
Cinemassacre @cinemassacre

This summer will mark the 20th anniversary of my NES reviews of Simon’s Quest and Jekyll & Hyde, when I created the character which became AVGN. I’ll be celebrating the occasion a little early, reflecting on retro Castlevania games again. Coming very soon.

2024-05-08 21:01:33


Cinemassacre @cinemassacre

The new AVGN episode goes back to the very roots. Let me know which retro Castlevania game is your favorite. pic.twitter.com/vWW31PqFbh

2024-05-09 03:22:01


⚡Game*Spark⚡ @gamespark

有名ゲームYouTuber「AVGN」が動画投稿20周年!映画化やゲーム化もしたクソゲーレビューシリーズ、最初の動画は何か知ってる? gamespark.jp/article/2024/0… pic.twitter.com/iAO6nyikif

2024-05-09 10:55:03
HunterPony @HunterPony1

youtube.com/watch?v=dZbUuS… What started off as a few joke videos by a college student in his dorm room turned into one of the most revolutionary shows on the internet that's STILL going strong 20 years later. Thank you James! :')

2024-05-09 08:07:04

ただの大学生が寮の部屋で作った数本のジョーク動画が、インターネット上で最もクールな動画の 1 つとなって、20 年経った今でも人気だなんてな。
ありがとう、ジェームズ! :')

🌙✨Chaotic H🔞rnier✨🌙 @AslinnAfterDark

20 yrs he's been doing this, that's most of my life. AVGN also inspired an interest for me in retro gaming, as well as learning history of the game industry. Hell, he might even be why I now find myself studying game dev. Godspeed you fucking Nerd. youtube.com/watch?v=dZbUuS…

2024-05-09 12:56:29



🏳️‍⚧️ Resident Chuuni 🏳️‍🌈 @residentchuuni

A ton of things have made me feel old lately, but somehow the fact that James Rolfe has been doing AVGN for 20 years has hit me the hardest. I'll never forget watching AVGN in a public library so many years ago. youtu.be/dZbUuSmFgMo?si…

2024-05-09 13:13:26

公立図書館で AVGN を見たことは、絶対に忘れられない思い出だ。

Timmer @Timmerjoe

The Angry Video Game Nerd show is twenty years old. The granddaddy of us all. It started it all. Would us reviewers have been here now without him ? I'm gonna stare at a wall for a while now. youtube.com/watch?v=dZbUuS…

2024-05-09 06:02:47


リンク store.steampowered.com Steam:Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures "The most rewarding game of 2013!" Influenced by retro classics Mega Man and Castlevania, Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures features the AVGN and friends as they blast their way through 10 levels of fun, fast paced 2D action based on the AVGN's a 68
Samuel Villa @SamuelV57825195

youtube.com/watch?v=dZbUuS… Here's to 20 years of AVGN! I can't believe we're now in a world where we can look back at this series in the same way James looks back at the games he played. So cheers to you James. You've done a lot of good for the online world.

2024-05-09 03:44:56

AVGN20 周年か、おめでとう。

リンク My Nintendo Store(マイニンテンドーストア) Nintendo World Championships ファミコン世界大会 ダウンロード版 任天堂の公式オンラインストア。「Nintendo World Championships ファミコン世界大会 ダウンロード版」の販売ページ。マイニンテンドーストアではNintendo Switch(スイッチ)やゲームソフト、ストア限定、オリジナルの商品を販売しています。
Exmachinagamma @Exmachinagamma

What Is the Best Castlevania? - 20th Anniversary of Angry Video Game Ner... youtu.be/dZbUuSmFgMo?si… via @YouTube i watched the nerd when he did the Batman games. What was your vid?

2024-05-09 14:16:39
