
まとめました このタグの呼びかけはジャパンタイムズさんのようです https://twitter.com/#!/japantimesedu/status/178056252604153857 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/ #311memory で収集 RTのみ除外
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Naoki...It's over. @naokiss

My #311memory:It was Friday. It was just 52 weeks ago today. So scary time 4 me. I've never had such a huge quake.

2012-03-09 20:31:28
The Japan Rants @TheJapanRants

Being on the 11th floor of my old apartment and honestly thinking that it was the end #311memory. Then finding out Tokyo was hit gently....

2012-03-09 20:33:30
Naoki...It's over. @naokiss

I was stranded at my office at midnight. I couldn't go back home. stayed up all nite. #311memory

2012-03-09 20:37:15
Jay Dee @jaydeejapan

@japantimes #311memory I'll always remember how everyone felt the weeks after 311. Our lives were changed forever.

2012-03-09 23:59:27
Jason Villemez @JasonVillemez

Spent the whole day in tears on Facebook and Twitter trying to reach out to former students to make sure they were all right. #311memory

2012-03-10 00:27:07
Takao Nahide @5hutbuill

#311memory 去年の3月は人に会うと、生きててくれてありがとう!って、よく思ったな、、、。世界がこんな気持ちになるような事態になりません様に、、、。

2012-03-10 00:37:00
NAKAGAWA Shohei @Zimmyisfakestar

we are going to pray for the victims of the horrific earthquake that struck northeastern Japan http://t.co/kGz0Svmo #311memory

2012-03-10 07:19:19
P.C., Esq.™ @piouscant

2.46pm. Exploding reactors. Nuclear radiation. Information vacuum. Partners fleeing. Haneda. Iodine. Whisky. Saddest hanami ever. #311memory

2012-03-10 10:34:53
wlls @willturnhen

Wah g terasa ya. Kyknya br kmrn deh kejadiannya RT @radyum: bsk adlh tepat setahun gempa dan tsunami jepang 2011 #311memory

2012-03-10 12:46:18
aryo wicaksono @aryo_21

@radyum nyimak tl lo sampe mikir dubes kita hebat jg, cepet tanggap, true leadership. Masih jabat sampe skrg tuh no? #311memory

2012-03-10 13:12:51
Ardya Dipta Nandaviri @ardyadipta

Subhanallah sekali dubes kita d jepang :) RT @radyum: 11.hr itu sy menyaksikan seorang leader sejati brnama muhammad luthfi #311memory

2012-03-10 13:23:40
Japan Times: Life @japantimes_life

Tweet your #311memory to be featured in a special online commemoration this weekend. http://t.co/HDaRv4z6

2012-03-10 14:45:05
The Japan Times @japantimes

Tweet your #311memory to be featured in a special online commemoration this weekend. http://t.co/XBxJesX9

2012-03-10 14:45:05
Yordying (ยอดยิ่ง) @yordyings

Tweet your #311memory to be featured in a special online commemoration this weekend. http://t.co/1oWrQi96 via @japantimes

2012-03-10 14:49:23
fireflysays @fireflysays

#311memory Worrying about my son in Tokyo as I watch the wave of destruction online. I didn't sleep for days, until I heard from him- safe.

2012-03-10 14:55:52
fireflysays @fireflysays

#311memory Feeling guilt for being so relieved my son was unharmed, while so many in Japan lost their loved ones and their lives.

2012-03-10 15:00:09
Anthony Fensom 🇺🇦🇦🇺🇯🇵 @a_d_fensom

#311memory Getting call from boss. Watching it unfold on Twitter. Checking on family, friends. Promoting recovery & organising fund-raisers.

2012-03-10 15:03:57
Jean-Marc Sepio @Herekleis

Tweet your #311memory to be featured in a special online commemoration this weekend. http://t.co/pmDOyFl9 (via @japantimes)

2012-03-10 15:13:00
Juan Ramón Lucas 🐴 @JuanraLucas

En días como hoy: la carga de sobrevivir en Fukushima RTVE.es A la Carta http://t.co/CByzlZiB via @rtve #311memory

2012-03-10 15:29:02
Carmen Suanes @carmensuanes

#311memory En memoria de las víctimas del tsunami y el desastre nuclear de Japón

2012-03-10 15:31:09
MC @curdey

#311memory Seeing "Telecom Center" trending on twitter & instantly knowing something was wrong - then watching live footage of tsunami :(

2012-03-10 15:32:02
peterthebellhop @peterthebellhop

#311memory Brutal event. I was saddened 2 see this tragedy befall these great people. They responded with a valiant display of flexibility.

2012-03-10 15:32:12
MC @curdey

#311memory As I was watching the live footage I started crying and had to turn off the tv..couldn't believe my eyes..

2012-03-10 15:32:59
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