
バンコクから、英語でいろいろと伝えてくれているジャーナリストの方々(西洋人、タイ人)のtweetの一覧、5月21日の分です。少し全体的なtweetsの数が減ってきているので、20日までのみなさんに加え、新たにAFPのNewley Purnellさん、英タイムズのリチャード・ロイド=パリーさんをリストでフォローするようにしました。 この日はアピシット首相による「秩序回復宣言」のテレビ演説がありました。また19日のパトゥムワナラーム寺での銃撃事件(何人もが死亡、現場に居合わせた英国人記者が大腿部を撃たれた)についての調査が進められています。また、赤シャツ陣営の武装についてもいろいろとはっきり示されつつあります。(でもこのクラックダウンが始まる前に政府が言っていたようなごっつい武装があったのかどうかについては、まだ物的証拠なしの段階かも。ただし私も全部は追いきれていません。) 続きを読む
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Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

There were reports that yesterday tourists were still going to the Grand Palace as nomal. Life goes on in Bangkok.

2010-05-21 23:40:53
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Hats off to @RichardBarrow. Endless energy in covering this crisis. Very well done indeed.

2010-05-21 23:46:57
🐾 I.D.E.A.🐾 Integral Dog Evolution Approach @freakingcat

What happen to the Briton, who wanted to burn down CTW? Was he apprehend. by officials violat.law as foreign. not alloweded to demonstrate

2010-05-21 23:50:34
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

@AndrewBuncombe That is very kind of you to say, but my dedication doesn't match anything like you put into it!

2010-05-21 23:53:24
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Sometimes in a war I listen to this song. The singer was an incredible Hawaiian artist named Israel "IZ"... http://bit.ly/8ZAqPD

2010-05-21 23:54:04
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

Welcome to my new followers. Normally I will be tweating about Thai life, culture, food and travel in Thailand.

2010-05-21 23:55:09
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

Hopefully I will be back to tweating about the wonders of Thailand soon. I miss my daytrips out of Bangkok.

2010-05-21 23:58:30
🐾 I.D.E.A.🐾 Integral Dog Evolution Approach @freakingcat

“I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. I am not worthy of them,” said the Red Briton!

2010-05-21 23:58:18
Terry Fredrickson @terryfrd

RT @denisbkk: TPBS just called out sansern for having a crap backdrop / Finally, but he said it was better than it was before.

2010-05-21 23:58:42
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

@RichardBarrow You have been a tireless source of tips, solid info and common sense.

2010-05-21 23:59:21
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

Dawn-to-dusk footage from the front line of the Bangkok crackdown - Reporter in Exile http://goo.gl/iGrV

2010-05-22 00:03:32
🐾 I.D.E.A.🐾 Integral Dog Evolution Approach @freakingcat

The war is over for the time being. But in 2 months time things will start up again.The attacks will begin.” Another of Britons predictions?

2010-05-22 00:04:12
Terry Fredrickson @terryfrd

RT @fishmyman: Not the Nation back to its absolute fucking best http://bit.ly/c9PqKW / Second that. A classic

2010-05-22 00:04:42
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

RT @andybakka: Tweeting or tweating Richard? Yes good question! I am still a newbie as I only started in March 2010

2010-05-22 00:06:35
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

So many people I know went down to Pattaya for the weekend in order to escape Bangkok.Bonus for them now, no curfew!

2010-05-22 00:11:21
Thanyarat Doksone @8td

RT @can_nw: เสธ.ไก่อู มีพี่น้อง 3 คน คือ ไก่โรส ,ไก่อู และไก่งวง..เสธ.ไก่อู แต่งงานกับ "คุณหวาน" ศิขริน แก้วกำเนิด เมื่อปี 42

2010-05-22 00:21:56
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

Everything seems quiet in Bangkok tonight. I will take this opportunity to get an early night. Goodnight everyone!

2010-05-22 00:26:14
Florian Witulski @vaitor

still dont have my motorbike back... at least some great cherry pie! http://twitpic.com/1ppdb1

2010-05-22 00:28:46
Florian Witulski @vaitor

lots of people on the street by the way, much less police checkpoints than yesterday... curfew seems not very strict!

2010-05-22 00:32:59
🐾 I.D.E.A.🐾 Integral Dog Evolution Approach @freakingcat

Also the Freakingcat will have an early night...tomorrow we move back to our house and start cleaning it from black smoke dust! GOOD NIGHT!

2010-05-22 00:34:04
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

More terrific news when I learned that my splendid, long-suffering lady is on her way from Delhi to come and see me.

2010-05-22 01:19:39
Patrick Winn @pwinn5

Decided to throw in a DVD to unwind after a stressful week. "The Road" was a poor choice.

2010-05-22 01:57:53
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