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Matt @Boredyugi

The atomic breath/beam scene in Godzilla was so fucking good. Easily my favourite scene in the film.

2016-10-14 17:25:29
God Hurricane “JOG” @snubpollard

The atomic beam part in Shin Godzilla was cool and all, but the *big* crowd pop at my screening was near the end with the SNAKING TRAINS.

2016-10-13 10:41:29
Brandon Davis @xvaalbarax

When Godzilla used his breath the first time, legit goosebumps.

2016-10-14 15:05:41
Link0306💪🎀💪 @Link0306_

btw the main atomic breath scene was my favorite part of the godzilla movie

2016-10-14 10:44:24
Tony Ingobernable 🇵🇸 @la_sombruh

Shin Godzilla was a-fucking-mazing. Oh my god dude. I'm reeling from shock. That atomic breath scene 😩😩😩

2016-10-19 10:35:54

無 人 在 来 線 爆 弾

Link0306💪🎀💪 @Link0306_

@Aesdaishar besides that I think my favorite thing was the fucking trains crashing into godzilla, that was just fucking anno having fun

2016-10-15 10:21:00
Phil Knall ☔ @philknall

@GailSimone It was so good! Brilliant political satire with a little bit of Godzilla. Oh and trains. can't forget the trains.

2016-10-17 15:21:59
Scott Francis @mechazoidal

Shin Godzilla: this is definitely a Hideaki Anno joint. I'm glad the trains finally got their revenge after 50 years.

2016-10-17 06:27:16


ベンジャミン・チャフィンズ @Thebigbadben90

For Godzilla to represent the 3 real life tragedies that occurred in Japan is special. The Tsunami, the Fukushima disaster, and earthquake.

2016-10-14 12:03:17
Raygan Kelly @raygank

Also, you can REALLY tell this is the first Godzilla movie since the tsunami/nuclear disaster. There are echoes of it all over the movie.

2016-10-14 14:53:12
Kevin Senzaki @KevinSenzaki

@CFlickster At its core I favor OG Godzilla - Japan doing a blunt metaphor on nuclear catastrophe. Shin Gojira updates it for post-Fukushima

2016-10-20 00:38:07
Reverend Zachary Whitten, Most Elder Millennial @ZacharyWhitten

@imatangelo @jakewyattriot The lung-fish form of Godzilla acts just like the waters of the tsunami…

2016-10-20 02:08:27


Asher Wolf @Asher_Wolf

'Shin Godzilla' is a fabulous movie about a public service bureaucratic nightmare

2016-10-15 15:30:48
Chris Airgood @chrisairbud

Shin Godzilla was fantastic. A perfect mix between gross creature horror, stone-cold bureaucracy, and political commentary.

2016-10-16 06:15:37
airco @airco_ki

shin godzilla was the coolest two hours of politicians doing their jobs ever

2016-10-16 03:00:56
Andrew Kasch @andrewkasch

Shin Godzilla is the first kaiju movie where I was totally enraptured by the political-science-military talk. The satire is sharp as hell.

2016-10-15 03:01:15


htrngch @htrngch

SHIN GODZILLA: Anno honours the 1954 classic by reviving the allegorical monster in a post-Fukushima Japan. Stern and intensely political.

2016-10-15 07:41:47
Chris Brennaman @chrisbrennaman

Shin Godzilla was dope. Loved that it returned to its fear-of-nuclear-war roots and threw in a fair amount of political satire.

2016-10-19 22:29:37
Robin Tess has a linktree @ Anderjak @anderjak

@AdriOfTheDead @PiousKnob it's def not really a remake; it just takes what inspired godzilla and re-examined the political underpinnings

2016-10-19 13:56:16
Codster @Codstermania

@GMANonScified Mind-blowing. Depicted Godzilla perfectly. Unpredictable, ever-changing, constantly evolving, destructive. A glorious film.

2016-10-13 02:12:38