃撃後、人々を避難させたあとで政府側は中にいたのは5000人だとか3600人だとか言っていたようですが、現場を取材したジャーナリストたちは1500人くらいだろうと言っています。) このページでは、銃撃があったときにお寺の中にいた西洋人ジャーナリスト2人(下記2名)の数日分のtweetsを中心にまとめます。 @AndrewBuncombe続きを読む
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Kurt @in0nymous

@georgebkk @tulsathit wat pathum being evacuated now via police hq (10.21)

2010-05-20 12:20:34
ทรงกลด @pookemlive

Wat Pathum's the situation. Police defuse the villagers gradually depart ago But still a danger zone.

2010-05-20 12:38:47
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

上のtweetは機械翻訳の英文です(英文が壊れています)。【 http://togetter.com/li/22764 のための補足tweet 】

2010-05-21 04:44:58
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Sorry all for the silence. Spent night in hospital with @andrewbuncombe, who was among the wounded inside Wat Pathum last night.

2010-05-20 15:18:25
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

To those asking, I'll let @andrewbuncombe tell his own story. He's recuperating now.

2010-05-20 15:20:38
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

"It was supposed to be a safe haven" - inside the supposed sanctuary of Wat Pathum as the battle of Bangkok raged: http://tgam.ca/OHP

2010-05-20 15:22:24
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Inside Wat Pathum - The Globe and Mail's collection of my tweets from inside the temple that was supposed to be a haven: http://tgam.ca/OHe

2010-05-20 15:27:44
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Please read @andrewbuncombe 's stellar report from inside Wat Pathum last night, written after being shot: http://tinyurl.com/2a2e4cs

2010-05-20 15:30:06
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Best news this morning is that all those trapped inside Wat Pathum last night are now evacuated. We saw seven dead inside, all shot.

2010-05-20 15:31:45
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Doctors say 40 per cent of shotgun ammo removed from my leg last night.

2010-05-20 15:55:21
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

The remainder to come out in another two hour operation tmrw. Yes it hurts, but realise am very lucky compared to some.

2010-05-20 15:56:40
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

A temple for heaven's sake. What were troops doing firing into a packed temple? And why was a small number of Reds engaging with them there?

2010-05-20 15:58:23
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Scenes inside last night stretched from the heroic to the tragic. Volunteer Red Shirts medics utterly fearless. Suspect they saved many folk

2010-05-20 15:59:57
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Pleasant gvt official visited me in hosp Asked how I felt. I told him I was pretty pissed off to be shot in a temple full of civilians.

2010-05-20 16:02:17
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

God knows how many killed. Mu colleague saw seven corpses laid out in the temple. Was this the govt's reconciliation plan?

2010-05-20 16:03:32
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Thankfully am being well treated in hospital. Finally got to body wash by young women dressed as nurses. Or were they really nurses?

2010-05-20 16:04:55
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

A lot of cars coming out of Wat Pathum now and going straight into police HQ. http://twitpic.com/1pbvjv

2010-05-20 16:22:31
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

@guyadams thigh, not bum! Please! Am now getting thai nurse treatment for free

2010-05-20 16:23:51
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Have just seen my x-ray. Thankfully, fleshy butt saved me. An inch or two either way and much nastier. Thanks for all good wishes.

2010-05-20 16:40:09
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Fires - some newly set - still burning around Bangkok, more trouble reported from Red Shirt heartland in north and northeast of country.

2010-05-20 17:12:03
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Bangkok curfew (9 pm to 5 am) extended until Sunday. Shuttle buses arranged to take those with plane tickets to the airport.

2010-05-20 17:20:03
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Agree. I guessed 1,500 last night. Maybe 2,000. RT @Journotopia @tulsathit No way there were 5,000 people. Looked to me closer to 1,500

2010-05-20 17:21:48
Annelie @a_nnelie

Police said 3,650 people were evacuated from Wat Pathum temple area this morning.

2010-05-20 17:44:07
Don 🇨🇳🦠 @smartbrain

astv - cres Sansern between 5-6pm yesterday, snipers were firing on protesters leaving Wat Pathum, this was before army had retaken area.

2010-05-20 19:43:33
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

2010-05-20 19:43:33 の投稿は、テレビ報道された当局による見解を英語にしてtweetしてくれているものだと思われます。【 http://togetter.com/li/22764 のための補足tweet 】

2010-05-21 04:42:55
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