
バンコクで赤シャツ抗議デモ隊が解散した5月19日、デモ隊の拠点のすぐ近くだったパトゥムワナラーム寺Wat Pathum [Patumwanaram] で銃撃があり、少なくとも7人が死亡しました。銃撃は寺の外からだったとの目撃情報です。このお寺には多くの非武装の人たちが避難していました。(銃撃後、人々を避難させたあとで政府側は中にいたのは5000人だとか3600人だとか言っていたようですが、現場を取材したジャーナリストたちは1500人くらいだろうと言っています。) このページでは、銃撃があったときにお寺の中にいた西洋人ジャーナリスト2人(下記2名)の数日分のtweetsを中心にまとめます。 @AndrewBuncombe続きを読む
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Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Settling in for a long stay? Inside the Wat Patum temple where maybe 1,000 are now sheltering http://twitpic.com/1p3baz

2010-05-19 18:10:05
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Ambulance attendees take cover in alley outside Wat Patum, Bangkok http://twitpic.com/1p3f45

2010-05-19 18:31:08
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Thais in temple watch on TV as army approaches. http://twitpic.com/1p3jzp

2010-05-19 18:57:10
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Red Shirts gather abandoned food in anticipation of long stay in Wat Patum temple http://twitpic.com/1p3nv5

2010-05-19 19:17:08
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Smoke rises from Bangkok's burning Central World shopping mall http://twitpic.com/1p3oa9

2010-05-19 19:19:10
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Thais in temple begging me to take them out. "You can go, right? Take me!" Also "Is the UN coming?"

2010-05-19 19:37:25
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Sustained gunfire outside temple serving as sanctuary in middle of Bangkok. People moving further away from entrance.

2010-05-19 19:50:40
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

More shooting, explosions outside Wat Patum.

2010-05-19 19:56:48
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

People hide behind truck after bullet whizzes through temple compound http://twitpic.com/1p3xm9

2010-05-19 20:05:11
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Firefight outside temple escalating. Hundreds of people still sheltering inside.

2010-05-19 20:06:38
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

バンコク市内で非武装のデモ参加者の避難場所になっているお寺さんの周囲で銃撃戦。お寺の中には数百人が避難している。 http://twitter.com/markmackinnon/status/14288566862

2010-05-19 20:08:52
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Air smells of fire. Twenty buildings around city said to be in fire, including Central World.

2010-05-19 20:08:44
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

At least one person inside temple has bullet wound. No idea what happened. Gunfire escalating.

2010-05-19 20:10:29
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Fighting rages all around temple. Tear gas in the air. At least three shot, either inside or just outside sanctuary.

2010-05-19 20:27:57
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

At least five wounded around me at makeshift medical centre in park behind Wat Patum temple, one a friend and colleague.. gunfire continuesm

2010-05-19 21:44:10
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Somehow we're the only corros left in temple. People around us terified. Red Cross can't get ambulance in to injured because of gunfire.

2010-05-19 21:54:53
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Medics around me say 7 dead 10 injured inside Wat Patum temple, which was supposed to be sanctuary. I'd guess 1500 to 2000 terrified ppl

2010-05-19 22:27:22
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Please RT. People around me are dying because they can't get to hospital across the road because of fighting #bang http://twitpic.com/1p51ix

2010-05-19 22:49:11
しん @shin_th

パトゥムワナラーム寺にいる怪我人が銃撃の為に救助出来ず。寺院周辺今も銃声が止まない。怪我人10名死者6名 カナダ人記者 がツイッターで助けを求めている@markmackinnon #ThaiRedJ

2010-05-19 23:22:35
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

More people will die inside Wat Patum unless we get ceasefire to get to hospital across the road.

2010-05-19 22:51:07
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Thanks to all who Rt. we got all injured out in ambulances. Twitter may just have done this.

2010-05-20 00:08:12
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Wounded man in ambulance leaving Wat Patum. Ceasefire negotiated to let wounded leave. http://twitpic.com/1p5j5l

2010-05-20 00:15:12
ทรงกลด @pookemlive

National Army. Is moving aggressively to terrorist attacks killed people at Wat Pathum's. Asked to provide encouragement to the Thai b...

2010-05-20 12:06:00
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

上のtweetは機械翻訳の英文です(英文が壊れています)。【 http://togetter.com/li/22764 のための補足tweet 】

2010-05-21 04:44:58
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