iPhone5の液晶パネル、早くも199.99ドルで販売開始 【現在完売】

‘iPhone 5′ 1136×640 LCD screen, digitizer set can be yours for $199 Read more at http://9to5mac.com/2012/08/20/iphone-5-1136x640-lcd-screen-digitizer-set-can-be-yours-for-199/#ppC0AcySIkuEzTcs.99


リンク 9to5Mac ‘iPhone 5′ 1136×640 LCD screen, digitizer set can be yours for $199 I think it is safe to say we are seeing an unprecedented number of upcoming iPhone parts from the supply chain this time around and one of the few remaining parts yet pictured not only started show...
DeviceNewsfeed @Devicenewsfeed

‘iPhone 5′ 1136×640 LCD screen, digitizer set can be yours for $199 http://t.co/yU3MtGhZ

2012-08-20 23:20:45
Junya Yamaguchi @junya100

iPhone5のディスプレイサイズ。よし、想定内だ。 RT ‘iPhone 5′ 1136×640 LCD screen, digitizer set can be yours for $199 http://t.co/jyjDAudz

2012-08-20 22:18:09
3C 部落客-林小旭|科技新訊、產品開箱、手機拍照 @ifans_blog

【外電】越來越多照片之後,許多 iPhone 4s 的朋友都很開心地等待隔代升級.....: http://t.co/PZGTVZW7

2012-08-21 00:40:11
遠山桜(TOYAMA SAKURA) @seijia2001

やっぱ縦長が有力な感じ “@9to5mac: ‘iPhone 5′ 1136×640 LCD screen, digitizer set can be yours for $199 http://t.co/x62qOI12

2012-08-20 22:03:12
Mickey @mamichaelme

なんだって?正式発表されてもいないのにipohne5のパネルが発売。'iPhone 5' 1136x640 LCD screen, digitizer set can be yours for $199 http://t.co/SSDyiWlg

2012-08-20 22:44:44