マンチェスター・ユナイテッド対フルハム戦に対する反応を香川中心にまとめました。 【香川ゴール!】

マンチェスター・ユナイテッド対フルハム戦に対する反応を香川中心にまとめました。 日本語訳→http://nofootynolife.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-13.html
Joe Florez @jflorez

Man of the match? SAF for bringing #RVP and Kagawa to #MUFC. Not sure we'd have this result without them. #GGMU

2012-08-26 01:01:34
عرفان @Fanmiro14

Eden Hazard has assisted 5 times already!who says kagawa is the best signing?Hazard is way better!!

2012-08-26 01:20:47
Sten @stenbizzle

In all seriousness, Hazard Kagawa debates will quickly become as pointless and as tedious as Messi Ronaldo debates.

2012-08-26 01:20:53

@united_religion there are several #motm players. Rafael,Kagawa,Cleverley or de Gea as well.

2012-08-26 01:22:45
Myada - Godfather @elias_McBlack

He is what has been missing in our mid-field "@missweezy_ify: We all L♥ve hm"@J3NNY_MUFC: I actually love Kagawa, this guy is awesome!""

2012-08-26 01:22:49
KG @girindrakelvin

United more need Kagawa than Roo right now. Samurai boy can made the game.

2012-08-26 01:23:00
Altered Carbon @WolePhoenix

Still don't get why Kagawa was subbed. Welbeck offered nothing and asides his injury, Rooney did nothing.

2012-08-26 01:23:00