【質問】 ロゴザルスキ Rogožarski SIM-XIV-H って何?

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Yugoslavian Military Aircraft: 1924 to 1999 - Jugoslavensko Ratno zrakop...

#AircraftRecognition For Air Cadets @AirrecC

Rogožarski SIM-XIV-H was a coastal reconnaissance aircraft & light bomber first flown on 8 Feb. 1938. A small number were seized by Italy when the Germans invaded Yugoslavia. These remained in use for training & communications purposes until the end of 1942. #aviation #aircraft pic.twitter.com/BSmpDrGIpY

2023-02-08 16:13:41
Postman @Postmanden1

Rogožarski SIM-XIV-H Rogožarski SIM-XIV-H was a 1930s Yugoslav coastal reconnaissance floatplane and light bomber pic.twitter.com/Ckcyliy0Re

2023-01-21 13:59:41
Postman @Postmanden1

Twin-engined, with three crew members. It was designed and built at the Rogožarski factory in Yugoslav Belgrade. pic.twitter.com/6nCNaEWWmu

2023-01-21 13:59:42
Postman @Postmanden1

19 of the SIM-XIV-H and SIM XIVB-Hs were deployed to the naval bases at Divulje (near Split) and Kumbor (Kotor). Before Yugoslavia entered the war, they were used to carry out the duties for which they were designed, pic.twitter.com/gMfPgvfNdp

2023-01-21 13:59:44
Postman @Postmanden1

with intense training activity due to the approaching threat of war. In that period, three aircraft were destroyed pic.twitter.com/PW2ErEORMF

2023-01-21 13:59:46
Postman @Postmanden1

with 16 aircraft remaining in service when the Germans invaded Yugoslavia The aircraft were used in the April war in operations against the Germans and Italians along the Adriatic coast, carrying out reconnaissance and aiding mining operations. pic.twitter.com/zrv7nxqZ8V

2023-01-21 13:59:48
Postman @Postmanden1

5 aircraft were destroyed in the fight against the attacking forces. Four aircraft attempted to escape to Greece, of which two were destroyed and two reached British bases in Egypt The two aircraft were used for reconnaissance missions over the Mediterranean Sea. pic.twitter.com/BJlc7LhhHY

2023-01-21 13:59:49
Postman @Postmanden1

Italy seized a total of eight aircraft, a SIM-XIV-H and 7 SIM-XIVB-Hs. One was immediately transferred to the Test Center at Vigna di Valle, it showed better results than found in testing in Yugoslavia pic.twitter.com/00JzEOb2zw

2023-01-21 13:59:54
Postman @Postmanden1

The others were transferred to the aeronautical school at Orbetello, for use as training and communications purposes to the end of 1942. pic.twitter.com/DyN1sPMcVT

2023-01-21 13:59:56
deWolf667 @DWolf667

@Hush_Kit Rogožarski SIM-XIIH, floatplane trainer, and SIm-XIV-H, light recon floatplane... pic.twitter.com/VIdORG4jru

2023-06-04 19:25:06