Code4Lib 2012 #c4l12 #c4ljp

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Openly Black El Cromulente @kayiwa

I can now scientifically prove my love for @declan #c4l12 Good thing the missus isn't on the twitters.

2012-02-11 19:54:42
Takanori Hayashi @tzhaya

【シアトル発】Code4Lib JAPANのライブチケット。この日の公演は全米のsystems librarianを大いに湧かせ、まさに #c4ljp の存在を見せつけた記念すべき日と後世に位置づけられよう。

2012-02-11 20:48:03
Bianca Crowley @FabLadyB

@cajunjoel @DigiKeri_SIL Missed seeing you guys last week. I'll be in M-W next week. Can't wait to hear about your adventures at #c4l12

2012-02-12 01:14:51
Yuka Egusa @yegusa

あと1時間30後ぐらいでホテルをたちます。あっという間のシアトル滞在でした。いろんな意味でとても有意義な一週間でした。今までのカンファレンス参加もよかったけど、今回もめちゃくちゃよかったです。また来年もぜひ来たい! #c4ljp

2012-02-12 01:26:24
RuckIt till you make it @aaronisbrewing

RT @TheRealArty: finally done editing my #c4l12 blog posts... summary still to come though

2012-02-12 02:04:35
Takanori Hayashi @tzhaya

Many fearies dancining in the Renaissance Seattle now, magical metadata fearies back to own library. #c4l12

2012-02-12 02:06:55
Yuka Egusa @yegusa

チェクアウト完了し、1Fのスタバでまったり中 #c4ljp

2012-02-12 02:13:24
Hillel Arnold @helrond

The #c4l12 lightning talk I failed to give (on #ows recordkeeping):

2012-02-12 02:42:56
drynuary drones @anarchivist

RT @helrond: The #c4l12 lightning talk I failed to give (on #ows recordkeeping):

2012-02-12 02:44:02
drynuary drones @anarchivist

@chrpr On a related note (and this is certainly not to pressure ya) but what are the plans on making #c4l12 videos available?

2012-02-12 02:46:59

And now, some grateful reflection on the #c4l12 experience.

2012-02-12 02:55:27
Takanori Hayashi @tzhaya

今日の常川さん:チェックインなう。 #c4ljp

2012-02-12 03:41:25
Corey Harper @chrpr

@infoal Cool. So separate #wiad channels. That makes sense. Suddenly find streaming interesting after #c4l12

2012-02-12 04:06:51
Corey Harper @chrpr

@helrond Let me know if you want me to record your talk and sneak it into the #c4l12 video archive...

2012-02-12 04:11:49
Cynthia @TheRealArty

Any other lightning talks that didn't happen for whatever reason? Send me a link, I'll add it to my last lightning talks post #c4l12

2012-02-12 04:35:53
drynuary drones @anarchivist

RT @tzhaya: #c4l12 #c4ljp makes new roll'n roll band! Stay tuned! RT @arg: #c4ljp Code4Lib JAPANバンドが結成されたらしい。

2012-02-12 04:44:48
Corey Harper @chrpr

Man that sounds like a lit of work. And awesome. RT @helrond: The #c4l12 lightning balk (on #ows recordkeeping):

2012-02-12 04:59:52
岡本真 原則 #saveMLAK & @LRGjp PRのみに使用 @arg

#c4ljp 帰国します。シアトルでお世話になったみなさま、ありがとうございました。

2012-02-12 05:51:39
Mao Tsunekawa @kunimiya

ではそろそろシアトルを発ちます #c4ljp

2012-02-12 05:59:52
wasami @wasami0722

快適な空の旅を!みなさま、お疲れ様でした。RT @arg: #c4ljp 帰国します。シアトルでお世話になったみなさま、ありがとうございました。

2012-02-12 06:43:02
Heather Pitts @HLPitts

RT @tzhaya: Many fearies dancining in the Renaissance Seattle now, magical metadata fearies back to own library. #c4l12

2012-02-12 09:28:12
David Drexler @david_drexler

Put 1100+ miles on the car this week, #c4l12 and #onw12 were well worth it. #fb

2012-02-12 11:09:29
ふじたま(本&図書館用) @_massae

無事に帰ってきましたー荷物待ちなう。 #c4ljp

2012-02-12 16:18:10
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