CHI2012 Presentation and demo about "electric taste interaction"

CHI2012での電気味覚についての発表とデモンストレーションについてです. お陰様で連日100名以上の参加者に体験していただきました. また,PCworldさんとGIZMODOさんはじめ幾つかのサイトで紹介いただき,会議に参加していない人にへの広報もできました・・・! 続きを読む
前へ 1 2 ・・ 12 次へ
宮下芳明 Homei Miyashita (Professor, Meiji University) @HomeiMiyashita

Dr.Hiroshi Ishii experienced electric taste! This is a "Tongue-gible" Interface!! #chi2012

2012-05-08 10:11:53
加藤公一(はむかず) @hamukazu

RT @jessykate: woah, suuuper cool presentation about synthesizing taste using electric stimulation #chi2012

2012-05-08 11:54:48
加藤公一(はむかず) @hamukazu

RT @ThrillEngineer: Electric Taste - electrocute your tongue and watch movies to enhance eating experience! #chi2012

2012-05-08 11:54:50

RT @asmij: Just tried out the electric taste interactivity booth. Pretty cool! #CHI2012

2012-05-08 13:05:41

RT @ehekler: want your food to taste saltier without the salt? Use electric taste! Discussed at #chi2012 possible uses for food tracking as well.

2012-05-08 13:05:59
WiegerTheFarmer @WiegerTheFarmer

RT @ehekler: want your food to taste saltier without the salt? Use electric taste! Discussed at #chi2012 possible uses for food tracking as well.

2012-05-08 13:56:26
🕷 Dr. Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy (Vino) @What2DoNext

RT @ThrillEngineer: Electric Taste - electrocute your tongue and watch movies to enhance eating experience! #chi2012

2012-05-08 14:29:05
Hiromi Nakamura @apapababy

RT @asmij: Just tried out the electric taste interactivity booth. Pretty cool! #CHI2012

2012-05-08 19:46:03
Hiromi Nakamura @apapababy

RT @ehekler: want your food to taste saltier without the salt? Use electric taste! Discussed at #chi2012 possible uses for food tracking as well.

2012-05-08 19:46:09
Hiromi Nakamura @apapababy

RT @jessykate: woah, suuuper cool presentation about synthesizing taste using electric stimulation #chi2012

2012-05-08 19:46:16
WiegerTheFarmer @WiegerTheFarmer

Tried in person. Very cool effect! RT @apapababy RT @blockflorian: Nice illustration of electric taste #CHI2012

2012-05-08 21:20:38
Michael Stewart @thegreatmichael

Tried Meiji University's taste changer. Ate a cheesecube from a fork with current, tasted increasingly metallic #chi2012 #playtelephone

2012-05-09 02:17:13
acmchisv @acmchisv

RT @thegreatmichael: Tried Meiji University's taste changer. Ate a cheesecube from a fork with current, tasted increasingly metallic #chi2012 #playtelephone

2012-05-09 02:17:44
Usmaan Pervaiz @usmaan002

Electric lemonade zaps taste buds: A research project at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Austin exp...

2012-05-09 05:27:56
Motion Designs @Motion_Designs

Electric lemonade zaps taste buds: A research project at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Austin exp...

2012-05-09 05:27:56
Usmaan Pervaiz @usmaan002

Electric lemonade zaps taste buds: A research project at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Austin exp...

2012-05-09 05:35:22
Deploy @Deploy_Online

Electric lemonade zaps taste buds: A research project at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Austin... #IT

2012-05-09 05:41:28
Katie Rojas @katierojas

► Electric Lemonade Zaps Taste Buds: A research project at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Austin e...

2012-05-09 05:47:25
リンク Gizmodo Electric Food Tricks Your Taste Buds In an experiment conducted at the Computer Human Interaction conference, in Austin, Texas, a group of researches added electricity to different foods and beverages, to see how the added charge might manipulate the food's flavor.
Say.No.To.Censorship @follower1

► Electric Lemonade Zaps Taste Buds: A research project at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Austin e...

2012-05-09 05:47:26
前へ 1 2 ・・ 12 次へ