
フィリピン留学1週目 Feb.6-12 @ OK English ACADEMY,Bacolod city,Negros,Philippines 自分がフィリピン留学中につぶやいたことを1週間ごとにまとめています。主に自分自身の記録用。本当に雑多なので参考になるかはかなり怪しいです。 2週目はこちら→http://togetter.com/li/268009 3週目はこちら→http://togetter.com/li/268014
りんだ @shabelinda31


2012-02-05 17:19:39
りんだ @shabelinda31


2012-02-06 13:00:39
deepthroat @gloomynews


2012-02-06 13:01:03
deepthroat @gloomynews

フィリピンのネグロス島ドゥマゲテでマグニチュード6.8の地震。今のところ被害情報なしとロイター報道。 http://t.co/S1MZHghp

2012-02-06 13:35:27
りんだ @shabelinda31

チューターさん、みんな帰っちゃった。。笑 そりゃ震源地だからしゃーない(´-ω-)

2012-02-06 15:41:22
りんだ @shabelinda31

Because of the earthquake , i can't take a first test in Bacolod.i hope there are not earthquakes in Philippine any more.I can't study:(

2012-02-06 23:13:12
りんだ @shabelinda31

and i feel various things about Philippine life...

2012-02-06 23:22:17
りんだ @shabelinda31

i'm wating my entrance test score now....Today classes is occured normality:)

2012-02-07 14:12:24
りんだ @shabelinda31


2012-02-08 00:13:46
りんだ @shabelinda31


2012-02-08 05:06:36
りんだ @shabelinda31


2012-02-08 15:44:00
りんだ @shabelinda31

The more I attend these classes,the more I know myself.Because teachers ask me to introduce myself every class.

2012-02-11 14:44:55
りんだ @shabelinda31

I told various kinds of myself(name,my family,major,future dreams,my own goals,favorite and so on.

2012-02-11 14:50:02
りんだ @shabelinda31

I study English 12 hours everyday between Monday to Friday. So I can spent time useful.And it's more enjoyable than studying Engineering:p

2012-02-11 14:55:43