
jg @jacquesgreene

one of the most depressing ads I’ve ever seen x.com/tim_cook/statu…

2024-05-08 11:39:51
Tim Cook @tim_cook

Meet the new iPad Pro: the thinnest product we’ve ever created, the most advanced display we’ve ever produced, with the incredible power of the M4 chip. Just imagine all the things it’ll be used to create. pic.twitter.com/6PeGXNoKgG

2024-05-08 00:17:26
Mat Dryhurst @matdryhurst

Think of it as a gift for the Adam Curtis doc about the death of the culture industry x.com/tim_cook/statu…

2024-05-08 09:56:17
Amanda Held Opelt @AmandaHeldOpelt

It’s like apple wants to remind us of all the exquisite, dimensional, tactile, bonafide beauty we gave up when we went digital. 😭😭😭 x.com/tim_cook/statu…

2024-05-08 09:10:39
Fabrizio Rinaldi @linuz90

This seems tasteless to me. Nobody cares about thinness, and they show the destruction of beautiful creative tools to advertise it? How did they end up with this concept? x.com/tim_cook/statu…

2024-05-08 05:03:38