#sagecon 3rd Sage Commons Congress

#sagecon の検索結果。http://sagecongress.org/WP/2012agenda/ についてのツイート。 4/22 23:30 更新中。 プレゼンテーション資料のPDFが上記サイトで公開されています。
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Genome Medicine @GenomeMedicine

Free #genomics webcast Frid 20th, speakers inc George Church and David Haussler #SageCon http://t.co/9CGJ57cq

2012-04-19 20:22:16
Anna Webb @Anna_Webb

Free #genomics webcast Frid 20th, speakers inc George Church and David Haussler #SageCon http://t.co/0gB7GK3r

2012-04-19 20:22:17
Lilly Trials @LillyTrials

At ORD on the way to #sagecon in San Fran. Looking forward to http://t.co/H37ElG0k interaction w/others in the #openscience community ^jm

2012-04-20 00:05:31
ISB @isbsci

Arab Spring for biology? Choose open access. [blog post] http://t.co/uVy1KlvD #SageCon

2012-04-20 02:18:25
Sage Bionetworks @Sagebio

@Jamie_Heywood PatientsLikeMe “I don’t know how to solve this problem but we might” #Sagecon Webcast 12:00 PDT Ap21 http://t.co/MpknODhb

2012-04-20 03:59:34
Solve ME/CFS Initiative @PlzSolveCFS

Our hi-fi sci-di @CPR4CFS will be among the disruptives attending #SageCon. You can too thru live webcast: http://t.co/j8BUhtUB Starts 4/20.

2012-04-20 04:39:08
Sage Bionetworks @Sagebio

Dare to Share: Vicki Seyfert-Margolis FDA, Larry Lessig Harvard #SageCon webcast Fri Ap 20 http://t.co/MpknODhb #openscience #OA

2012-04-20 05:05:00
Matthew Todd @MatToddChem

Can tell people are arriving for #sagecon as their macbooks start appearing in my wireless range

2012-04-20 08:01:19
Brian M Bot @BrianMBot

#SageCon participants. Come join us for an informal kickoff in the eclipse lobby bar. Sage Uncorked!

2012-04-20 08:35:11
Lilly Trials @LillyTrials

Here to learn & think re:translation to clinical dev #SageCon: The synthesis of open source w/ genetics - O'Reilly http://t.co/vjLaEN85 ^jm

2012-04-20 10:26:33
Kelly Edwards @engagedethics

#sagecon remember this: RT: @mrgunn: Peter Aldhous responding to a question about where the story is - the data is just the start. #SOBA

2012-04-20 12:25:41
Kelly Edwards @engagedethics

#sagecon remember this RT @mrgunn: Peter Aldhous responding to a question about where the story is - the data is just the start. #SOBA

2012-04-20 12:26:41
Lance Stewart @LJStewartTweet

Thank you @HugoOC for a nice conversation @Sagebio #sagecon congress in SF. Medical device makers should, allow patients to get their data.

2012-04-20 13:42:36
Dan Housman @danhousman

Hanging out at #sagecon tomorrow. Hope to see the progress year to year on what we were looking at as the problems last year.

2012-04-20 16:59:11
Iain Hrynaszkiewicz @iainh_z

Looking forward to lots of #opendata activity from 3rd #sagecon today, & E Schadt's talk on http://t.co/pnFYnJQO @Sagebio @BioMedCentral

2012-04-20 17:46:56
Suzanne D. Vernon @CPR4CFS

@kokowoof in San Fran #sagecon being disruptive by being open

2012-04-20 22:19:46
Figshare @figshare

Looking forward to #sagecon tweets today. For those attending look out for @kaythaney - For those not, livestream here: http://t.co/Pg7InWDZ

2012-04-20 22:36:57
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