38年目の真実~Bloody Sunday事件真相究明委員会報告書 1) 事前リーク&公表直前まで

参照用資料。ニュースリンク集。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Sunday_%281972%29
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Eugene Vasileff @eavasi

#RT Paper inquiry story 'speculation': The Northern Ireland Office says a report in the Guardian giving details of the Saville Trib... #UK

2010-06-11 08:09:36
Cathal Young @dublinlawyers

Saville Inquiry report to conclude that Bloody Sunday killings were unlawful; opens way for prosecution of soldiers http://bit.ly/9XqBJS

2010-06-11 08:54:15
Eugene Vasileff @eavasi

#RT Bloody Sunday claim 'speculation': The Northern Ireland Office says a report in the Guardian giving details of the Saville Trib... #UK

2010-06-11 09:13:10

So the Saville report's publication could lead to the prosecution of Paras present at Bloody Sunday?Ridiculous. http://bit.ly/9pLW0m

2010-06-11 15:26:05
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

If David Cameron finds out someone in his camp leaks Saville feet will not hit ground such is the extraordinary sensitivity around report.

2010-06-11 16:49:29
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Solicitors for soldiers and families get Saville report 7 hours ahead of Cameron statement. Repective families get it 5hrs early. Media 1hr

2010-06-11 16:53:16
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Needless to say, security in NW big preoccupation on back of Saville report publication next Tuesday.

2010-06-11 16:55:26
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Told but cannot prove not one word of Saville report changed following check by Gov officials and gov lawyers. Tested for compromise of NS.

2010-06-11 16:59:56
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

The media will be given a 60 page summary of a 5000 page report produced by The Saville team. We will have one hour to scrutinise document.

2010-06-11 17:27:54
deirdra nelson @deirdranelson

Malice in the wonderland of local journalism. @henrymcdonald- Guardian-says 'scoop' on Saville report is worthy.But a profession is debased.

2010-06-11 17:18:02
Bev Craig @bevcraig

Saville inquiry report into Bloody Sunday. A 12 yr investigation finds The killings were 'unlawful' does that surpise anyone? Thought not.

2010-06-11 17:50:54
Harry Cullen @harrycullen

Prediction, Saville enquiry report will please no-one,so as an exercise ,politically or otherwise, was it worth £200million??

2010-06-11 19:15:27
Island retiree ; at your service. @RossHaffenden

After 12 years #Saville Inquiry report comes out at the start of #WC. A day to bury bad news indeed.

2010-06-11 20:20:50
freshcontentengine @contentengine

Lord Saville's Bloody Sunday report is a failure of the judicial process http://bit.ly/bo167h

2010-06-12 00:30:54

McGuinness slams Saville 'leaks'- A report that the Bloody Sunday inquiry will say some killings were unlawful is '... http://bit.ly/clD2Z7

2010-06-12 01:12:26
Marcus Edwards @c4marcus

Busy day preparing for publication of Saville Report next wk into Bloody Sunday. It's released mid/late afternoon - shd be a challenge

2010-06-12 03:45:21
Sod this site @lingmops

Bloody hell... Saville report is due to be published on Tuesday

2010-06-12 03:55:20
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Looking forward to linking up with C4 colleagues, Dinnen, Thompson and Snow for coverage of Saville Report on Tuesday. Tweeting every move.

2010-06-12 04:20:01

The families of those killed on Bloody Sunday are angry at newspaper 'leaks' ahead of the Saville Inquiry report,... http://bit.ly/bW9Krx

2010-06-12 04:28:28
Penelope @pccareman

Check this video out -- William Frazer on the Saville report http://youtu.be/54PsSucSosI

2010-06-12 06:51:06

Friday Play, Bloody Sunday: Scenes from the Saville Inquiry, Episode 1 http://bbc.co.uk/mobile/iplayer/episode/b008vbc0 BBC Radio 4

2010-06-12 07:12:27
Let @les_enfants

[SU] UTV | Bloody Sunday &the Saville Report - Collection of videos, analysis and archives about the 1972 event an... http://bit.ly/bkvnLA

2010-06-12 08:25:47
sandy richardson @gargening_101

Bloody Sunday inquiry chairman Lord Saville works in £60000 garden shed: Lord Saville's long-awaited report on Blo... http://bit.ly/9fAZTQ

2010-06-12 08:28:45
Henry McDonald @henry_mcdonald

Families of Bloody Sunday: 38 years on, desire for justice still burns http://bit.ly/9IJ7AW

2010-06-12 08:32:31
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