有名芸能人の訃報を伝える英語tweets - RIP Dennis Hopper

癌のため、死期が近いと報じられて何ヶ月になるでしょうか、デニス・ホッパーが亡くなったと2010年5月30日早朝に報じられました。合掌。俳優としても映画作家としても、写真家としても、現代美術のコレクターとしても、巨人でした。 2ヶ月前の3月末にハリウッドのWalk of Fameに名前が入って、除幕式(?)の際にホッパー本人がスピーチをしていました。身体がすっかり小さくなっていたのがショッキングでした(下記、LAタイムズがアップした映像を参照)。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Fkj4vLIqo 続きを読む
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PTY @pitty_pt

How can anyone forget Dennis Hopper's performance as King Koopa in Super Mario Bros

2010-05-30 03:49:46

Dennis Hopper is dead... I'll always remember him as King Bowser Koopa. :(

2010-05-30 03:49:47


2010-05-30 03:49:49
Elizabeth🦒 @oceana_roll

RIP Dennis Hopper. Please go watch Easy Rider today. He wrote, directed and starred in it. It's so perfect. He was brilliant.

2010-05-30 03:50:04
JDGarrett @JDGarre44

mourns the loss of my favorite unlikely conservative ... Dennis Hopper. Viya Con Dios, Compadre.

2010-05-30 03:49:06
Follow Sarah Palin @FollowPalin

US actor and counterculture icon Dennis Hopper dies aged 74 - France24 http://goo.gl/fb/VhjEl #palin #teaparty

2010-05-30 03:50:30

RT @Bauer_CTU: More Dennis Hopper 24 trivia: He starred with Kiefer Sutherland 10 years before 24 in Flashback, and was a neighbor of Elisha Cuthbert.

2010-05-30 03:49:25
madison1999 @madison1999

RT @ebertchicago: Dennis Hopper was born in Dodge City, and man, did he ever get out of Dodge.

2010-05-30 03:49:30
The Sklar Brothers @SklarBrothers

RIP acting legend Dennis Hopper. I will always remember the voice work he did on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

2010-05-30 03:42:21
Arby Brian @Arby_Brian

Dennis Hopper "[1997]: Like all artists I want to cheat death a little and contribute something to the next generation" that you did sir RIP

2010-05-30 03:49:35
Pegg News @simonpegg

Just heard we lost Dennis Hopper at 74. Great actor, sad loss. "Sometimes he goes too far. He's the first one to admit it. " Apocalypse Now

2010-05-30 03:06:17

Dennis Hopper died?!? You know how often I say the phrase, "Pop Quiz, Hotshot?"

2010-05-30 03:50:04
kourtney. @kourtneyrose

"I ate so much pussy in those days, my beard looked like a glazed donut." RIP Dennis Hopper.

2010-05-30 03:49:43

RT @ThatChrisGore: If Dennis Hopper catches God with a beer, I hope he says, "Heineken, fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!" This Easy Rider will be missed.

2010-05-30 03:49:35
LJP II @SafeBoating

Bless you, Dennis Hopper. I hope you're huffing laughing gas and having violent sex with the angels now.

2010-05-30 03:49:30

"Boys, we're gonna run the picket fence at 'em. Now, don't get caught watchin' the paint dry." - RIP Dennis Hopper "shooter"

2010-05-30 03:49:47
Brad. @AGHBrad

[about his 8 days marriage with Michelle Phillips] The first seven were pretty good. - Dennis Hopper

2010-05-30 03:42:28
Alejandra Quiroz @thepurpleblug

RT @enewsbrk: RIP Dennis Hopper. "I've reinvented myself so many times," he once said http://bit.ly/c2eTQ0

2010-05-30 03:49:39
Claire @Claire_B303S

It's not where your dreams take you - but where you take your dreams "Dennis Hopper".. Rest in Peace x

2010-05-30 03:42:38
arod in sanfrancisco @arodsf

Exquisite memory of a great one! RT @AlterNet Dennis Hopper recites some beatnik poetry at the Shady Rest Hotel: http://youtu.be/CwaP37i385o

2010-05-30 03:50:07
Val @TheValCast

Cool tribute to screen legend Dennis Hopper courtesy of @WatchMojo http://bit.ly/a3SFVP

2010-05-30 03:42:23
HuffPost @HuffPost

Video slideshow: Great moments from Dennis Hopper's career (scroll down)... RIP http://huff.to/cs2tpi

2010-05-30 03:36:59
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