Code4Lib 2012 #c4l12 #c4ljp

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RuckIt till you make it @aaronisbrewing

In retreat to "redirect" Library IT... Relevant end to a week that started with #c4l12

2012-02-11 06:25:33
drynuary drones @anarchivist

home again, home again, jiggity jig. about to collapse. great to see old @code4lib pals and new ones! #c4l12

2012-02-11 06:25:46
Declan Fleming @declan

Had a wonderful time seeing all my libarry buddies at #c4l12 and I'm glad to be back on the ground in San Diego.

2012-02-11 06:54:22
Heather Pitts @HLPitts

Who was it from #c4l12 Q&A who asked about library maps? Today's #onw12 showcases two: U of Oregon & Southern Oregon U

2012-02-11 07:06:45
Luis Baquera @the_luisb

RT @mbklein: Apropos of @lisapisa77's #c4l12 presentation, a free, interactive, online design course for programmers:

2012-02-11 07:47:06
Dan Chudnov @dchud

yes, indeed, it is now fairiecon. *sigh* /me deletes saved #c4l12 search...

2012-02-11 07:59:19
Cynthia @TheRealArty

Awesome blog stats spike Records now: 1 day 590 (prev 105), 1 week 1076 (prev 474); 3 conf days = 925 of which @dchud keynote = 29% #c4l12

2012-02-11 08:06:31
Lisa Kurt @lisamadethis

@TheRealArty yeah! Here are the slides for Design for Developers- feel free to download: #c4l12

2012-02-11 09:08:32
Heather Pitts @HLPitts

RT @lisapisa77: @TheRealArty yeah! Here are the slides for Design for Developers- feel free to download: #c4l12

2012-02-11 09:16:33
岡本真 原則 #saveMLAK & @LRGjp PRのみに使用 @arg

#c4ljp ボーイングのものつくりに衝撃を受け、 #nextl Enju開発への思いを新たにする @nabeta

2012-02-11 09:44:41
Lisa Kurt @lisamadethis

RT @mbklein: Apropos of @lisapisa77's #c4l12 presentation, a free, interactive, online design course for programmers:

2012-02-11 10:40:39
atzberger @atzberger

If you are still in Seattle, my friend has a Vaudeville Burlesque show at "Gallery 1412" tonight, 8pm. Out by Elysian Brewing. #c4l12

2012-02-11 11:21:05
Yoji Kiyota (清田陽司) @kiyota_yoji

テーブル3席空いてます。これ見たらお越しください #c4ljp

2012-02-11 12:55:49
岡本真 原則 #saveMLAK & @LRGjp PRのみに使用 @arg

#c4ljp バン、抑えました!10時にロビー集合必着でお願いします。

2012-02-11 14:37:28
Takanori Hayashi @tzhaya

#c4l12 #c4ljp makes new roll'n roll band! Stay tuned! RT @arg: #c4ljp Code4Lib JAPANバンドが結成されたらしい。

2012-02-11 15:05:23
visnu @visnu_kalki

RT @tzhaya: #c4l12 #c4ljp makes new roll'n roll band! Stay tuned! RT @arg: #c4ljp Code4Lib JAPANバンドが結成されたらしい。

2012-02-11 15:08:17
Cynthia @TheRealArty

finally done editing my #c4l12 blog posts... summary still to come though

2012-02-11 16:27:33
Yuka Egusa @yegusa

@atzberger We are happy to talk to with you today. #c4ljp #c4l12

2012-02-11 18:24:45
岡本真 原則 #saveMLAK & @LRGjp PRのみに使用 @arg

Some of #c4ljp members meet #c4l12 guys. We'd talked about so many things.

2012-02-11 18:29:28
前へ 1 ・・ 82 83 85 次へ