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AEA Journals @AEAjournals

Forthcoming in the JEL: "Soviet Mathematics and Economic Theory in the Past Century: A Historical Reappraisal" by Ivan Boldyrev. aeaweb.org/articles?id=10…

2024-04-30 22:48:46
ツイッター速報〜BreakingNews @tweetsoku1

【悲報】大阪万博のミャクミャク像、ダリの作品に激似と話題に 東京五輪のロゴ問題再びか tweetsoku.news/2024/04/30/%e3…

2024-04-30 18:40:00
Forbes JAPAN @forbesjapan

2024年で最高の流星群の1つが今週ピークを迎える。5月上旬に活動するみずがめ座η(エータ)流星群は5月6日頃ピーク(極大)になり、1時間あ…… → ピークを迎える「みずがめ座η流星群」、海王星が現れる今週の夜空 forbesjapan.com/articles/detai…

2024-04-30 22:48:27
SBIリクイディティ・マーケット @SBILM

消費者信頼感指数 ・現況指数 142.9(前回 151.0) ・期待指数 66.4(前回 73.8)

2024-04-30 23:00:36
SBIリクイディティ・マーケット @SBILM

23:00発表 ・4月米国 消費者信頼感指数 97.0(予想 104.0・前回 104.7)

2024-04-30 23:00:21
ロイター @ReutersJapan

フィリピンでは暑さのため何千もの学校が休校を余儀なくされており、公式統計によると360万人以上の児童・生徒に影響を与えている。 youtu.be/verY4iHuCLo pic.twitter.com/01TT6w94l1

2024-04-30 23:00:00
🐽蝙蝠🦇〰️💣💥 @koumori_2011

ダメな理由、出来ない理由探しご苦労様です。 x.com/keiiiiiz/statu…

2024-04-30 22:12:19
空っぽの如雨露 @keiiiiiz

アラスカ州ねぇ。人口80万人で天然資源がある州ならばベーシックインカムできそうですが、年間20万円程度なのでインカムというよりポケットマネー程度ですね。 x.com/koumori_2011/s…

2024-04-30 22:09:39
本石町日記 @hongokucho

はい。 x.com/f10523/status/…

2024-04-30 22:59:28
三味線 @f10523


2024-04-30 22:48:52
産経ニュース @Sankei_news

「覆面介入」5兆円規模で実施か 日銀データから推計、円相場急変の4月29日 sankei.com/article/202404… 日銀がこの日公表した5月1日の「当座預金増減要因」の予想値と、市場推計値に大きなずれがあり、介入を実施した可能性が濃厚となった。

2024-04-30 20:37:47
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

The University of Chicago, as usual, striking the right balance. Worth reading in full. It is exactly right. President Alivisatos’ Note on the Encampment (April 29, 2024) Dear Members of the University Community, Just a few hours ago, a group of students established an encampment on the Main Quad as a form of protest. This particular tactic is now in widespread use at universities across the country. At some, encampments have been forcibly removed, with police arresting students and faculty in chaotic scenes that are disturbing. At others, encampments have persisted, despite attempts to shut them down with force. In some cases, encampments have resulted in major disruptions to learning and the activities of the university community. Free expression is the core animating value of the University of Chicago, so it is critical that we be clear about how I and my administration think about the issue of encampments, how the actions we take in response will follow directly from our principles, and specific considerations that will influence our judgments and actions. The general principle we will abide by is to provide the greatest leeway possible for free expression, even expression of viewpoints that some find deeply offensive. We only will intervene when what might have been an exercise of free expression blocks the learning or expression of others or that substantially disrupts the functioning or safety of the University. These are our principles. They are clear. Two recent examples illustrate how we bring these principles into real action. First, last quarter a student group secured university permission to cover a large fraction of the Main Quad with a massive Palestinian flag consisting of thousands of tiny colored flags. The exhibit was accompanied by signage exhorting passersby to “Honor the Martyrs,” and it was staffed by students at tables during certain hours. Those students could explain to passersby why they thought it important to feature this installation, why they thought that language was appropriate, and any other views occasioned by their installation. While this protest and accompanying message were offensive to many, there was no question that it was an exercise of free expression. It stood for weeks until the end of the approved time, at which point the student group removed it, making way for others to express their views in that space as they might see fit. This example should make it clear that we approach the issue with no discrimination against the viewpoints of those participating in this encampment. We adhere to viewpoint neutrality rigorously. As a second illustrative example, in November, a group of students and faculty undertook an occupation of Rosenwald Hall, a classroom and administration building. That was a clear disruption of the learning of others and of the normal functioning of the University. After repeated warnings, the protesters were arrested and released. They are subject now to the University’s disciplinary process, which is still pending. In short, when expression becomes disruption, we act decisively to protect the learning environment of students and the functioning of the University against genuinely disruptive protesters. There are almost an unlimited number of ways in which students or other members of the University community can protest that violate no policies of the University at all; the spectrum of ways to express a viewpoint and seek to persuade others is vast. But establishing an encampment clearly violates policies against building structures on campus without prior approval and against overnight sleeping on campus. I believe the protesters should also consider that an encampment, with all the etymological connections of the word to military origins, is a way of using force of a kind rather than reason to persuade others. For a short period of time, however, the impact of a modest encampment does not differ so much from a conventional rally or march. Given the importance of the expressive rights of our students, we may allow an encampment to remain for a short time despite the obvious violations of policy—but those violating university policy should expect to face disciplinary consequences. The impact of an encampment depends on the degree to which it disrupts study, scholarship, and free movement around campus. To be clear, we will not tolerate violence or harassment directed at individuals or groups. And, disruption becomes greater the longer the encampment persists. With a 24-hour presence, day after day, we must for example divert police resources away from public safety for our campus and our community. If necessary, we will act to preserve the essential functioning of the campus against the accumulated effects of these disruptions. I ask the students who have established this encampment to instead embrace the multitude of other tools at their disposal. Seek to persuade others of your viewpoint with methods that do not violate policies or disrupt the functioning of the University and the safety of others. Sincerely, Paul

2024-04-30 21:28:55
Scott Santens @scottsantens

Officials in Chicago say they are doubling down on funding successful programs launched by the prior administration while pulling back on programs that have been difficult to implement, so they are going to do another round of basic income payments. wbez.org/stories/chicag…

2024-04-30 22:59:07
本石町日記 @hongokucho

残念ながら。 x.com/f10523/status/…

2024-04-30 22:59:03
三味線 @f10523


2024-04-30 22:52:21
本石町日記 @hongokucho


2024-04-30 22:58:33
Macro Musings @Macro_Musings

Richard Clarida on the future of the Fed’s framework: pic.twitter.com/kliIaAF5wc

2024-04-30 22:50:00
Deelgai @deelgai

何回も書くぞ😁 島根を鳥取と言い間違え、最後まで島根が出てこなかった。 日本がどうなっても良いと思ってる証拠。 連休は嫁と息子を連れて海外で豪遊。 他の議員も似たりよったり。 #岸田やめろ #自民党全員落選運動 x.com/c1dxz/status/1…

2024-04-30 16:59:47
平川秋華 @c1dxz

「今すぐ辞めろ」と思う人はRPお願いします。 衆院選3補選、自民党全敗を受けて 岸田首相「結果を重く受け止めて、結果を出すことによって責任を果たしていく」 責任は取りません #政権交代の恐れ現実 #首相の解散権行使 pic.twitter.com/vXRrOTx5W5

2024-04-30 11:05:11
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