Dürer & 測距儀2022d141 教科書風 e047 初速と連続記憶

Dürer & 測距儀2022d140 教科書風 e046 ダブル スタンダード https://togetter.com/li/2297778
2022zionad @2022zionad

Initial velocity and continuous memory DeepL

2024-01-19 18:07:50
2022zionad @2022zionad

前回 d140 で 言いたかったことを さらっと まとめよう 物体の速度測定するのに 先に 周辺説明を 固めている

2024-01-19 18:07:58
2022zionad @2022zionad

In the previous conversation, I wanted to convey the following points with "d140": To measure the velocity of an object, providing preliminary context beforehand is essential.

2024-01-19 18:08:15
2022zionad @2022zionad

海原(うなばら)で停止している空母 航空母艦から  戦闘機が 初速0から 1秒間 飛行甲板で加速して 飛び立った

2024-01-19 18:08:32
2022zionad @2022zionad

Aircraft Carrier Stopped in the Open Sea: From the aircraft carrier, a fighter jet accelerated on the flight deck from an initial speed of 0 and took off within one second.

2024-01-19 18:08:43
2022zionad @2022zionad

飛行甲板から離れた瞬間の 戦闘機速度を  戦闘機の初速と設定する

2024-01-19 18:08:52
2022zionad @2022zionad

Setting the initial speed of the fighter jet at the moment it departs from the flight deck as its initial velocity.

2024-01-19 18:09:03
2022zionad @2022zionad

飛行甲板に 石ころを置いて 電磁カタパルトで加速し 石を放り投げる これを 石の初速と設定する

2024-01-19 18:09:11
2022zionad @2022zionad

Setting the initial velocity of the stone as it is accelerated by an electromagnetic catapult from the flight deck with a pebble placed on it and then thrown.

2024-01-19 18:09:19
2022zionad @2022zionad

太陽を不動として 慣性系を設定する者には 地球が公転軌道で 動いているのが 頭の中で 見える さらに地球が 自転してるのも アタマん中で 見える だから 海原で停止中の 空母も 動いて見える

2024-01-19 18:10:03
2022zionad @2022zionad

For those who establish the sun as stationary and set an inertial frame, In their minds, they can perceive the Earth moving along its orbital path, Furthermore, the Earth's rotation is also visible in their minds,

2024-01-19 18:10:12
2022zionad @2022zionad

Therefore, even an aircraft carrier stationary in the open sea may appear to be in motion.

2024-01-19 18:10:19
2022zionad @2022zionad

An image created in the mind, an image not formed through the use of the eyes. It's not an image that has been reached by light on the retina. It's an imagined image.

2024-01-19 18:10:35
2022zionad @2022zionad

頭で作った イメージ 眼を使ってないイメージ 網膜に光線が届いたわけじゃない イメージ

2024-01-19 18:10:27
2022zionad @2022zionad

太陽を窓面を通して 見る この窓面を太陽と同じ慣性系に設置 さらに 目の位置 視座も 同じ慣性系に 設置 これが 具体的 慣性系の 初期設定

2024-01-19 18:11:15
2022zionad @2022zionad

Observing the sun through a window, placing this window in the same inertial frame as the sun. Additionally, the position of the eyes and the line of sight are also set in the same inertial frame. This constitutes the specific initial configuration of the inertial frame.

2024-01-19 18:11:24
2022zionad @2022zionad

Still in the rough configuration stage.

2024-01-19 18:11:45
2022zionad @2022zionad

地球の自転に注目する 頭ん中の 「目」

2024-01-19 18:12:02
2022zionad @2022zionad

Focusing on the Earth's rotation within the "mind's eye."

2024-01-19 18:12:22
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