Sweet Baby Inc の設立の資金源が闇すぎる。

ヴェカンチのメガス @E_Megas

(cc: @LunarArchivist @AndreEinherjar, along @PaulChato and @ScriptDoctorPhD because this is a mostly Canadian story.) All right, we now have a fairly thorough idea of the Weird Ghosts/Baby Ghosts/Sweet Baby connection. This is a vile, hideous story based around a pair of sociopaths who forced one of their siblings into suicide so they could "inherit" his company in order to fund their own investment business, used to fund Woke companies and consultants. One of these sociopaths was involved in the original GamerGate. Sweet Baby, one of the companies they recently funded, is a contractor for ESG/DEI in the videogame industry...And one of its employees was _also_ involved in the original GamerGate. Due to the ESG ties...The stakes have gotten many orders bigger than the incidents of ten years ago. See PDF in RT.

2024-03-12 02:30:45
ChitChatCat @khit_khat_kat

The rabbit hole is deep and I doubt I managed to reach the bottom. So why don't you go down into the depths like I did and see what you find? drive.google.com/file/d/1FmXpCa…

2024-03-08 11:14:35







ChitChatCat 🇿🇦 @khit_khat_kat

The rabbit hole is deep and I doubt I managed to reach the bottom. So why don't you go down into the depths like I did and see what you find? drive.google.com/file/d/1FmXpCa…

2024-03-08 11:14:35


Erwin The Author @AuthorErwin

Today I learned the dead boyfriend of Zoe Quinn is the sibling of the chick who helped start Baby Ghosts, thus starting Sweet Baby. The chain goes deep. pic.twitter.com/AsXxAzxUdx x.com/khit_khat_kat/…

2024-03-08 14:03:26

今日、ゾーイ・クインの死んだ彼氏が、Baby Ghostの立ち上げに協力し、結果的にSweet Baby設立させた人物の兄(弟?)であることを知った。


セリエマ🔞 @seri3ma

修正。Siblingはいとこじゃなくて性別もどっちが年上かも不明の兄弟姉妹だ。当時どっちが年上かわからんわ。 pic.twitter.com/ZRR1griKRK

2024-03-12 06:06:52
ヴェカンチのメガス @E_Megas

@khit_khat_kat Make sure you mirror that .PDF. I'm signal boosting it.

2024-03-12 02:32:59




Marsupial Gamer @Marsupial_Gamer

I'm so glad there are people with WAY more free time than me! 😅 A deep dive on Weird Ghosts, one of the firms that funds Sweet Baby Inc. A little light reading for the weekend: x.com/khit_khat_kat/…

2024-03-08 11:30:27


Sweet Baby Incに出資している会社のひとつ、Weird Ghostsについて深く掘り下げたもの。

HokutoNoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism

Pretty good PDF showing the connections between Baby Ghosts and the government ministry of art up in Canada. x.com/khit_khat_kat/…

2024-03-12 04:56:43

Baby Ghostとカナダ政府芸術省とのつながりを示す、なかなか良いPDF。


ヴェカンチのメガス @E_Megas

ADDENDUM: twitter.com/khit_khat_kat/…

2024-03-12 02:33:41
ChitChatCat @khit_khat_kat

I managed to find this by accident. It turns out that the Canadian government launched their own ESG called Social Finance Fund, in 2023 - The same year that Baby Ghosts, a subsidiary of Weird Ghosts, was founded. Their founders also happen to meet the eligibility requirements pic.twitter.com/lEyqyN4Erb

2024-03-08 01:16:26
ChitChatCat 🇿🇦 @khit_khat_kat

I managed to find this by accident. It turns out that the Canadian government launched their own ESG called Social Finance Fund, in 2023 - The same year that Baby Ghosts, a subsidiary of Weird Ghosts, was founded. Their founders also happen to meet the eligibility requirements pic.twitter.com/lEyqyN4Erb

2024-03-08 01:16:26

偶然これを見つけた。カナダ政府は2023年にソーシャル・ファイナンス・ファンドという独自のESGを立ち上げたことがわかった。Weird Ghostsの子会社であるBaby Ghostsが設立されたのと同じ年だ。

Rex @l998412318

@khit_khat_kat Keep in mind, Elleen Holowaka threw her brother (Night in the Woods Co-Creator) under the bus when he was accused of SA by one Zoe Quinn. Which resulted in his suicide. It isn't out of the question that they also got money from Night in the Woods' sales.

2024-03-09 05:23:04

Elleen Holowakaは、Zoe Quinnから性的虐待で告発された兄/弟(『Night in the Woods』共同制作者)を裏切った女だ。


『Night in the Woods』の売上から金を得ていた可能性はゼロではない。


Rex @l998412318

@khit_khat_kat Could do without the insults in the deep dive, but very informative. I don't want to buy anything related to SBI because SBI's founders drove a man to suicide and made millions in the process.

2024-03-09 05:42:56


Sweet Baby Inc関連のものは買いたくない。創業者はある人を自殺に追い込み、その過程で何百万ドルも稼いだからな。