Dürer & 測距儀2022d135 教科書風 e041 物体の速度測定 後半 second halfの 03 カメラへの光線

Dürer & 測距儀2022d134 教科書風 e040 物体の速度測定 後半 second halfの 02 x軸 https://togetter.com/li/2294096
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2022zionad @2022zionad

点大きさじゃ 光線は通過できませんが これは デカルト座標空間での 思考用です

2024-01-13 22:18:28
2022zionad @2022zionad

in Cartesian coordinate space, we can consider the focus position as a point size for conceptual purposes, even though in reality, rays cannot pass through a point size.

2024-01-13 22:18:39
2022zionad @2022zionad

ホンモノ ピンホールカメラだと 穴を通過した光線が 拡がり 平面スクリーンに痕跡を残します

2024-01-13 22:18:52
2022zionad @2022zionad

In a real pinhole camera, the rays passing through the hole diverge, leaving traces on a flat screen.

2024-01-13 22:19:07
2022zionad @2022zionad

エンジニアなら 焦点からの 方向違いに進む光線複数を 同時刻に スクリーンに ぶつけたい だから 球面スクリーンを用意する

2024-01-13 22:19:24
2022zionad @2022zionad

If you're an engineer, you'd want to direct multiple rays diverging from the focus in different directions simultaneously to hit the screen at the same time. That's why you would prepare a spherical screen.

2024-01-13 22:19:35
2022zionad @2022zionad

ここまで話の仕組み  展開理由が わかった数学者なら どうするでしょう

2024-01-13 22:19:45
2022zionad @2022zionad

If you are a mathematician who understands the structure and reasoning behind the discussion so far, what would you do?

2024-01-13 22:19:56
2022zionad @2022zionad

光線複数が 焦点に辿り着くまでは 光線先端の動きを 実数デカルト 3次元座標空間に描き

2024-01-13 22:20:08
2022zionad @2022zionad

Until multiple rays converge at the focal point, draw the movement of the tips of the rays in the real number Cartesian 3D coordinate space.

2024-01-13 22:20:19
2022zionad @2022zionad

焦点通過後は 複素空間にすれば 球体球面スクリーンの半径を 0長さとか 1長さに  できるんでは ないでしょうか

2024-01-13 22:20:37
2022zionad @2022zionad

After passing through the focus, if we use complex space, can't we set the radius of the spherical screen to be 0 length or 1 length?

2024-01-13 22:20:50
2022zionad @2022zionad

東京 渋谷は 今年の初雪

2024-01-13 22:21:01
2022zionad @2022zionad

Tokyo Shibuya had its first snowfall of the year this year.

2024-01-13 22:21:22

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まとめ Dürer & 測距儀2022d136 教科書風 e042 物体の速度測定 後半 second halfの 04a .. Dürer & 測距儀2022d135 教科書風 e041 物体の速度測定 後半 second halfの 03 カメラへの光線 https://togetter.com/li/2294391 360 pv 2
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