
バンコクで赤シャツ抗議デモ隊が解散した5月19日、デモ隊の拠点のすぐ近くだったパトゥムワナラーム寺Wat Pathum [Patumwanaram] で銃撃があり、少なくとも7人が死亡しました。銃撃は寺の外からだったとの目撃情報です。このお寺には多くの非武装の人たちが避難していました。(銃撃後、人々を避難させたあとで政府側は中にいたのは5000人だとか3600人だとか言っていたようですが、現場を取材したジャーナリストたちは1500人くらいだろうと言っています。) このページでは、銃撃があったときにお寺の中にいた西洋人ジャーナリスト2人(下記2名)の数日分のtweetsを中心にまとめます。 @AndrewBuncombe続きを読む
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蒙面超人RX @tottichen

寺廟變「安全綠洲」 中國記者暫居避難: 【明報專訊】在曼谷紅衫軍示威區內,巴吞瓦那蘭寺(Wat Pathum Wanaram)可算是一處「安全綠洲」,無論是中國記者還是紅衫軍婦孺,昨都先後獲安排前往當地避難。 http://bit.ly/bSzHeI

2010-05-18 07:07:13
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Red Shirts defiant as their military leader is laid to rest. My story in today's #Independent http://bit.ly/atnS4h

2010-05-18 10:00:32
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Earlier saw some battered Thai guy being interrogated by Red Shirt guards in one of rooms behind the main stage. He looked badly hurt.

2010-05-18 23:43:49
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

When we asked for explanation we were pushed away& then warned off by another reporter. Surely we shd be asking questions of both sides?

2010-05-18 23:45:20
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Just who, precisely, are all these macho military-types in the black uniforms and silly-looking sunglasses?

2010-05-18 23:46:19
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Am genuinely surprised by the polarisation and subsequent vitriol being hurled about over the Bangkok story. Feels like Sri Lanka.

2010-05-19 00:37:12
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Suu Kyi furious at comrades' new party. my story in today's #independent. http://bit.ly/9feM1e

2010-05-19 10:44:48
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Panitan on Thai TV. We wd like to reassure citizens that operations r designed to stablise area. We will be informing you throughout the day

2010-05-19 11:59:05
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Crossing from army lines to Red Shirt lines was allright. But only because we came down Henri Dunant Road. Soldiers a bit twitchy but ok

2010-05-19 14:57:12
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Official at police hospital told me that one foreign journalist dead. I suspect it is the same person I just saw being shot on raw footage.

2010-05-19 15:00:22
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

As Red leaders surrender, hard-core elements reported to declare independence. Fighting coninues around Bangkok.

2010-05-19 16:33:51
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Thai military to impose curfew on Bangkok tonight.

2010-05-19 16:35:34
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Smoke rising from near Central World shopping mall in Bangkok. Reports that protesters tried to set it on fire.

2010-05-19 16:36:37
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Almost deserted. Rajprasong main Red stage. Now. http://twitpic.com/1p30fh

2010-05-19 17:05:04
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Rajprasong main red stage. Deserted. No sign of soldiers. http://twitpic.com/1p31li

2010-05-19 17:12:09
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

In Wat Patum Wanaram, with hundreds of civilians. All just ran deeper into temple area because of nearby gunfire.

2010-05-19 17:43:27
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Hundreds of civilians begginf for UN to protect Buddhist temple in middle of site.

2010-05-19 17:45:44
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Smoke rises from fire behind Buddhist temple sanctuary for civilians caught in Bangkok fighting http://twitpic.com/1p381g

2010-05-19 17:51:03
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Some of the hundreds of civilians now hiding in Wat Patum Buddhist temple http://twitpic.com/1p39e3

2010-05-19 17:59:04
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Thais in temple offering us water and a place to sit. "We're only kind to foreigners, not to each other," woman says.

2010-05-19 17:59:23
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Gunfire, explosions close to temple where unarmed Red Shirts have taken sanctuary.

2010-05-19 18:00:40
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Colleague say "Black Shirts" with rifles battling soldiers outside temple.

2010-05-19 18:01:26
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