

形篇の内容量が大きくなりすぎて表示に不具合が出たため,陸戦関係のうち,時系列関係を抽出.  なお,客観性確保のため,重複や罵詈雑言の類を除いてbot的に収集していますので,真偽不明情報を含みます.
Neoki @wakeupneoki

屁で空中ウクライナ ピエール瀧著 pic.twitter.com/FTrGg0hbMZ

2019-04-22 09:23:34
味噌グラム @misogram

ドネツ川で河童に襲われるロシア軍を描いてみた pic.twitter.com/uzjuT3SoTX

2022-05-21 17:02:41




J.WH @JPNHistoria

2022年、令和4年2月25日 キーウの戦い ロシア軍は工作員等により、キーウ占領や政府無力化、ゼレンスキー大統領の暗殺を企図した。25日夜、首都中心街でロシア軍妨害工作員の襲撃を受けるもウクライナ軍により撃退。26日にはロシア軍主要部隊が直接攻撃するも、激戦の末撃退に成功した。 pic.twitter.com/4Z2MLiR9c9

2024-02-25 08:10:00
MASA(航空宇宙・軍事) @masa_0083

トミ・アホネン氏によるキエフ攻防戦の分析スレッド。 ロシア軍が4時間でキエフを占領するプランに失敗し、3日でキエフを包囲するプランBに変更し、それにも失敗していく過程が書かれている。 プランBが成功していたらキエフは瓦礫の山になるところだった。 twitter.com/tomiahonen/sta…

2022-04-05 08:58:14
Tomi T Ahonen Stands With Ukraine @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 1/ The Battle of Kyiv was decisive battle in Ukraine War that Russia launced invading on Feb 24, 2022. Russian assault on Kyiv was catastrophic military failure, overwhelming victory for Ukraine Battle ended 31 March with total retreat This is summary pic.twitter.com/yIgdleGHpr

2022-04-03 00:22:25
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg


Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 1/ The Battle of Kyiv was decisive battle in Ukraine War that Russia launced invading on Feb 24, 2022. Russian assault on Kyiv was catastrophic military failure, overwhelming victory for Ukraine Battle ended 31 March with total retreat This is summary pic.twitter.com/yIgdleGHpr

2022-04-03 00:22:25
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 2/ Because of Social Media, we have a unique ability to reconstruct history in near-real time, to know EXACTLY what happened and WHEN. And sort out the lies, propaganda and 'fog of war'. Not WHILE it happens, but very shortly thereafter This is my attempt pic.twitter.com/t8UJ3DXVTw

2022-04-03 00:22:29
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 3/ During the battle we cannot know WHICH of the social media postings is accurate, even to the best honest efforts of those posting (because it could have been misunderstanding or a deliberate military diversion, intended to get attention). But after.. pic.twitter.com/YtlUVNidTU

2022-04-03 00:22:33
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 4/ But after a battle, we can see what had actually happened, who won, who lost. Where the battle was fought. And we can tell quite well, which parts of the original postings were ACCURATE - and then collect the best TRUE history of what happened pic.twitter.com/HGsN9u9VHs

2022-04-03 00:22:37
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 5/ This is SIGNIFICANTLY better than reading or viewing the BEST news sources that were CONTEMPORARY because those were always subject to the same current analysis errors. Not knowing the big picture and the full story. Now we know Let me tell you a story pic.twitter.com/e1WvHlFk67

2022-04-03 00:22:41
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 6/ We know NOW that yes, Putin had a 4 hours plan to win the war in Ukraine And his 'Plan B' was a 3 days plan to defeat Kyiv if the 4 hours plan somehow failed He deployed both of these plans with MASSIVE military force, against Kyiv. We now know how pic.twitter.com/hix13FkKct

2022-04-03 00:22:46
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 7/ FOUR HOUR PLAN Yes. There was a plan to defeat Ukraine in 'four hours'. It could have worked. Russia (=Soviet Union) used this in Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia (1968) and Afghanistan (1979). Seize the capital, take the TV/radio, & declare on TV you won pic.twitter.com/mxUH2Ohly4

2022-04-03 00:22:50
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 8/ Putin plan to defeat Ukraine in 4 hours involved an air assault force of 1,000 men taking Antonov Airport at Hostomel, then IL 76 transport planes would land 7,000 men and their armored vehicles, to take the Presidential Palace (& TV stations) in Kyiv pic.twitter.com/HwN1ZQ70XZ

2022-04-03 00:22:54
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 9/ This bold plan to defeat Ukraine in 4 hours might have worked. Russia had done that before when toppling a government. About 30 Mil 17 transport helicopters and their escort helicopters attacked at dawn of Feb 24 & assaulted Antonov Airport pic.twitter.com/x6d1lWMl6A

2022-04-03 00:22:57
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 10/ BATTLE OF ANTONOV AIRPORT The first battle of the Ukraine War and first battle in the Battle for Kyiv was the Battle of Antonov Airport, 24-25 Feb 2022. Initial assault force arrived at dawn in about 30 Mil 17 helicopters & their attack helicopters pic.twitter.com/Oe0WDDBTOE

2022-04-03 00:23:01
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 11/ The assault force had airborne troops from either 11th or 35th Guards Air Assault Brigade. Some of their helicopters were shot down. The remaining force of about 1,000 elite paratroop units faced Ukraine's 3rd Special Purpose Regiment waiting to defend pic.twitter.com/UN9wtH8FZN

2022-04-03 00:23:05
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 12/ While this battle for the airport was under way, the main air assault force (7,000 more men & their armored vehicles) arrived over the airport in giant IL 76 transport cargo jets. They attempted to land. Ukraine shot down two IL 76. Landing was aborted pic.twitter.com/FVRVthE0ef

2022-04-03 00:23:08
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 13/ The IL 76 jets were diverted to nearest Russian-controlled airfield which was on the Belarus side of the border, town of Gomel (Homel) Meanwhile Ukraine's Kyiv defense sent 4th Rapid Reaction Brigade to reinforce the defenders who retook the airport pic.twitter.com/xvNIDhNYpR

2022-04-03 00:23:11
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 14/ Antonov Airport, briefly in Russian hands in the morning of Feb 24, was now back in Ukrainian control by afternoon of Feb 24. They knew a large land invasion army was coming South from Belarus, and proceeded to destroy the runways of this airport pic.twitter.com/oE9LFuQnzS

2022-04-03 00:23:15
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 15/ The Russian paratroops attacked Antonov Airport in a massive helicopter assault of 200 helicopters and about 5,000 men, taking the airport again, on Feb 25. But Ukraine defenders prevented their breakout encircling the airport. pic.twitter.com/f5nYYPSJeZ

2022-04-03 00:23:18
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 16/ The main army attacking Kyiv came overland with tanks and armor, the 35th Combined Arms Army. It fought itself to and through the perimeter of the Antonov airport & afternoon Feb 25 airport was in Russian hands. But now unusable so was pyrrhic victory pic.twitter.com/yu9aRO9S1A

2022-04-03 00:23:22
Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon @tomiahonen

Battle of Kyiv Thread 17/ If you remember early hysteria that Kyiv might fall, or President Zelensky might be captured or killed, & Western allies begged Zelensky to flee Kyiv. This was all realistic & the threat was real. Russians TRIED an air assault on Kyiv Ukraine prevailed pic.twitter.com/8h7b8WIw1a

2022-04-03 00:23:26
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