『オペラ座の怪人25周年記念公演』 Ramin & Sierra 来日ツイート!

『オペラ座の怪人25周年記念公演』のBlu-Ray&DVD発売のプロモーションのため来日したRamin Karimloo(ラミン・カリムルー) & Sierra Boggess(シエラ・ボーゲス)の日本でのつぶやきが可愛いとファンのあいだで評判でしたので、まとめました。 誰でも編集できますので、Ramin&Sierraの写真を撮られた方や書き加えたいことのあるかた、ご自由に編集してください。
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Hadley Fraser @hadleyfraser

Think #poto25 comes out in the US today. Guess now would be a good time to apologise for my guyliner. They told me it'd be a powerful look.

2012-02-07 20:05:30


Wynne Evans @wynneevans

@hadleyfraser you're lying you made me put it on you after the make-up lady had left.....

2012-02-07 20:12:10
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Great day North Americans get DVD release today for #poto25 exciting. Love feeling the experience live on. @sierra_boggess @hadleyfraser

2012-02-07 20:42:21
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

Yes yes we are so proud of the POTO25 DVD! @raminkarimloo @hadleyfraser are my dream team! Hooray America u can see it now!!

2012-02-07 21:51:26


ピアンジ! …舞台裏でのストレッチ…

Wynne Evans @wynneevans

@raminkarimloo @sierra_boggess @hadleyfraser ....ahem..... You know I was the real star....off the stage that is !

2012-02-07 22:02:16
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@wynneevans @raminkarimloo @hadleyfraser It was your offstage stretching with ballerinas that was the true star.

2012-02-07 22:05:11
Wynne Evans @wynneevans

@Layla_Harrison @sierra_boggess @raminkarimloo @hadleyfraser I never looked at the ballerinas bums..... Honestly .. Well when hadley made me

2012-02-07 22:24:09

警備隊のSimon 「ごめんね、3番目のSecure!が主役を食ってて…」

Simon Bailey @SimonBailey1210

@raminkarimloo @sierra_boggess @hadleyfraser sorry guys, but I think you have all been mildly upstaged by the third 'Secure' in Firemen ;-)

2012-02-07 21:57:10
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@SimonBailey1210 @sierra_boggess @hadleyfraser he's not wrong you know guys. But he was absolutely breathtaking on those stairs too.

2012-02-07 22:00:45
Simon Bailey @SimonBailey1210

@sierra_boggess @raminkarimloo @hadleyfraser thank god I've been recognised for my dance work. Finally. *small tear of joy*

2012-02-07 22:05:43

・朝日新聞夕刊 1月26日付け
・週刊朝日 2月21日発売
・Safari 2月24日発売
・読売新聞夕刊 2月24日付け
・AERA English 2月25日発売
・シアターガイド 3月2日発売



Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo BY FAR our best work. Where r the outtakes? That's what would REALLY sell!! Seriously... the outtakes... where r they

2012-03-21 23:24:56
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@sierra_boggess yeah. Maybe we should keep those hidden. Call this week?

2012-03-21 23:55:14



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