
単純な絶賛コメントだけではなく、 「50年以上ぶりに電車が復讐を果たした」、「肺魚形態のゴジラの動きはまるで津波のようだ」等々、 非常に的確な受け取られ方をしているようです。 どうやら「外国人には理解できない」というのは杞憂なのではないかと。 ※2016/10/20 追記あり


kea @royasuka

shin godzilla was SO FUCKIN GOOD

2016-10-15 13:44:02
ゴジラ115 @Kaiju115

Just got back from seeing Shin Gojira for the 2nd time, it's still Fucking Awesome!!!

2016-10-13 12:11:04
Moony @Moon_Clinic

HOOOOLLLY SHIT. Shin Godzilla aka Godzilla Resurgence is fucking LIT

2016-10-15 10:20:22
Corin M Howell @Rin237

Holy shit Shin Godzilla was fantastic

2016-10-14 10:35:54
Tom! @FirebirdGT

Shin Godzilla was super cool. Go see it if you have a theater that is playing it

2016-10-15 11:12:34
little italian himbo @MayorMcLovin

Shin Godzilla was weird. Political thriller meets kaiju action. Super fucking awesome. Didnt like Godzilla's design too much.

2016-10-19 10:43:17
@chums.bsky.social @ChumsKnifeblade

This shit was fucking great, go see Shin Godzilla pic.twitter.com/yHdF4bMoSw

2016-10-16 04:55:48
victoria grace elliott @fridayafternoon


2016-10-14 12:10:36
. @xeroXtolerance

Shin Godzilla was absolutely perfect.

2016-10-14 14:17:42
Phil Nolan @nilpholan

Shin Godzilla was absolutely incredible.

2016-10-14 11:50:17
sydney ✨👽✨ @WildPalmCity

oh god shin godzilla is so goddamn good. if the apocalypse started while i was in the theater that's fine i don't even want to know

2016-10-14 12:48:47
humandrew91 @humandrew91

Really really really really really really really enjoyed this movie :D Shin'zilla wrecked, in spectacular fashion! twitter.com/GMANonScified/…

2016-10-12 12:42:16


Rob @Robaato_Art

Just got back from Shin Godzilla. I have never been terrified of Godzilla before, until I’ve seen this movie. O______O

2016-10-14 12:21:33
HDKirin @HDKirin

Shin Godzilla is easily one of the best Godzilla films ever. What a magnificent movie. So much love & care put in and it definitely shows.

2016-10-16 05:16:03
Dan Veesenmeyer @dveese

Ok. SHIN GODZILLA was one of the best films I’ve seen this year. It is incredible. It’s a work of art & NOT what one expects in a Kaiju film

2016-10-16 05:58:22
Trench Grossadmiral Alex K✡️🇺🇸 @AlexsaurusZilla

As of this year, #ShinGodzilla is the best film I've seen all year I've been anticipating that has not pissed me off or disappointed me.

2016-10-14 12:40:08
jingle mindset (jangle mindset) @Spiffl

SHIN GODZILLA IS INCREDIBLE. Maybe the best film ive seen in 2016. Super smart satire, heart-stopping tragedy, and striking images

2016-10-13 13:02:55
Kris Reddick @kredwithak

This was the single best movie going experience. Truly a cinematic masterpiece. #ShinGodzilla @Thebigbadben90 @GMANonScified @GodzillaMovies pic.twitter.com/xZyyyuDGZE

2016-10-12 12:19:18
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