News Hack Day SF #newshack

News Hack Day SFのツイートまとめ
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kiran @kiranb

Heading home from the #newshack social.

2012-06-23 14:34:39
Djordje Padejski @djordjepadejski

@MomokoPrice @elthenerd @knightfdn we should definitely start collaborating on foia I'm @ #newshack this weekend, but let's talk next week

2012-06-24 00:59:48
Eric Johnson - now on Substack @HeyHeyESJ

My latest article for @allthingsd: at #newshack, ScraperWiki tries to turn journalists into hackers

2012-06-24 01:25:12
Paul Osman @paulosman

People are getting caffeinated and fed at News Hack Day SF. Pumped to get started! #newshack

2012-06-24 02:08:16
Tyler Dukes @mtdukes

The #newshack organizers gathered some really great data journalism/civic hacking resources here:

2012-06-24 02:09:20
Dan Turner isn't here much any more @ddt

Amazing collection of frighteningly talented and passionate people at #newshack

2012-06-24 02:20:33
Bhavna Devani @bhavna_says

day two at #newshack learning about how bad the industry is. 14,000 jobs lost, 19% increase in journalism students -_-

2012-06-24 02:22:16
Angela Woodall @AngelaWoodall

Oh yeah, it's Day 2 of #Newshack. 48 hours of news tools and story hacks to redefine how a story is told

2012-06-24 02:24:09
adam b @5vforest

I hate to say it, but "great code" realistically shouldn't be a top goal at a hackathon. Maybe good code, for refactoring later. #newshack

2012-06-24 02:24:43
Tyler Dukes @mtdukes

Hey #newshack, you had me at "What journalism can learn from the craft beer industry."

2012-06-24 02:24:45
Tim McCormick @tmccormick

2 worlds I'm trying to connect are doing hackathons today a few blocks apart: #newshack & #oahack

2012-06-24 02:30:42
Alia Chughtai @AliaChughtai

#newshack it's awesome that the guys are there.. i'm star struck.. from Google Hangouts.. :-)

2012-06-24 02:32:12
Angela Woodall @AngelaWoodall

"If you have never failed you haven't tried hard enough" quote from Silicon Valley VC that applies to #Newshack. Go for it.

2012-06-24 02:32:33
Angela Woodall @AngelaWoodall

@MotherJones is offering Smart Fearless Journalism award to #Newshack project this weekend

2012-06-24 02:33:28
Bhavna Devani @bhavna_says

super excited for the @soundcloud presentation at #newshack thinking about how to leverage their API @paulosman

2012-06-24 02:35:50
David Haddad @daveying99

What was the first sponsor on the slidesafter @MotherJones ? Missed it. #newshack

2012-06-24 02:36:34
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