Culture Critic氏による、1世紀前の欧州各都市の動画

Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.

Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

This is what great European cities looked like a century ago... (thread) 🧵 1. London (1930s)

2024-02-11 01:22:56
Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

And Paris again, where it was the norm to dress impeccably during the 1920s. What changed?

2024-02-11 01:23:00
Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

My (free) newsletter explores the beauties of the old world every week 👇

2024-02-11 01:35:25
Exploring Nature @yesknow

Constantinople was the capital city of the Ottoman Empire, which existed from the 14th century until the early 20th century. It was a major centre of trade, culture, and politics and played a significant role in the history of the Mediterranean world. The city was known for its impressive architecture, including the iconic Hagia Sophia, which is still standing today. Despite its rich history, Constantinople was eventually renamed Istanbul and became the largest city in modern-day Turkey.

2024-02-11 01:41:21
Iconic Settings @IconicSettings

@Culture_Crit Interesting view of New York City in 1911 with cars and horse and buggies using the same road.

2024-02-11 02:09:07
𝕏 Travels, Hotels and Resorts @em3dia

@Culture_Crit This is a restored footage from 1943 of a view of the London traffic traveling over Westminster

2024-02-11 01:25:42
CultureHubOnX @CultureHubOnX

@Culture_Crit And to immerse oneself in the ambiance of 1950s Rome, the film "Roman Holiday" serves as a perfect portal. Through its visuals, it offers a captivating view of the city during that era.

2024-02-11 01:30:34
James Lucas @JamesLucasIT

@Culture_Crit A snowball fight filmed in 1896 in Paris by the Lumiere brothers.

2024-02-11 01:48:01
ThinkingWest @thinkingwest

@Culture_Crit The lack of skyscrapers really made the great cathedrals of this period stand out. One could navigate the city simply by looking for the local cathedral—a physical reminder of Christianity’s central role in shaping European society.

2024-02-11 01:29:28
Prz @Preziosi19

@Culture_Crit And this is San Francisco…

2024-02-11 01:24:38
Prz @Preziosi19

This colored video show San Francisco long time ago before it became the disaster Zombiland it is now. Video as sound.

2024-02-08 06:31:21
Clinton Smith @ClintonProfits

@Culture_Crit Paris looked really nice and coutier back then! I'm sure it has a dark side now, but the pictures still make it look nice today. Am I wrong?

2024-02-11 01:38:28
Cham | KOY Jumuiya💄👒 @missherabitcoin

@Culture_Crit Here's a glance at Manila in 1930. Credits to the Department of Tourism, Culture and Arts of Manila.

2024-02-11 02:04:35