Sweet Babyを援護する人「20万人はマーケットの0.004%に過ぎません。64%にとって多様性は大事なのです」←なおツイ消し+その他

まとめ ゲームポリコレ化専門コンサル社、Sweet Baby Inc、大炎上。第二のGamergate勃発。 なお日本では認知もされてない対岸の火事の模様。 62614 pv 2236 82 users 12
リンク store.steampowered.com Steam Curator: Sweet Baby Inc detected A tracker for games involved with Sweet Baby Inc. 112


Vee @not__vee

First of it's 200k and growing despite the cancel pigs best efforts to shut it down. One should ask the question if we're so trivial why do they bother with us so much? The answer is because they know we matter and they have used language manipulation for a while in order to persuade marketing people that their grift is important. But in reality most gamers play casual phone games. A gamer who plays casual phone games is very unlikely to buy your spiderman or suicide squad shit. Then you have to divide the % of total gamers that do play AAA even further. As a person who plays sports games or strategy games may not be interested in suicide squad. Then of course not all gamers are the same. The gaccha model is actually built around a small % of the customer base who just buys the loot boxes while the rest doesnt matter. Its the same with PC gaming this small % that is most active, willing to spend money on DLC, share word of your game (free marketing) and buy toys associated with the product. Thus someone who is actually invested enough to join that steam group is probably a more fanatic customer than other gamers simply because their activity in the comunity.

2024-03-09 19:30:48

まずこれ(Sweet Baby Inc Detectorのフォロワー数)は20万人(まだまだ成長中)で、それを潰す為にキャンセル豚共の最善の努力にもかかわらず、成長している。









引用画像、Sweet Baby Inc Detectorのフォロワー数をどうでもいいものとしようとする人。

Pointed Commentary @RoyCalbeck

@not__vee ...did he JUST argue that unless the entire gamer population shows up on a single curator page that it doesn't count?

2024-03-09 19:33:56


Wither @WitherSDL

@RoyCalbeck @not__vee Imagine how much of a best seller suicide squad, saints row, and forespoken would have been if 63% of gamers who think diversity is important had bought them.

2024-03-10 05:42:13




Shadowryuu @PmPShadowryuu

@not__vee Totally unbiased source he got for his numbers... for sure pic.twitter.com/G89V9i2Nr2

2024-03-09 19:39:50


That one belgian Vmanager omg. @belgianredacted

@not__vee if my calculations are right then their polls reached 116K people. which is less than the curator page so LESS of the total gaming "population" than the curator page So what is this guy's point?

2024-03-09 20:59:41


山の翁 🇵🇭🇯🇵 @YukitoOnline

@belgianredacted @not__vee Correction it's lower than that. 74k And the site's clients includes Blizzard & Google. I guess their survey numbers came from those companies and their affiliates within the industry, rather than actual random gamers. newzoo.com/resources/blog…

2024-03-09 21:26:09


That one belgian Vmanager omg. @belgianredacted

@YukitoOnline @not__vee and this is how every single MSM or group abuses polls the amount of times I have seen 65% OF AMERICANS WANT THIS or 71% OF BELGIANS FEEL LIKE and you look at the source and its a fucking poll of 1000 people done in a city.

2024-03-09 21:41:20




山の翁 🇵🇭🇯🇵 @YukitoOnline

@belgianredacted @not__vee It says 36 markets but with Blizzard & Google as their clients, it's easy to get a lot of people from different countries to join the survey from them. So I highly doubt the method of research being done here is legitimate, when it come to this type of topic.

2024-03-09 21:51:00
山の翁 🇵🇭🇯🇵 @YukitoOnline

@belgianredacted @not__vee Plus they research doesn't say what type of games those people played and how long they played. Compared to the Curator group that currently has 230k+ users, it's easy to tell what type of gamers the individuals are by looking at their recent game activity.

2024-03-09 21:52:56





Dave Lang @JosephJBroni

As someone who works at a studio that sometimes gets blamed for “ruining” games that we’ve worked on, I have a lot of sympathy for what Sweet Baby is going through right now. Gamers have no clue how games get made, and we are both a convenient boogieman for Angry Gamers.

2024-03-10 03:27:34

