『オペラ座の怪人25周年記念公演』 Ramin & Sierra 来日ツイート!

『オペラ座の怪人25周年記念公演』のBlu-Ray&DVD発売のプロモーションのため来日したRamin Karimloo(ラミン・カリムルー) & Sierra Boggess(シエラ・ボーゲス)の日本でのつぶやきが可愛いとファンのあいだで評判でしたので、まとめました。 誰でも編集できますので、Ramin&Sierraの写真を撮られた方や書き加えたいことのあるかた、ご自由に編集してください。
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Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo jet lag much? So glad youre on the same clock as me

2012-01-17 08:12:47
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@sierra_boggess yeah .... You out here too? Sweet. Let's hook up.

2012-01-17 08:27:30
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo lets do interviews together today. Whaddaya say?

2012-01-17 09:55:53
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

I tell ya... "I Can Only Imagine" is like song-coffee!!!

2012-01-17 09:57:59


Tam Mutu @tammutu

Just walking round Tokyo....this place is amazing! The people are so nice and friendly here. And the city is beautiful. Love it already x

2012-01-17 12:08:43
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Interviewing with @sierra_boggess is the best. Such fun. Great questions we are getting too. Ok, break's done. Off to wowwow to sing.

2012-01-17 15:39:46
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Waiting to go live on air. The supporters outside are amazing. Can not believe there's that many in this weather. Amazing. Thank you guys.

2012-01-17 18:57:35
Miki A @Miki__a

ラミン、シエラを生放送中のwowowの外から撮った写真。小さいけどこっちみてくれてる。 http://t.co/79EMCFSh

2012-01-21 23:57:07
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Long day but wonderful. Hope for some good sleep before loads of interviews tomorrow for poto25 and album. Excited to meet Japanese ....

2012-01-18 00:01:52
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Phantom on Thursday. Honour indeed. Good times. Missing the barricades as well so back to work on Sat.

2012-01-18 00:02:58


Tam Mutu @tammutu

Beautiful day here in Tokyo! Only downer is I have a cold.....again! Booooo!

2012-01-18 13:34:10


Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Just finished a long day of great interviews. Finish with the cover shoot for Safari magazine. Great group and it's a great mag. Tomorrow's

2012-01-18 19:04:27
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